Why can't artists just draw realistically like during the Renaissance?
Modern Art thread
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Because there are no honour killings anymore. Paint shit like that? Acid to face
Fuck off, I actually like modern art
>a literal coil of shit descending from an unseen anus in the next room
Real art
You're unironically an idiot
>Fuck off, I actually like modern art
Modern Art is an elaborate investment.
>Find some retarded junkie artist
>buy all of their paintings
>wait for them to OD with the money you gave them
>open a show in a swanky gallery and get the poor junkies story out there
>sell all that worthless shit for millions
>i appreciate the aesthetics of jewish money laundering
best fucking goy
>Why can't artists just draw realistically like during the Renaissance?
can too
unironically plebeian
>patrician is whatever my cultural commissars tell me is patrician you pleb
Go huff some more of Ct twomblys farts you talentless sycophant. Modern art fans are the white knights of the art world, just rushing to defend anything that warrants criticism
that is garbage hanging on the wall but i don't think i would visit a gallery of modern realistic art either.
am i meant to walk around and view an artists
breath takingly accurate rendition of a vhs tapes partly illuminated by lamp light?
i'm just not into it.
looks like somebody forgot to pick up the trash.
That's cause art has been co opted by the insecure elite snobs in order to drive out anyone with objective criticism
How much for that generational piece? I bet I could sell it for $100m in NYC tomorrow.
Some still do.
>Why can't artists just draw realistically like during the Renaissance?
Because that technique was taken to its limit and can't be improved anymore.
Just like how you have no reason to play a game you had beaten at 100% before.
alex jones is a gift that keeps on giving.
Cultural commissars tell you that Ren art is 'patrician' too, does that mean they're wrong about that too?
Please nuke us now. Specifically Boston and New York. The norks can take care of LA and SF.
the bar is pretty low...maybe i should get a canvas, shplorp some paint on it & see what it'll go for
I have no idea. I think modern art is terrible. I have an abandoned prank art account online and I still find offers to buy from time to time. For this painting. For some reason.
You probably should.
Renaissance art takes into account human form and figure, among other things, that modern art explicitly tries to avoid
It's not a matter of quality or not, modern art is imbued with a contrarian attitude that doesn't even allow what it makes to be "art" it's only art cause a bunch of stuck up New Yorkers are paying millions for it, juxtapoz will follow with a reasoning
All that being said renn. Art is pretty sick too, if you actually understand why it's saying. At least it utilized quality and talent
fortunately there are still some super skilled artists that give you real value.
lol, that's a great idea. I think I shall try that too. I
Looks like someone rode through paint on a bicycle over a canvas
someone create a real oil painting of this photo of the shitty art and the people walking through the art gallery. Now that would be real art.
Christ on a stick.
That shit looks like a five year old has just been given his first spirograph
That'll be 50 billion dollars plus tip sir.
>modern art is imbued with a contrarian attitude
Yes, there are flaws in the system for sure. The art world is an easy place for people to trick, but not all mod artists are like that. There are real artists out there, and even some of the laziest looking pieces have interesting backgrounds, contexts, and reasons for being.
I'm not going to say modern art is better than renaissance for sure, but there are reasons to be impressed with what's coming out today and the last couple decades
I went to a gallery not too long ago... dumping
how does it feel to be so retarded that you can't develop ideas and meaning beyond what is literally put in front of your face
I bet you think the quran should be taken literally as well
is that an anus as seen by Jew eyes>?
But it's built on dout big away with talent honed through productive labor
Modern art is a cover for laziness. Part of great art IS the work put into it that varies in quality based on skill
Sorry but end of the day an "idea" is not separate from the person puttin. It forward or the means by which they do so
a fucking piece of gum is art
its another "Sup Forums plebs don't know the difference between modern and contemporary"
plenty of legit skilled artists. stop getting your art info from YT
would you believe this is a pencil to paper drawing? it is. It's drawn by Diego Fazio and this is modern art.
Real answer? No one’s willing to put in the work to learn the form and shit. It’s way easier to spray paint on a canvas and hope it looks pretty than to spend years studying and practicing.
I know nothing about that piece of shit on the canvas there but I can imagine 30 feminists smeared their period blood on there and called it a masterpiece.
You are all like babies. Let me show you how it's done.
>Why can't artists just draw realistically like during the Renaissance?
Do you know what cameras are? There is no need
Very believable, just look at those fingers.
What's wrong with this image?
>denied entry into art school
Artist name?
That's actually post modern art faggot
Trigger warning: trypophobia
>"Money laundering"
This guy knows what's up
looool okay I admit, unless the whole thing was some giant performance piece where the gallery goers were unknowingly a part of the piece, this is pretty fucking stupid.
also, checked.
Are those foreskins?
that shit's pretty tight. I wish I had that hanging on my wall. If I wanted realistic looking paintings, i'd just take a pic on my iphone
No, fortunately
It's obviously a demon king that stole the Trumpet of Heaven, signalling the coming of Armageddon. Very powerful piece. Would bid.
the underside is a mirror
I love Turner. My favorite artist. I did a paper on this particular painting. I believe the painting is on display at the National Gallery in D.C.
We lost that knowledge. I also love the shills or otherwise nigger-types in the thread boasting how their iphone can take the same picture as some of the Old Masters. I guess most Americans haven't been to a real museum. Think about that Eurofags... it's sad.
Modern art was an intelligence project created by jews in order to control the industry and use it for money laundering and credit/default swaps. Obviously a Rothko isn't selling for 160 million because of merit. MOMA was founded by Rockefeller, of Standard Oil, but also Chase Bank. Clear to see why a banking family might want to be involved in this scam.
Oh boy it's another thread where Sup Forums
>uses the term modern art when they mean contemporary or abstract
>gets upset because the only contemporary art they ever actually see is what gets coverage specifically for being outrageously shitty
>remains unaware of the massive amount of non retarded contemporary art
>claims if it doesn't look difficult to make then it's not real art
>pretty much only appreciates art if it depicts humans, civilization, or nature in a fairly realistic and representative way
why does literally everybody wear trainers?
a faggot of baguettes
The whole idea is investment.
You buy something unique from a validated source (the artist)
You buy low (30M) and sell high (60M)
All art collectors are investors.
It's not about art at all. It's all about money
Not modern
why does no one else love this, because i love this
This is garbage not art burn it fast
Rare Pepe
A lot of people have expectations for themselves which they don't have the innate or developed talent to live up to.
Modern art is a Jewish money laundering scheme.
I bet the art shool teacher was a jew.
i dont care about perspective, this guy makes /comfy/ paintings
thats honestly cool. is that a painting or a wood carving?
They want to be able to throw any idea on their vague inkblots. If you give art pieces an interpretive spectrum people can project whatever they want on a canvas even if its completely blank.
Everything is relative goy, beauty is in the eye of the beholda, you don't need aht from dose old white goyim, theahs no beauty in yah identity if its based on realism
They are ugly, they hate realism and genuine self expression.
Nothing wrong with that... pleasing colors... abstraction. I don't have a problem with it. I just know postmodernism was pushed and created by jews and I doubt their intent was benevolent.
Also, it seems like that recently sold da Vinci was fake. Seeing as the photo of the painting from 1907 looks entirely different. As if they'd just allow someone to repaint this so obviously. I mean, where'd his mustache go? Why is his chin longer? What about the forehead shape? I thought it was illegal to vandalize art, especially a da Vinci...
Modern art is absolute trash. It no longer represents anything. They use the term "abstract" to blanket their lack of true skill. Anyone can wing paint onto a giant canvas and call it art, but that does not make it art. It makes it aimlessly winged paint. Real art these days is rare to come by. Art teachers now teach kids to use images as references which is essentially a physical form of copying and pasting. This copy+paste curriculum only teaches kids to follow other artists, rather than creating things on their own things with their own ideas. It's disgusting how people these days accept simple shapes with flat colors to be "art".
>Diego Fazio
Thank you for that, user. Learn something new every day.
Maybe just a shoddy restoration?
Because they're lazy Jew nigger who know that retarded "deep" art will sell to other pretentious jews who will offer up big bucks to hang a piece of shit on their walls
If this modern art is so simplistic and easy yet you can sell it for millions why isn't everyone doing it? I need money (recovering gambling addict) and I'm serious, how do I go about creating some of this ''art'' to sell to a museum?