Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Why do Americans hate public transportation?

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Because it's for poor people

When you see the same shit/slider post posted for the 4th time, you realize it's a shill.

Freedom m8. Freedom of not having to wait in the.cold for a bus only to have to sit next to some smelly nigger that thinks he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ

Stay poor canacuck

Because niggers rob you and homeless people shit in there.

If I had to guess: Houston?


If regular folk used it I would too but I'm not sitting in a box full of monkeys for my commute.


Because I'd rather drive in the comfort of my own car rather than share a bus or subway train with smelly poor people.

>typical highway
>posts the 405, one of the worst roads in the country

Jesus fucking christ there is even a huge line for people waiting to drive onto it

Here in DC
our public transportation is great
nice facilities, nice busses
generally on time
the only problem is DC is 98% black
and blacks dont own anything, so they live on the busses/metros
anyone who isnt a moron lives outside the city and is more than happy to commute for 40mins than to live in a nigger infested city, with public transportation.
>TL;DR niggers

Los Angeles

because its full of niggers


Niggers and homeless people

Laugh now Germanon, but in a few years you will be the same as us with all the niggers Merkel has imported.

Americans have always owned cars and we love living far the fuck away from each other and I always felt like I was about to get robbed everytime I took a bus

Los Angeles sounds like hell for a car owner.

Holy fuck, where is that at? Here in Colorado we got an influx of inplants due to Dude weed lmaos moving in droves and increased the traffic to hellish proportions, but nothing like that holy shit

full of niggers ?

full of blacks

Why do Canadians make this same exact thread every day?

Because they hate each other


Public transportation isn't profitable for capitalists, that's why

As someone that rides public transportation, the answer is niggers. Also it takes a fucking hour to get places that are a 10 minute car ride. The only reason I put up with it is because I live in a shithole city with on street parking and I got sick of getting bullshit parking tickets while cops turn a blind eye to niglets vandalizing my car. The second I move out of this dump of a city I'm buying another car.


traffic jam like these are usually caused by niggers slamming their ghetto box into guard rail

In the video they were trying to get to the public transportation.

I wonder.

Why do you post this shit thread every fucking day?

all said, the answer is niggers acting like niggers on the bus, and also crazy homeless people who may poop or pee on the bus. Also there's trannies on the bus. Do you really want to be stuck in a bus with nigger trannies that are homeless and crazy? Do you really want that throwing its shit at you? Then there's the gang members with their gang tattoos and the ex cons. I invite all you European and Canadian faggots to come ride our glorious buses and trains next time you visit, I can guarantee you probably remember and regret the experience.
t. rides bus to college



Everyone has a car. Only poor people and niggers don't have a car. Do you wanna ride the bus with people like that?

On top of that the bus takes long because it has so many stops. On top of that you can't change routes if something crosses your mind. Why are non americans so dumb?


It's a combination of historic racism and contingent technology, mediated via land-use regulation. The US experienced a post-war building boom just when automobile technology was bringing cars within reach of the masses. The suburbs exploded, and local governments used land-use regulations like zoning, height restrictions, parking minimums, setback requirements etc. to lock-out poor black people from neighborhoods. This low-density, auto-centric development model destroyed mass transit's financial ability to support robust service. over time, cultural norms against transit entrenched it as a low-tier form of movement.

It's the same thing here which is why I drive everywhere besides down town fuck parking in that place.

Multiculturalism lowers community trust.

I'm terrified of going on public transport thanks to cultural enrichment.

Watch this video. It explains everything.

This is the true Canadian mentality. The only place you should take public transit is in the downtown core, where parking prices and low availability make it impossible to park anywhere. It's a lot less of a headache to take the subway, streetcar, bus from the outskirts of the core to get downtown for a sports game or to party. You have the option of getting fucking hammered and not having to worry about driving on top of it. Everywhere outside the downtown core, you're better off driving.
Yes, you will run into crazies, crackheads and drugged out savage niggers on public in the downtown core but fuck, you're only doing it one night.

tl;dr: North America is large, vast and spacious, unlike Europe. It is built for cars, not public transit. Get a car and stop being a faggot.

tfw my past three boyfriends in the last two years all live in new jersey and we dont have a direct connection to fucking bergen county

reeeeeeeeeee i just want a (white) bf that lives closer to the city. fuck minorities for making white people move out decades ago.

but besides that there should have been a direct train connection from long island to bergen nj that doesnt cost fucking $20 to there and back.

ive been to Portland and they have a light rail system that takes about the same time span to commute to nj to visit my bf but ONLY $2.50 each ride(total $5) instead of $20 total.