Why can't he ever have sex?

Why can't he ever have sex?

In the real world, he'd get in like 1 second.

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Be probably had one m8

I'm currently on episode 9, does this show pick up?

I really like Onizuka and I'm watching the dub because hearing Steve Blum makes my big boi panties get wet. However this show seems pretty lackluster. But I love the fuck out of the opening.

same reason Harima can't get any pussy
too cool for vag

Stop now, and read the manga.

Far better, and you'll be getting actual new content because the start is completely different.

Harima loves only one girl, and fiercely rejects every other.

Onizuka will take anyone cute, and taking his attributes into account, there should be a long ass queue lining up for him, but he is still a virgin.


He primary wants to fuck underage girls.

He really should have bred Urumi though.

Same boat. It feels like it will get better, but the plotlines are just kinda... meh.

So to get to Paradise Lost can we all agree that Onizuka probably Attacks the dude who's the head of the idol industry?

Paradise Lost doesn't exist.


show is fantastic watch the whole thing

You're not a real man until you've read the shitty MS paint edited scans.

Google translate was the standard back then?

that's a perfectly valid english sentence

I read it left to right and got confused.

You mean right to left and got confused, buddy.

I dropped the animu around the time Teacher-san goes cookoo for the hot teacher girl.
I also heard it has an anime orginial ending with Onizuka leaving.

best character

No, that would be pic related.

flipped scans... those r hell

he can destroy my pussy Daddy

urumi is a psycho bitch wish she wouldve died
azusa sensei is best girl even though she's boring as shit, all the girls in the series suck

What are you talking about? Urumi is epic.

At the end of the day, this is a gag manga.
You can't have a gag if you have vag.

Read Shounan Junai Gumi first, then GTO.

>actual autism
>best character


Urumi a best, accept no substitutes

>Why can't he ever have sex?
Why should he in the first place?

Because he clearly really wants to, but somehow can't.

Are the translations/scans complete yet? Last time I tried to read it, it was only half done.

Wait is Onizuka actually still I virgin?
I always thought that he must have banged SOMEONE during his time in the Onibaku or bein a teacher.
Not even at a soap-house?

I never actually read SJG. I absolutely loved GTO though. Having a character like Onizuka in the teacher role was just so refreshing and his antics were something that just isn't done in other manga except maybe Gintama.
>Tfw you liked the spinoff just cause it's Gintama being OP.

Show is great.

skip the anime and manga

For all his horn dogged-ness, he's just too pure.

same with Gokusen

You mean the live action?

>I'm here for the job interview

Its all great

skip everything.

yea. I watched the jdrama years before the anime or manga. Just cant get into them afterwards

Reminder that there exists a better quality translation

He psychs himself out. It happens in real life too, to girls and guys that are attractive or successful but lacking elsewhere and in esteem. They remain virgins for a while, or at the very least havent had a meaning relationship since highschool/college and are awkward approaching the opposite sex.

Miyabi Aizawa is the best girl.

These translations are westernized dogshit though.

>Teacher Onizuka

>tfw you're now older than Onizuka
I hate it.

Stop at Okinawa holiday arc.

The anime got a rushed ending.

That feel when you're a teacher but too scared of kids so you work in retail.

Because he is for me.

>you're now older than Onizuka


>tfw you will probably grow up to be a Vice Principal kind of person and not Onizuka

Please tell me someone has fixed this abomination. I do have some localized volumes, but I don't know their quality given that I'm missing some.


Shounan Junai Gumi the GOAT. And fucking Onizuka is still a virgin to this day. Even in the sequel lmao.

Because it is funnier.

Nigga please. Even bully is better than her.

Why did they have two distinctly japanese balding men as characters? I keep getting confused between them.




Don't mind me, just posting a normal couple and their egg

It's fair to say Urumi won the Onizukabowl

No she didn't. He never loved her in a romantic way, and the manga is still ongoing; she's not in the story anymore.

Who wanted Onizuka's D the most? Urumi, Azusa, or that blonde chick from his childhood who works at the orphanage?

Harima fucked the blonde though.

Show as a whole is kind of bland, but there are certain episodes that replicate the feeling of the first episode.

That's not canon.

Confirmed in the recent special chapter.

he's had plenty of chances in his younger days.

I remember one time he was about to do it, but then he found out the girl is a milf and has kids.... then he high tailed outta there as fast as he can and didn't look back

Her suicide arc was the best.

In both manga and anime her motivations were utter shit.

The ending in both the anime and manga was ...wierd in the sense it just ended.

How did the manga end? didnt it get some sorta sequal?

It has nothing to do with school and more about relationships and people, it shows how USELESS school is, and you only need basic math skills, Reading and Writing and English.
What more do you need? nothing. Let kids just have fun until they grow older and try different profession until they like something.

I really hope he'll get some in GTO Paradise Lost. But this spinoff is lame as fuck.
I read everything related to Onizuka and this one is the worst by far.
The designs are off and the pace is slow as fuck. I don't even kno who's the MC anymore.

But for the people who didn't read Shonan Junai Gumi, you really should. It's kind of old but the art gets better and better and you get to learn how Onizuka became a legend

Bad Company is cool too, it's about how Onizuka and Ryuji met for the first time.

>he clearly really wants to
That's incorrect, it's clearly not his priority.

Urumi might be crazy but she's loyal as hell and 100% wants his dick.

They'd fit together like butter with Onizuka fixing her autism.

Onizuka was one of the main reasons why I started smoking

>slowly killing yourself and always smelling like shit for a fictional 2d character from a Mongolian comic book.

Do your self a favor and be your own person.