Konosuba X Re:Zero Crossover collaboration book

Here's the tweet on it, linking it to the product too.


Konosuba and Re:Zero's authors are good friends and decided on doing a collaboration crossover book for both their series. I think it may have a manga of sorts too? Since the illustrator for the manga of Re:Zero is also working on it.

It's coming out on the 31st of December.

I can't wait to see useless goddess and communist half elf in one anime.

Something this horrible is coming out on my birthday. This is a bad omen.
I might die in 2017.

Funny how they're trying to advertise this with the two worst girls

You spelt best wrong.

This is wrong on so many levels.

>a retard and a knife-ear
I think there's a limit to how shit someone's taste can get.

Communist Half-Elf pantsu raid-o!

>implying emilia isn't worst girl.

Concentrated re:ddit?
Count me in.

Time to say your goodbyes, user.

You'll never understand. I pity you, truly.

man this book is gonna be nothing but kazuma and aqua bullying the entire cast and pissing everyone off.
its gonna be amusing as all hell.

>Aqua doesn't have stupid fucking face and is completely on-model
This is disturbing.

Why would anyone argue about best girl when the best girl is NOT a girl?

Magical onis are best girl after all.

Apparently both authors, mangaka and LN illustrator will meet up on the 31st of December in some sort of interview and reveal the details about their collaboration. So far it seems like we will get a crossover novel, manga and now this book which seems to focus on the anime (?)

Anyway here also a clean image of Aquamilia

>inb4 they also collaborate with other isekai authors

The only good elf is a dead elf.
The only good communist is a dead communist.

Nah, they'll probably stick with each other at best.

They are both friends which is why this is even happening in the first place.

The author of Konosuba even wrote the script of some of the episode previews of Re:Zero

Don't be deceived by the shitposting.

Aqua better remains pantsuless

>authors are good friends

Basically the Re:Zero guy is fucking Konousba's author

nice meme


Konosuba's author is female iirc

But Re:Zero author is a girl

Nah, he's a dude. I think there was even a photo of him from one of the conventions he attended

Quite a sexy girl indeed.

Muh dick

>Not Megumin
This seems like a huge misstep considering their voices.

I think the idea is to feature the first main girls that showed up? I mean if it was in terms of popularity i'm sure it would be Rem and Megumin.

Plus i'm fairly there's gonna be a "Hey, you sound exactly like me!" joke in there somewhere.

Proof that Aqua is the main heroine.

Megumin can't even drink alcohol and therefore can't engage in drunk sex with Kazuma.

I'm not even sure how RE:Zero's plot would function if Kazuma were to come into contact with it.

Like what happens when the unluckiest dude ever runs into a lucksacking jackass?

Also Re:Zero is kinda built on Subaru making everything worse for himself because he can't into human interactions while KonoSuba is half about Kazuma succeeding because he is entirely willing to just go "fuck it, let's call some friends in for help" so that'll be weird.

Aqua could solo everything in Re:Zero

Goddess >>>>>>>> Witch > Reinhard >Spirit

It would be a single VA circlejerk Drama CD if it was just Megumin and Emilia.

More money could be made with two VAs for a Drama CD rather than a single one.

This is just my assumption though.

Let's not bring powerlevel shit into this, it's a dark fantasy story and a comedy fantasy for fucks sake.

This version also features a tiny Puck in Kazuma's outfit, how fitting lol

Megumin could solo Reinhardt. AoE shit hurts him and she knows the best magic ever, explosion.

>Konosube and Re;Zero
Wait, is this some kind of super-reddit catering?
Are they monitoring dirty foreigners?

how long until anime adaptation?

But then they could not sexualize their girl (Megumin being too young for that).

>too young to be sexualized

Giant Frogs prey on little kids and young goats in KonoSuba though.

Also, the vegetables even attack you and can give you a concussion especially flying Cabbages zooming in on you, in KonoSuba.

I would say KonoSuba is much more dark than Re:Zero.

At least food remains reasonable in Re:Zero.

I keep forgotten Konosuba has a lot of fucked up shit happening all over the place.

Almost all of it happens off-screen after all, and what little does happen on screen is almost always played for laughs.

>too young for that

Don't you start implying things here.
Megumin didn't get any sexualization in the show, and they wouldn't get away with it either.
The most she got is a panty joke, but nothing shown.

What is this retard even saying

Megumin almost washed Kazuma's dick in the OVA.

Garithos time to stop posting.

I guess that you didn't read the LN. Just wait for S2 in Jaunary.

It's true though.
In the OVA, big difference.
Not like anything visual can't and won't be cut out.


Why is there a legitimate retard posting on my board?

Name the sexualization that aqua and darkness got. There wasnt a lot frankly.

>being too young for that

Fuck, now I need to watch re:zero

>Not like anything visual can't and won't be cut out.
The trailer for S2 has a shot of Megumeme ass, They aren't cutting the lewd parts.

Every second frame she was on got her ass showing in plain sight.
Plenty of naked and underwear scene.

Counterpoint: show any lewdness Megumin got in the TV series.

The peeing stuff in the ghost episode.

Megumi doesn't get those because most of her lewd scenes are things that are gonna be adapted in S.

Where we saw nothing lewd of her?
How does that count?

...This is it, isn't

>crosses over with Log Horizon and Overlord

>Subaru vs Ainz

He's still a jobber so that'd be completely one sided.

Unless he learns to use the authority of greed, and it makes him stop time around himself. Literally anything touches him should get pulverized.

>he doesn't have a piss fetish

Does this image imply that Emilia is nopan?

>Grasp Heart

>Reinhardt I choose you!

>The ultimate Isekai. A mishmash of Isekai'ers getting Isekai'd to yet another world, this time together.

Megumin is going to confess to Kazuma and he is going to reply "sorry, I love Emilia, I mean Aqua"

Log Horizon author is in jail right now I believe.

What would Kazuma do in Subaru's position?

Did he have naked pictures of himself in his hard drive too?
>iwamoto got busted the same way

He would only die from Emilia once because Kazuma has enough common sense to know elf pussy ain't worth that much trouble especially when it isn't even 100 percent pure elf pussy but a Half Elf Pussy.

I guess Kazama would try to find a guild or something since Kazuma is in into Net Games as evidenced by his Battle Station at home that had Razr Gaming Hardware

What a fucking faggot.

Not complete the first life with Emelia.

Only Subaru wants knife-ear pussy.

No, Log Horizon author was tax evading.

He lied about income.

Stop this bullshit misinformation, he never got into jail.

No he isn't. Didn't he only get a suspended sentence?

>Dalling in love with Aqua
That's not happening.

>Since the illustrator for the manga of Re:Zero is also working on it.
Poor Konosuba's mangaka, the art can't even come close to neither the anime nor the LN.
Now Megumin spinoff manga's art is cute in it's own way.

This is assuming Megumin is speaking to Subaru who she is confusing with Kazuma.

I have but they didn't show anything of the pee.

>Kazuma Discovers Respawn Ability
>Proceeds to Rape the living shit out of every woman in sight until one kills him

This is a show I would love to see

>Crossover happens
>Konosuba fans posting about powerlevel shit
>Konosuba fans going my fantasy australia us harsher than your fantasy autralia

I'll just fuck off back to me thread then.

Except Reinhardt's blessings will always make her miss her first and only move.

>Megumin being too young for that
I think you should seek help user.

Still waititng for Subaru to put that damn wedding ring on her finger

Not gonna happen, EMT will always be his #1.

>Number one
>Cant even compete against a comatose girl
>Rem already labled by Subaru and everyone else including the Witches who looked into his soul as "your heart's girl"


The only number one Emilia is in is Subaru's silver hair fetish.

You, me, and the author who's a Emiliafag, know Emilia is going to win. Just accept it, at this point you are making yourselves look like pathetic Remfags.

Depends if Kazuma is under a love spell or some shit. I don't think Kazuma can escape considering Satella exists.

Ooh baby

His writing and q&a's seem to not reflect that. He may say he is an Emiliafag publicly but he sure enjoys writing a shitton of stuff about Subaru and Rem's relationship. Considering this is the same man who wrote Subaru strangling, giving death threats and pummeling people who questioned his love for Rem but sure. Lets ignore that aspect and talk about how hesitant Subaru is about entering any relationship because he can't stop thinking of the blue haired oni.

Indeed, quite the Emiliafag this author is.

Silly zero no tsukaima + EDGY SAO.