If cuckoldry is so bad then why did Joseph do it?
If cuckoldry is so bad then why did Joseph do it?
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Because he was a retard.
If my wife tells me that somehow God impregnated her as an excuse for cheating me, that bich will run across all Judea and back trying to escape from her punishment
Because he was a semite.
Why didn’t he just beat up god to reclaim his honor?
If i remember, God technically didn't inseminate Jesus (unless you account Mormon fanfiction) he just formed Jesus inside Mary. God cucked both Mary AND Joseph into raising his son
God is an alpha chad lol
That's the whole point. It was the ultimate shame that he endured by sticking by her side. He clearly didn't want to. I mean, an angel had to show up and tell him to be cool about it.
Being the guardians/parents of The Messiah would have been like winning the Honor lottery to Mary and Joseph. And they're still the most honored parents in the world two thousand years later.
Why couldn't God make his son out of dirt like that other son of his? If he needed him to born of a human woman why couldn't he get his own wife? Because Jew myths are stupid.
>didn't inseminate Jesus
Well, yeah, that would be gay. He inseminated the boy's mother.
something zeus did many times
>does everything to not go near vaginas to point people say mary was cucked now too
>says He does it anyways
How about you realise you are trying to have a discussion with people who say Joseph was a cuck so you can make fun of Christ and have some other guy say it has to do with what he said. I wont repeat it. And you call this gay. Of all things. Fuck off
>If cuckoldry is so bad then why did Joseph do it?
He wasn't really cuckolded. Mary didn't have sex with anyone else, and neither her nor the Holy Spirit got pleasure out of the conception. So his wife didn't have pleasure at his expense.
I guess you can say that Joseph was kinda a cuck for raising a child that didn't share genetics with him, but when the child is the Son of God, it's more of an honor to raise the child.
God is literally the most alpha chad
>I mean, an angel had to show up and tell him to be cool about it.
>Dude just be cool Joseph, raise another holy spirit's spawn bro. The Holy Spirit railed your wife but there's no disrespect bro just invest all your time and resources into raising this bastard cuck child
if Joseph walked away and said "no, raise your own son" then God would've gotten buttflustered and probably killed Joseph, and still wouldn't have raised Jesus like a father, making God look like a deadbeat
No one had sex with Mary. Cuckoldry involves sex.
Are you illiterate? Go read what was written again and feel ashamed for reacting this way to a joke about mistyping.
>Mary didn't have sex with anyone else
Except , y'know, the guy who got her preggers. Bitch doesn't just become pregnant.
>when the child is the Son of God, it's more of an honor to raise the child
Why couldn't the lazy fucker do it himself? Was he too busy to look after his son? Did he not care? Why didn't he tell a couple "hey, don't let your daughter marry because I am god and I'm going to impregnate her"?
>No one had sex with Mary
Do you not know how babby is formed?
make me. you equate penis vagina with babies. and half of this thread is about the MYSTERY of why no penis vagina for Christ. so everything fucking weird is always "gay". whatever that is. and God has your intercourse with anything. let alone gay. let alone the fucking entire idea of this shit thread. calm your tits asshole. bye. i dont even care. fucking blasphemy
What part of a miracle do you not understand? It is the reason she is called the Virgin Mary.
>God technically didn't inseminate Jesus (unless you account Mormon fanfiction) he just formed Jesus inside Mary
He mistyped, so I says "of course he didn't inseminate him, that would be gay". A simple joke about simple mistyping that you're too stupid for.
>n-no, I wasn't having sex with nobody else
>it's a miracle baby, honest, you gotta believe
True, but he still raised another person's son. And he didn't have any other wives to bear him any other children. Also, being a holy man, he wouldn't have hooked up with any sluts or ho's either.
What color was the man who actually impregnated Mary? What does this say about Joseph's sexual preferences and predilections?
So, we wuz godz?
Christianity is a cuck religion.
Joseph had sons though
>Naturalist tries to explain miracle by guessing
There's absolutely nothing to gain from guessing what happened.
This is true. It is treated as adoption by Christian circles.
He's talking about Joseph, husband to Mary. Not Joseph of the tribes in Genesis.
One or more mods working with shills directly. They go on banning sprees during the height of a shilling wave. Watch out for the sneaky shit.
>There's absolutely nothing to gain from guessing what happened.
Neither is there form pretending bullshit like "miracles" is real.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Christianity is the worship of the weak and the Jewish. It is very appropriate that this Semitic religion started with cuckoldry.
Anyone not if Semitic origin who worships a Semitic religion is a fucken cuck.
You, sir, are rather ignorant.
Meh. Those cultures that Revere loving kindness and compassion are usually the most fierce and dreaded in power. Even the Savage pagans had value in it in their communities.
Pagan larpers and euphorics seem to have a he-man/Kill the Conquerer notion of ancient European "pre-christian" values. It is fucking retarded.
>Can manifest a person
>puts it in a roastie for 9mo instead of just making him an adult
>Why didn't God raise Jesus the way I would've done it?
Maybe being omniscient causes you to make decisions that don't always make sense to people with limited knowledge.
>the virgin Mary was a roastie
What does this word even mean?
It makes sense for the child to be raised by humans in human society to understand them and give God a better idea of them.
>My Wife’s Son: The Religion
I’m done. You fags are ruining this for me
>can manifest intelligence
>makes a child slowly grow an understanding of the world instead of just giving him intelligence
God isn't omnipotent.
Just extremelypotent
youre talking about the false god mate