Sup Forums I need interview advice. I got a job interview tomorrow as an apprentice plumber/gas fitter.. Any suggestions?
Sup Forums I need interview advice. I got a job interview tomorrow as an apprentice plumber/gas fitter...
just bee yourself
1. Wear a tux
2. Bring a friend
3. Let a long smelly fart
Gas the kikes
Tell him you are confident you'll be an asset when you get some time hands on, and don't complain about negative stuff about the past.
walk in tell them you start monday walk out
and dont forget to tell them you're jewish
Do you have your grade ten?
Good your hired
don't overthink it, if you find yourself overthinking in the moment focus on the question being asked etc and trust your intuition, if you are sure in yourself you have absolutely nothing to worry about
Willingness to learn and excitement about an opportunity is almost as important as experience in apprentice/junior roles just keep that in mind.
I'm a PM for a construction mgmt firm so I'm not directly involved with any hiring practices for labor force, just a paper pusher myself. So the standard rules may vary. But I wouldn't imagine it to be too hard to stick out in a good way.
Dress nicely. Clean, pressed shirt and dress pants if a suit is too much.
Bring some copies of a resume, even it's just your high school / trade school experience.
Bring a notebook and pen for notes.
Pre-Interview: Do some research on the firm, what sort of projects they've worked on.
During the interview: Ask what a typical day/week is like, what sort of work you'll be doing. Ask the interviewer what their experience has been like at the company so far. Everyone (in a hiring position at least, not talking about y'all autists) likes talking about themselves to some extent.
Lastly, make sure to actually listen and craft some answers that subtly show how you would BENEFIT the company. Don't harp on about how much you want the job, if you didn't you woudln't be there. Make yourself the best choice for the company to make more money and they'll break you off a sweet piece of them wage cuckery gibs
I'd say this is the big stuff in this case. Trades aren't expecting experts at the moment of hire in entry roles unlike the rest of the delusional job market.
If it's an apprenticeship, they're looking for people willing to learn. They're looking for attitude and willpower, not your already existing skill. Any person can learn a skill as long as they're focused. They want commitment from you. If they ask you about a negative situation, find a way to turn it into a positive(learning experience or what have you). Just don't give any signals that you'll flake(don't be a potential flight risk, don't dwell on past jobs if you sucked at them, etc), you'll be good.
Thanks for the responses fellow Pollacks.. I've been slamming resumes for a year trying to get a position like this and I can almost reach it. Thanks bros
yep ask THEM some questions, makes u look sociable and friendly
This is the most important thing. You would be surprised how many people FUCK UP this one simple step.
This. Prepare some questions for them and the company. THEY WANT YOU, not the other way around. Remember that.
It's for an apprenticeship.
Just answer the questions truthfully, talk about how you want to pursue your journeyman certification and think of examples and problem solving from other jobs that can be transferred to the apprenticeship.
Trades are about hard work and not being an arrogant jerk when you don't know something, just be willing to learn and show up.
Don't wear dress pants, but wear a nice shirt, have a pair of boots ready, bring a resume, do a bit of research before hand on the conpany, and have a firm handshake.
Ask the interviewer some questions like what sort of places they work on. Small talk that involves the company.
Bring copies of your resume just in case, be clean, be 15 minutes early, and be willing to get messy and work hard.
On the job:
Just never be not-busy. If you don't know what to do, ask. If there's nobody to ask, start cleaning. Cleaning the teeth of a pipe-wrench with a wire brush will clear out lots of gunk and put years of life into it. There's a lot to learn about what part is what, but be patient and you'll understand in time.
Apprenticeships vary a lot depending on the specific person you're under. You'll spend your first year as a mobile shelving unit, handing things and fetching things. Just be eager, pay attention, and try to anticipate what to hand them next.
you're a human
interviewer is a human
rehearse your background so you don't stutter
just breathe, the guy is probably a total bro
That picture is so pure. It reminds me of all that is good in the world.
The best thing you can do is, make sure your hands are rough as shit, if they aren't, you aint getting the job. Get a cinder block and pick it up and down for about an hour, it will make your hands feel rough. make sure you are tan. if you are a pasty faced pizza eater, you're fucked. wear work clothes, carhartt or smith pants, redwings boots or worn construction boots. don't speak unless spoken to, and even then keep your answers short. tell them during the interview that you are working and took the day off for the interview.
t. contractor that hires faggots like you all the time.
Show up well dressed or in a polo shirt shave trim your nails get a decent haircut and sit up straight when you talk.
>be me
>job interview at an office job
>HR is an uppity nigger female from Nigeria
>she's condescending
>tells me I'm not qualified for this position because of the way I act or some shit
>get pissed
>call her a shitskin
>she yells at me and makes a massive scene
>go home
tell them that you are fine with taking leadership responsibilities and that is were you see yourself in the future, after you have grown, learned, and earned your dues.
most unions are majority peons that don't want to lead.
Break the interviewers nose and rape