卐 卐We are undergoing the Restoration of the Republic of America卐 卐
Military/Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-Jewish-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All. There are 4,289 sealed indictments (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → → fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Jews.
Here's the catch: The Jews/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.
Solution? Exposing the Jews. Seriously.

卐Suit up lads, we need to research how the Jews play into the destruction of America卐

卐 HEIL Q 卐

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Can you?

Here's what you need to start:
Qmap Image (This is your map in the Storm)
img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1510/46/1510569184557.png (embed)
img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1511/51/1511523903794.png (embed)
Qmap Text pastebin.com/Ra0Y8210

Legend of Terms and Stringer meanings:
img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1511/53/1511535961546.png (embed) (embed)

Collaborative spreadsheet of Answers

Meanings of Signatures (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread)
Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f)

Search the Qmap text for any relevant terms every time news hits.
>Nothing is random.
>Everything has meaning.

Some questions imply their own answer.

Advise: Let this really sink in. Do it for yourself. Your own belief in this is contagious - Be a virus of confidence.

>We are winning bigly.

卐Happy Hopping with Eyes Wide Open.卐

Other urls found in this thread:


卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐
#2: *Primary Information for Digging and Learning*

MOTIVATION (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) →

Latest Q !ITPb.qbhqo
QMAP (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) →
first Qmap updated, please verify

On Nov25, Q message posts stringer with >_Conf_goTWIT_P_act-small#_small. POTUS then retweeted MAGAPills after posted about Q (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) →

Rabbit Holes for Learning and Digging
>Israel (MAIN FOCUS)
>Uranium One
>Awan Spy Ring
>North Korea
>Iran Deal
>Rothschild Dynasty
>Soros Dynasty
>Clinton Dynasty
>Bush Dynasty
>Muslim Brotherhood and Obama
>House of Saud, Taleed and Obama
>House of Saud and 9/11
>Egypt bombing and human trafficking
>Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Prince Salman
>Change in leadership in USA, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, ___, ___.

>in need of summaries for 25, 26, and 27. Awaiting volunteer

Nov 24
(Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) →

Nov 23 II
(Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) (Cross-thread) → (Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)

!!WIKI (Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD)

ϟϟ Sieg Heil! ϟϟ
ϟϟ Sieg Heil! ϟϟ

>"HAHAHA we took over da boomer thread now lets all LARP as NAZIS. HEHE FEELS GOOD TO BE WHITE"


>"HEY MUHFUGGA IM HERE TO EXPOSE THE JOOS!!" T.hernadez Rodriguez Jamal

So, red pill me on the Jews
Are they /ourguys/?


Youtube is a safe space for pedophiles. We discovered 3 nights ago massive amounts of CP on youtube. Mods are shilling and sliding. Pic related.



Watch the videos

Nazism will wipe away this filth along with the swamp through the storm.

You got to get these post numbers up.
These are rookie tier shill post numbers.
>shills can't run CBTS

I pose a serious question to the boomerfags and old bitches here.

What's your plan exactly? You haven't "exposed" anything. All you've done is post cringe "memes" you got from Facebook, and bitch about "muh CIA."

If you're wanting to overthrow the intergalactic owl worshiping reptilian pedophiles, you've come to the wrong place. You act as if we haven't had Pizzagate threads when it happened, as it happened. You act like we don't already know this "super secret information" you keep claiming to have (yet still never actually posted any proof of anything) when we've known all along.

You act like you need to educate us on these fang toothed, reptilian mega overlord moloch worshipers. We've heard your shit. It's nothing new. In fact, it's the same shit Alex Jones and David Icke have been LARPing about for years now.

So what's your plan here? You're going to overthrow the ghastly ultra supreme leaders of a worldwide owl worshiping pedophile conspiracy? How? You can't even meme or speak our lingo.

Enlighten me, boomers. What's your master plan?

Only a Jew would say such a thing

Heil Hitler
Gas the Boomers! Age War Now!

Holocaust never happened

Kill yourself and fuck your faceberg tier memes kike niggerfaggot


Who else voted Reagan?



Be sure to read whole thing! What do you make of it? Do you think the info is legit?


Heil Hitler!



Answer me, bitch

Fuck off Nazi fakers. You nazis are a larp and a half. Kek. You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag.

Go fuck yourelf kike niggers. This thread is for the discussion of the Jewish Question. Take your faceberg tier shit memes and shove them up your ass back at 8gag

Gonna gas me some boomers. Soon as i eat these tendies. Hitlor dindu nuffin.

voted Reagan in '67
proud of it to this day

Hey guys. You know what, I quit. I'm done LARPing as a Nazi. I've been reading the Q Map for the last couple nights, asking myself the questions and finding an answer, plus researching what hard working bakers have found over several hundred threads. It's starting to make much more sense and this is some huge stuff. Unfortunately you've derailed this thread lately. I get it LARPing as a nazi is kind of funny but I beg you to look into it more, it's important. Some of you call Q a LARP when you're in here doing the same thing. You'll see what I mean if you spend several hours putting it together, you can thank me later. I'm only 40 by the way, not a boomer.

Suck a dick Jew loving boomerfag. This thread is for nazism and bringing the storm.

No, nigger.

>Kill yourself and fuck your faceberg tier memes kike niggerfaggot
Rookie shit.
Where is your wit, boy?
Tell your boss we want better shills.

Oh wow, such a huge insult! How will we ever recover?

We’re gonna just wait it out. This is the calm before the storm

Deep state, your days are numbered.



Whats your solution? What's your plan? Going to storm the mega evil Rothschild overlord castle with your .380 Hi Point?

Old faggots fucking kill yourselves already or go jerk off to your stupid shit back on your containment board on 8gag. We run Sup Forums.

Eat shit.

Get aids stupid faggot.

wtf? I hate nazis now.

Silly little shit skins

This isn't Q, it's some dipshit having fun with his swastikas. 99999!

>Old faggots fucking kill yourselves already or go jerk off to your stupid shit back on your containment board on 8gag. We run Sup Forums.
>he didn't vote for Ronald Reagan in 1967


>Old faggots fucking kill yourselves already or go jerk off to your stupid shit back on your containment board on 8gag. We run Sup Forums.
Who is we?
Also, you need to learn to use commas.


What the fuck is q



Get enough awareness out to the point where the masses become enraged and then we burn the pedophiles at the stake at our local courthouse for the fucking world to see.

Q is Frank
Frank is life
Life is Anonymous
His number is 5

Some new form of cuckoldry.

You know jesus was brown, right?


I’m new here but I’m supposed to suggest he spend more time reading the website and call him a leaf right? Am 4channing correctly?

A white supremacist high clearance intelligence agent
He gives breadcrumbs about the jews

Why are jews so incredibly overrepresented in the executive boards of several media organizations? A reminder that jews only make up 2% of the US population.


Based niggers, shitskin plebbitfag.

Q went to 8gag with the rest of you niggers.

On 8 chan, retard.

he was a rabbi

thanks for the muts, my dear triggered euoropoor

This is some Heavens Gate level shit

>Whats your solution? What's your plan?
You don't get it. You really don't understand. If you had read the Q messages, you'd know it's out of our hands and that has been established since the beginning. Trump, the Marines, the NSA, and many other entities are doing all the heavy lifting. All we've been tasked with is creating memes to inform the populace of what's going on since the CIA propaganda media won't report it.

That's the plan: meme to inform as many normies as possible before TPTB utterly lose their ability to conceal their activities.

We are not participants. We are witnesses. If you like, we are the prophets of the New World Order. We are the ones that know the war is happening. This was intended as a secret war, but at the same time was a war on secrets; as such, it will take a long time for the information to really come out, and some will likely never come out.

Yeah. Good luck convincing your grand kids to step away from MTV and their complacency.

You don't realize muh Constitution is already gone. There's only one solution. Our solution.


So you don't have a solution. You have no actual answer to anything except muh faceberg maymays?

>Good luck convincing your grand kids to step away from MTV
>Thinks anyone under 25 watches MTV

keep posting kike propaganda Fedoracuck

Here is a message to all you retard boomers:

You are exactly like illegals. No one wants you here, you came in uninvited and now shit the place up.

kys newfaggot. You are the prophets of nothing dumbass.


You are an idiot.

You're a serious fucking faggot. Where in the god damn hell is my motherfuckin Q?

Spine Beetles
Dinosaur Birds

Please, stop tripfagging for no reason.
Thank you.

>So you don't have a solution. You have no actual answer to anything except muh faceberg maymays?
You're not listening. It's already happening. We're just watching you guys and laughing because you think you can stop it.

On 8 chan, you stupid old faggot

You sound like a cult member. Go and peddle your shit on twitter.

>Who is we?
who do you think, faggot? pic related

>Doesn't realize that most under 25 do

>old-fags and young-fags
And you think you belong here.

>So you don't have a solution.
So you're either trolling or you're literally unable to process opinions that aren't your own. Doesn't matter. As I said, it's out of our hands. We are witnesses to history. If it's not true, then I and others are fools. If it is true, the world is changing more than it has in decades. If you wish to be ignorant of history as it happens, that's your call.


stfu and lurk for 2 years, nigger.

Pic always related in these threads.

well fuck
party's over boys
pack it up

>who do you think, faggot? pic related
Oh, that's the dungeons and dragons?
I think my kids played that once.
I hope you enjoy your game.
But you don't run Sup Forums.

No, Sup Forums is not trying to stop it
Sup Forums just wants you to fuck off and stop shitting up the board with your faggotry
Which you would have realised weeks ago if you'd actually bothered to lurk

>worshipping a tripfag

>when a bunch of racemixed goys bring on the 4th reich.

Aw, that's cute. You're like those people who think CNN represents average Americans.

>It's already happening!
>You think you can stop it
If a worldwide catastrophe breaks out, I can promise you I wouldn't try at all to stop. Not if it lets me gun down commies. And there are many here who can't wait to see a major happening actually take place. Unfortunately, your feeble boomer brain doesn't understand how cultural marxism works, and that it's been going on since before I was even born, and possibly even before your wrinkly ass was too.

It's a gradual process. And your generation are the ones who allowed it.

Young-fag reporting in, fuck the old-fag boomers.

No more than you worship an Austrian pedophile.

If Jesus wasn't brown then please give me AT LEAST ONE historian who says he wouldn't have been brown.
If not, please stop blaspheming

>All we've been tasked with is creating memes
well you are doing a piss poor job. you boomer cultist don't even know what a meme is.

But I don't worship Hitler. Even if I did he's clearly had more of an impact on the world that some faggot that calls himself Q.

>muh CNN
>Bitch doesn't realize where she is
What's your plan? I'm genuinely asking here. Going to storm Congress with your shotgun and demand the "deep state" surrender? Such an old, dried up fool. Too physically weak to actually do anything, and LARPs on an anime image board she found on Jewtube from Tracy Beanz (a kike) to feel self important.

Hitlers brown babies were brought to america during operation paperclip

> (OP)
>So, red pill me on the Jews
>Are they /ourguys/?

The worst. The cause of our problems.