Serious Question

>go to university
>niggers everywhere
>forced to group with 2 nig-nogs for a project who just so happen to be life long friends
>turns out we have a lot in common, e.g. proper upbringings, can actually speak English, have same taste in music (dadrock), films, etc.
>"...yeah, hey user, would you want to go to [insert local establishment] with us this weekend? It's going to be us and a couple of girls from the musicology college..."
>"S-sure, that could be fun"
>tfw my world views are being challenged and I'm conflicted

Am I a degenerate, Sup Forums?

Am I a degenerate Sup Forums

Do what you want, but don't relax. NEVER relax.

This. OP is probably a faggot so he probably wont listen

Black people aren’t half as bad as you’d think from browsing pol. It’s the nogs that don’t go to college you need to watch out for.

Is is how affluent whites start thinking diversity is a good thing. They meet a bunch of equally affluent non-whites and then extrapolate them to the entire race.

It was never about niggers as individuals, OP. Never. It's group dynamics, it always has been. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows this.


doesn't matter if the nignogs seem outwardly 'the same'. their innate niggerness will manifest itself sooner or later.

Not all blacks are niggers. Some are fine human beings, but the majority are only capable of behaving like apes. It is this ape-minded majority
that we hate and call niggers. Never forget that the majority are uncivilized chimps, for it is when you let your guard down they will come bix nooding around the corner and rob/rape/kill you.

user, lay off the bluepills pls.

Just be prepared to...
>pay the toll
It'll come. Trust me.