"but without net neutrality you'll be censored!"
"but without net neutrality you'll be censored!"
Other urls found in this thread:
I am tired of seeing pro- and anti- NN shit.
Jews play both sides
I had this exact conversation the other day. Was told to stop being childish, petty and an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
Should've scooped out one of their eyeballs
With net neutrality, only websites and domain owners can censor you. ISPs can't.
Without net neutrality, not only will websites be able to censor you, ISPs will be able to throttle access to any site they don't want you to see. And the ISPs will be able to threaten websites to remove content they don't want, which means Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, etc. will censor even more to comply with ISP demands.
I care about conservatives being censored on Youtube and other sites, but I also don't want net neutrality removed because I'm not a retard or swayed by shills. And because I know it would not only lead to more censorship of conservatives on specific websites, but also censorship of conservative websites altogether.
>On February 4, 2010, Verizon Wireless blocked Sup Forums, an English language imageboard from being accessed by its customers. A few days later, on February 7, 2010, Verizon Wireless confirmed that Sup Forums had been "explicitly blocked", offering no explanation. The block was lifted a few days later
Kill yourself shill.
"Everyone that knows better than me is a shill"
Tell that to the Daily Stormer.
If you don't eye for an eye then one faggot's going to go on an eye stabbing spree because no one fucking stops him.
Actions have consequences.
Besides, it's pretty fucking obvious you don't care about censorship if you're willing to ignore it for such a childish and petty reason.
ISPs in themselves are proof that the free market does not exist like you think it does.
someone give the actual mechanism that'd be used under BOTH schemes for censorship
no one is giving details
You don't know better than me, as shown by your complete lack of argument.
Ironically the anti-NN shills keep calling reasonable people who don't oppose net neutrality "Soros shills" or something equally retarded to fool people into thinking people who are against NN are the "real Sup Forums users".
Daily Stormer is back and you can still use their site. They were shut down by their web hosting company GoDaddy. ISPs had nothing to do with that.
If Charlottesville happened without net neutrality, companies would've been able to throttle access to DailyStormer, Breitbart, Sup Forums and any site they don't like as a response, with little backlash, and there's nothing you could've done about it even if they got a new domain or web host.
It's bad enough that websites and web hosting companies can take you down, why would you want to let ISPs do it?
(((Comcast))) will just throttle access to Sup Forums, DS, and any site that goes against the globalist agenda so no one can access it.
Wow, your picture actually ends up costing way less than what I pay now for my shitty internet connection.
wtf I hate net neutrality now.
And how will repealing NN stop them from doing this?
is it true netanyahu let the ds be hosted in israel? they had been .is domain immediately after the purge
>If you don't eye for an eye then one faggot's going to go on an eye stabbing spree because no one fucking stops him.
>Actions have consequences.
Exactly be racist get banned
>Besides, it's pretty fucking obvious you don't care about censorship if you're willing to ignore it for such a childish and petty reason.
Sounds like the only one whos being petty here is you
That's what they want. Good goy
Oh no, so Netflix, Hulu, Youtube and other bandwidth hogs are going to have to pay money to the various ISPs? Well, who gives a shit. The web is dead, even its creator has said so. Net Neutrality is nothing but Silicon Valley corporations deciding who has to pay money to who. And in which case, who gives a shit. The web is dead. Burn it to the ground and start over.
I am apathetic to NN cause after fighting for it T-Mobile made video services and the people who were fighting alongside me cheered. Then all the business over the summer and they were still cheering.
I have no clue, but that would give more credibility to the idea that it's a honeypot.
>going to have to pay money to the various ISPs?
Consumers too. Not only will ISPs try to get more shekels out of you but those websites will most likely pass that price down to you with ads and other shit. No one benefits but the big ISP companies, and even Netflix, Youtube, etc. will probably benefit by making deals with the ISPs to throttle competitors.
>Net Neutrality is nothing but Silicon Valley corporations deciding who has to pay money to who.
No it's preventing ISPs like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, etc. from deciding that.
> The web is dead. Burn it to the ground and start over.
The internet won't die, it'll just be more and more controlled and centralized.
Also the internet has been the best way destroy the monopoly over the flow of information the MSM, academia and shill organizations. Once you give that away, it's over. That's why anyone who's not retarded "gives a shit".
it wont. but it lets more people do it. now instead of just twitter or facebook censoring you, verizon and comcast are doing it as well, by simply not letting you access right wing or "offensive" websites
Exactly. More censorers aren't going to cancel out our already existing ones. It's just gonna make the problem worse.
I'd rather let Facebook and twitter do whatever they want and still be able to access Sup Forums than verizon saying
"lol Sup Forums is a hate website. blocked :^)"
Yeah why people here seem to think that's a better alternative is beyond me.
.is is iceland
Because this board is overrun by shills.
Why do you think we have a thread shilling for the POTUS 24/7, and now shills are pushing the idea that Emmanuel Macron, the globalist pro-EU Rothschild banker is "/ourguy/?
Meanwhile we get 200 threads attacking independent right-wing personalities every day claiming they're "shills" and just not good enough.
Its time for an exodus
>8ch pol you can literally feel the difference as you look through unshilled threads. 95% clear.
2 possible reasons.
1. to make sure that when NN is removed he is in position to pressure ISP to do what he wants
No company will be ok with that. If I had the choice to snub Amazon and Google i would do it in a heartbeat.
They won't allow paywalls to block them from consumers.
Please repeal NN quickly i cant wait to purge the burgerfat scum off this board.
this board is like how Sup Forums used to be. almost all POTUS threads are trolls circle jerking each other.
shill detected.
justifying censorship with more censorship.
critical logic error
Good, let everyone be censored like we are now. Share the misery, isn't that what you leftist faggots believe?