Flip Flappers

Are we supposed to think guy is a total tool?

It's like they try and make him look like the silent badass character but whenever he gets the chance to do something he messes it up somehow. He couldn't even ride a fucking motorcycle.

i can ride his "motorcycle"

salt is my dad shut the fuck up about him

He's having a midlife crisis is all

What was even his plan? Just to collect fragments to make sure his crazy dad doesn't get them first?

>I sent Papikana out in the world to find my daughter, and she did it, the absolute madwoman

Go out and drive a car with a summer tires in fresh powder snow and see how well you do. Now try it on a motorbike.

He managed to get someone pregnant. Didn't seem like he was expecting it at all though, so maybe he screwed up wearing a condom.

Sayuri was holding him back. When Bu-chan starts carrying her you can hear the motorcycle starting again.


Punished Salt is a tool, yes.

The real Salt is not.




Will they ever be this gay again?

he is riding his bike on fucking ice cream snow

When we get the bittersweet Kingdom Hearts ending.

Is Salt going to de-age in the next episode?

>mutual confession
>both of them finally on equal terms
>just blew a giant robot into space with one punch

You think after that they'd hug and kiss? Fuck no, a fistbump is exactly what they'd do, because that's awesome. Save the hugs for later.

Probably. He said something about "nobody wanted you to come back *this way*" So apparently, there were other ways to bring her back other than the way she did.

The show would've been better if Salt had remained a completely useless piece of shit the entire show.

Like he could've had the backstory part and everything, but in the present he should just let everybody else be doing shit. I mean, he's not exactly contributing meaningfully either way, but it'd be more expedient and help clean up an already pretty cluttered climax.

Now God help us this was also not the best time to decide Flip Flappers should be the Yayaka show.

I don't get it. The new henshins gave them tits, but no cleavage. Dostedt?

no, but he is going to use the same machine that made his dad go insane.

Man... the recent criticism the show's getting doesn't really even seem to make that much sense.

animator for Mob helped animate this episode to help the team reach the deadline. He made a statement via twitter claiming how happy he was to contribute to this show, but how he is also sorry since he is "not good at drawing cute girls" so if the girls don't look quite right this episode "it is my fault".

So it's pretty much confirmed that Salt is Cocona's father.

So now that they are crashing this with no survivors what would be the least painful way to go?

Would you prefer a generic happy ending so that even though the show failed to live up to it's potential at least the characters you have come to love and care about are happy?
Or would you want something bittersweet or downright sad so that something is salvaged from the plot?
Or just go balls to the walls and have something crazy since there's nothing to lose anyway?

Unless Mimi got raped by Salt's dad or Papika grew a futa dick then yeah


They don't have enough of tits for them to mash together into cleavage. I fucking love small tits

Something insane

The sound effect that went along with that was nostalgic as hell. What was it from?

an ending that can make the series be viewed as a masterpiece despite its flaws.

To be fair, a fist bump is pretty damned gay for girls.

Literally Zant.

it sounds like a cross between digimon sfx for going to the digiworld and the madoka witch barrier noise.

>Yaoifags wedding ring and implied kissu
>Hetfags get to see yurifags BTFO
>Yurifags get a brofist
I didn't think sweaty ping ponging lesbians would save yuri.

Just Eva my shit up. A happy or even bittersweet ending would feel unsatisfying at this point.

This scene reminded me of Touhou.

Is Yayaka going to do anything next episode?

Probably not enough time

I really want Papika and Yayaka to have a relationship besides just that they both like Cocona.

if papika and cocona can live together in a clearly romantic relationship, give me a happy ending, but spice it up a bit so its not 100% generic.

If their relationship is strictly platonic though, go balls to the wall and surprise me.

I don't think they can ever be friends

>being friends with the person who also has the hots for your crush

yeah no

OT3 and everyone's happy.

I have the worst suspicion something terrible will happen to Yayaka

Because at least one of them is gonna die?

Giving me Madoka flashbacks.

Wow, that was a great episode. Addressed Cocona's main theme perfectly and she finally met her real mother who gave her the advice and encouragement she needed to make her own decisions Her relationship with Papika was addressed in a saitisfying way whilst having so much awesomeness to boot, yayaka henshin, bu chan henshin, nyunyu singing funiculi, boss rush, animation after Yayaka transformed was some of the best in the entire show and the symbolic yuri wedding too.

Now next episode all they need to do is give us a bit more information on Papikas backstory and the deaging and the ending will have been top tier. Really an emotionally satisfying episode this week on all fronts.

Well they never got along and it has the cat/dog analogy

>literally had a meadow run with the two shouting about how they love each other

You're getting kind of greedy, user.

It's kind of a muffled version of the DPI gate from episode 6.

I can't believe how many people have a problem with this line.

Saliva-dripping yuri makeout and cunnilingus scene followed by an apocalyptic tragedy that kills most of the cast and separates both girls.

Just fuck my shit up as hard as possible, basically. It's the only way I'm going to remember this show years down the line.

Anyone want to make a wager that ep.13 post credits ends with a >みーつけた ?

>They went cheap with Yayaka henshin

What really bothers me is how proud of herself she looks as she saying such a stupid line. Literally looks like a child that just figured out how to use the potty.

She's going to do something next episode and you're not gonna like it.

they're just continuing to circlejerk the age gap memay like an autist with a habit

you're right user

i'm going to love it

I got over that last week when we learned what their relationship actually WAS. I must say I like it even better now.

Would you go gay for Hidaka?

>Yayaka can't even claim that she's known Cocona longer than Papika anymore


Well I'm a little girl at heart so wouldn't that be going straight?

Besides good luck pulling him away from his true love.

i'm het for science-kun

>Crisis averted, PI seperated from real world
>Papika stays in PI for w/e reason, has last 好き moment with Cocona
>FlipFlap is dissolved, Yayaka lives with Cocona, hidaka becomes a second-hand computer hardware salesman
>cocona pining for Papika goes to the pipe, finding nothing.
>then suddenly!-

Still my favorite part

>embarrassed that she is having fun in a ballerina outfit and yelling stupid things like FLIP FLAPPING!

>animator for Mob helped animate this episode to help the team reach the deadline
Is this why they knock out that EVA-01 with one punch?
If so, then it seems like Oshiyama either has no other choice but to insert stuff some external animators want, or he just doesn't care anymore.

man, this show could have been such a damn masterpiece if it was just 2 cour. More adventures, more episodes to give us a gradual slide into the tonal shift, episodes and moments to develop flip flap more, maybe 1 or 2 episodes from papika's perspective.

god i want her to "tch" at me and call me a softie

Japan gets hit with an ICBM and Cocona is drafted as a pleasure woman for the now corrupt JSDF.

You have to give better prompts than that if you don't want something horrible.

>we made it look sad halfway through the episode, but don't worry its actually a good end
These are the most bullshit endings, but at this point I don't even care.

I want her to poke my forehead and glare at me. Amai

It's literally the ending i've been counting on since many many episodes ago, i guess i'm one of the few whose expectations have gone completely fulfilled so far.


For anyone hoping that they will fix stuff in the BD release. I don't see how that is gonna happen with those low sales.

so this really became Madoka but with lesbians

And what did they do? Smacking balls around?

Yeah the episode was fine some of the best animation since episode 9 and some of the best cuts in the show in places. The advice from Mimi part was a bit rushed, could have been more impactful, but I agree that the way the did it and completed Cocona's development as a character was good. Matched up the themes of her being directionless and indecisivene with Cocona's lack of family, her wish in episode 4, and resolved them through the parental encouragement to make her own decisions that Cocona has been missing her whole life coming to the front.

I didn't see a problem with the line at all if you take it for what it is. Papika has always loved Cocona since she was born. Doesn't mean she has always loved her in the same way.

What a ridiculous assertion.

Well, Papikana only knew Cocona for a few months before being separated and then got her memory wiped somewhere along the line.

If I was a doctor, I wouldn't claim to know a baby long than its father 10 years down the line just because I was in the room when the mother gave birth and he wasn't.

Doesn't work like that.

>tfw you'll never get to headpat yayakat and have her pretend to hate it while blushing the entire time

>Mistress Yayaka will never tch! you
Just kill me already

Pure Delinquent.

>One side of Mimi wants to protect the daughter from all the danger and damage she always knew
>The other wants to give her the freedom she never had
I will keep posting this until everyone notices how great this was
>inb4 activate windows

Why was I born into this horrible reality?

activate your windows dude

Delinquents are the best.

Some people think its not great because her mother "made the decision for her/told her what to do" but I don't see it that way really she didn't make her do anything she just gave her the confidence and reassurance she needed to be able to do what she felt was right all along.

Some people think that it is damaging to Cocona's development that she was involved but I think if they just completely dropped Cocona's need and want for a family without showing it in some way while putting significant importance on it through out the show people would just be complaining about how they never addressed it at all. "Cocona spends the whole time whining for her mother, then magically in the last episode just decides she doesn't care anymore" I can imagine being the complaint. This way was a good balance though, it addressed Cocona's family yearning and let her grow to make her own decisions with parental reassurance she had been lacking from a robot.

>provide the tools to main cast to prevent everything from episode 9 onwards from occurring
>knows more shit about the PI than the main cast and capable of substantial contributions
>go hands on when shit finally goes down at the extent of his abilities
Mimi's just too much of an abomination. If anything, Papika and Cocona progress were handed by Salt.

I don't know man, I was a loud ass complainer before but I'm finding it harder and harder to find things to complain about. FLFL at LEAST AOTY.

Apparently no one except maybe Cocona even likes the first side of of her though, so the two sides are a bit too imbalanced and seems like we're just meant to accept the second side is her real side.

Well, both sides *are* her. I don't actually read them as separate entities, just two different emotional extremes.

She was showing signs that she was not liking what Evil Mimi was doing, but she was still in the mindset to let her mother make the decisions for her because she was too afraid of failure, when everything she needed was the encouragement and words of trust from her mother.
This also concludes Mimi`s wish of her being free, she even said that she just wanted to watch from far, she just got overprotective because she ddint wanted her to suffer as she did.
gr8 m8

I was thinking why do I like Yuyu. I remembered that I like Rei a lot, but my favourite moments with Rei are rare moments when she's being cool (like when she throws the spear). And Yuyu's like that most of the time.
I fucking love Evangelion so much.

I can understand where people that wanted Cocona to be less of a doormat after 12 episodes are coming from, but I still thought the scene was nice. Bringing in her father was an important point too. I'm sure Cocona has put 2 and 2 together and realized Salt is her dad, if Mimi didn't outright tell her off screen, and this started to talk about why Salt never said anything.

Yeah the show really delivered on way more than I thought it could this week, maybe some of it could have been a little more emotionally satisfying if it didn't have to go so quick though.

>you will never be Hidaka's AI waifu


The thing is they are interpreting it as her getting "told" to do something when Mimi is literally just telling her everyone gets worried, thats OK but you have to make your own decisions and find your own way. She didn't tell her to do anything at all. Just gave her some parental advice and courage she needed all along to be able to do what she wanted.

Well, not real in that neither Salt nor Papika acknowledge her to be the Mimi they knew and even the second side of Mimi told Salt that it wasn't what she really wanted.

Crazy Mimi was probably just born from the fact that Mimi couldn't stop Cocona due to various inhibitions (like the fact that she's afraid of hurting others, as shown when she accidentally made Salt's dad go mad) and her desperate wish to protect Cocona created Crazy Mimi who had none of her inhibitions and could freely use her powers.

However, Crazy Mimi literally cared for nothing else than what she was created to do at that moment (make sure no one hurts Cocona) and didn't even care about Mimi's friends or big picture wishes for Cocona under less extreme circumstances.

Its never been outright stated to her or anyone that Salt is Cocodad. Its still technically possible he's not, but it would preposterous at this point. Since its been made so clear to the audience, and Cocona doesn't question her mom about it, I'm assuming she just knows by now.