I'm going on a big car trip and i've seen most of the shows worth while on netflix.I was thinking about watching sword art online just to understand how much of a fuck up it was. my friend told me its not even worth my time. should I even bother watching it?
Sword art online
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>my friend told me its not even worth my time
It's worth it. Some parts are average and maybe fanstuffed/off, as an example the one-sided romantic part with Silica was awkward and superflux. It is a good entertainment only as a whole.
Sword Art Online II is a different story really not the same thing, I think they messed up this one.
It's worth a watch. I actually liked it. Sure it wasn't anything deep or thought provoking, but it was a decent entertaining show.
Watch it, but dont tell Sup Forums.
If you do tell Sup Forums, just way you hated it
It's not bad but it is boring as fuck, especially the first half. The second half is more enjoyable but also more retarded. Leafa's interactions with Kirito were more fun than the ones between him and Asuna.
i loved it
Not really worth it, but if you just like brain dead entertainment like the majority of the fans do, then why not?
All my friends loved the Warcraft movie and I thought it was bad, so everyone is different. The show has issues, how big of a deal those issues are depends on the person.
Yeah, just like how the rest of anime is any better.
do you like Mary Sue protags?
do you like seeing strong interesting female leads fall off to the wayside every new arc?
do you like harems?
do you like horrible adaptations?
if you answered yes to all the above then watch it
ALO and thereafter is shit. The first half of season 1 (the only part set in SAO) is decent in general, but the fights really bump it up a notch. Log Horizon was far better overall.
>mary sue protag
Kirito's lost almost every fair fight he was in.
>female leads fall off to the wayside every new arc
Asuna, Leafa, and Sinon are all pretty important in Alicization. The other girls got their own spinoff.
it was decent at its best and worst.
what made the harsh criticism you see today is because of the shit adaptation A-1 did compared to the original source material
the merging of volume 1 and 2 was a mistake. Volume 2 was only supposed to be read after the dark volume 1
"like most weapons, a love story can be deadly in the wrong hands. Sometimes, a writer gets so caught up in wringing every last drop of blood out of their romantic stone that they forget they have a compelling A-story to tell. This results in a Romantic Plot Tumor: a comparatively weak romantic sub-plot overtakes the potentially more interesting main plot."
Except the main plot was never really interesting.
Why is SAO so bad?
"Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna"
- Actual excerpt from one of the light novels
It's pretty terrible. Out of the hundreds of shows I've seen, I'd put it in the bottom 20. What the show has going for it are pretty visuals, and okay-ish fight-choreography, so if you can enjoy Hollywood action blockbusters, you can enjoy this.
>people keep hating on SAO
>After 4 years
SAO is "good" enough to warrant watching atleast once.
I only liked the Phantom Bullet arc.
But losing in SoA means death fag if that was true show would be one epsode
It's worth the watch, although boring at times. The main point of grabbing it, is simply to grasp how a bunch of promising idaes can be completely ruined by poor execution.
Kawahara a hack who doesn't know how:
Vidya games work
Relationship grows
You can portray and keep relevant a strong female character
to world build.
Not retcon yourself every chapter
Not to use asspulls every single time there is a potential threat over MC's head.
Write in general, and characters in particular.
And the list goes on
>People keep hating Shaman king's adaptation
>After 16 years
>Come on, it's [current year] already.