How are you going to celebrate best boy's birthday?
Yuri!!! On Ice
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So are YoI threads dead?
>Celebrating Georgi
>Not Victor
Bless best boy Georgi. Meme mahou is alive and well.
Bless us with Otabike's revenge S2.
By being hungover from the wodka I drank on Viktor's birthday. I'll try to do some witchcraft in his honour though.
Victor a shit who puts up with Yuri's japanese ways instead of scolding him, Georgi on the contrary never did anything wrong.
Can we expect something official for Victor's birthday?
>even Georgi's birthday is overshadowed by Victor
I hope so. Did we get anything for Yuuri?
Even Crunchyroll are mad about the last episode.
By crawling twitter for fanarts.
Looking forward to her posts about Saint Petersberg.
Is she there now? Working on s2 confirmed.
She went there to get some research for the next season?
Don't know but she changed her background to it.
Man she hasn't posted on her twitter for two days ;_;
A best. I hope she takes all the time she needs.
Eating the leftover cake from Victor's birthday.
If she's there it means she already started working on S2. Bless.
Probably no more than what Yuuri got.
Now now show is over. Back to tumblr.
I have to say, after 2 days break I am feeling better about the ending. It was still rushed as fuck and they needed a 13th episode but it will lead into s2 well whenever that happens.
Yuri got shitty cellphone wallpapers and a few tweets from Kubo. The animate cafe is having an event for Viktor and Georgi today, though.
Feels bad not living in nipland to go to these exclusive YoI events
I'm looking forward to all of their interactions in Russia, the Russia skaters are fun.
I too feel better knowing it had to be rushed to prepare to season 2. I'd rather have 12 new non-rushed episode than one great finale.
Pretty much. I also have hope that if they do OVAs we will get more of the non skating scenes we wanted all along, which is great. I hope Kubo ends up doing the manga too, since her Yuuri and Victor are top tier.
I wonder if Yurio will still improve, though, after all that stuff from Yakov about it being good his being away from Victor.
I hope Yakov steps in and co-coaches, Yuri so Victor learns how2coach.
I missed all the live ep 12 threads, is it worth going back to check them or is it all just disappointment?
I think Yuuri being around will help, he views him as a rival. He'll probably be very driven given how close their scores were, Yuuri could have beat him as well if he hadn't fucked up.
Like another user had mentioned, I'd like Lilia to work with Yuuri. Bringing out his ballet skills would be nice.
Some are okay but there is a lot of bitching honestly.
Not worth it.
I wonder if any other choreographers felt cucked when it looked like Victor was gonna retire.
He godmoded ever other skater when he competed, then when he takes up choreographing for other people he immediately breaks both world records. Skaters would have flocked to him on their knees begging for routines, throwing suitcases full of money.
Do they really need a season 2? I know they left it open but that ending is kind of complete.
I think both coaches and choreographers felt cucked by Victor. Thankfully he's still shit at coaching.
At the very least, Victor has something he can do after he retires. Yuuri was never going to retire this season, if only because he'd be doing nothing.
>敬意なし ほんとそれ何でそんなコメントばかり拾ったのか
nips hate gaijin for disliking the ending
more news at 11
Victor's effect will be haunting everyone long after he retires.
I felt the complete opposite desu. The only thing that saved it is the fact that it's not the end.
I didn't watch past the 2nd episode.
Are the characters in this show actually faggots, or is the delusion of the fujos? I can never trust the judgment of these people since they are blinded by their intemperate sexual fantasies.
Given the niconico rating, and how they've been responding on twitter, I am not surprised at all.
Now that a few days have gone by I've seen more gaijin open up about thinking the ending was hella rushed.
She's already working on season 2. God, Georgi, bless Kubo.
>I didn't watch past the 2nd episode
I'm feeling better about it too. I was really mad at first and I still don't really have any faith in s2 being competently written, but I'm too in love with the characters to stay buttblasted for long. Even if I hate what they did with the character development, I can concede that it wasn't totally out of left field and there is some sort of tenuous explanation for most of it. Lots of the episode was adorable and enjoyable, so I got good feels out of it too.
It's pretty heavily implied the two MCs are faggots for each other, but the rest of the characters are relatively straight.
You should give it a go though.
Yuuri seriously wouldn't know what to with himself if he retired. Sure he'd help out at the hot spring but without skating he'd probably be empty, as a kid he was hardly home and spent most of his time at Minako's or the rink.
They're actually gay and engaged.
>pointing to dubs
truly we are ミーム魔法(MEME MAGIC)
Me too. I think there was such a knee jerk reaction because I had no idea how they could end it with so little time, and unfortunately we were correct in thinking it would be rushed. But like said, I'd rather one rushed episode as a trade off for another 12 (or 25 pls)
>heavily implied to be fags
>actually gay and engaged
I'm confused. Which is it?
One can only pity them, it must suck wanting to win at the stage. They might have a chance against Yurio when Yuuri retires but that might not be for 5 years if he keeps his promise.
Gay and engaged, but no kissu means no confirmation
Then why are you asking? It doesn't sound like you'd like it anyway.
Yes, they're gay. There's even a meta-narrative love story in the show that's about them.
He would be totally stir crazy. I'm glad the show will make him compete for another few seasons.
They're gay for each other, they just haven't cemented their relationship.
They're pretty homosex. The nip character bought the Russian engagement rings and they put them on each other in a romanchikku church of love.
They do kiss, and even if you don't take that as enough, they kiss on the hands and foot.
Their feelings are clear for each other but there's endless debate on how far they've taken their relationship.
I was so buttblased in 12 when they had three almost kisses and an implied duet kiss. So fucking mad.
But it's true, it's more than we ever expected to even get a kiss and we got it so early in the show.
No medal kiss yet though unfortunately, I wonder how lewd Victor will make it.
So what characters are going to stay/go S2?
>Otabek as new rival and tomodachi
>JJ because leaf must get blown
>Seung Gil because gook
>Guang hong due to series slut requirements
>Taco because smile restoration must occur
>Georgi because old and retired
>Chris, see above
>Phichit working on Phichit!!! On Ice
>Crispy will move to pair skating with Sala
all the rest as cameos/irrelevant
I'd like to see at least one new skater from a left-field country, like Australia or South America
>hurr hurr no respect
This is Sup Forums, what did they expect?
Georgi will stick around I'm sure.
Yeah I think that sounds about right.
I'm sad about Phichit leaving, because he's a genuinely nice character but you could tell his brain was elsewhere during his skate in e12.
Fuck JJ.
Who are the other major VAs? Just Otabek, yeah?
>5 years
why do people keep saying this? there are five major events in the season:
2x GPF qualifiers
thus five golds = winning a whole season =/= five years
Yuuri's FS
I'm mostly asking out of curiosity. I see the way the /u/ degenerates completely butcher the themes of Hibike Euphonium and I wonder if the fujos are giving Yuri on Ice the same treatment.
I dropped the show because it didn't give me the hype competition that I crave from sports anime. If this is just a diabetic show about actual fags with little hype then I don't see how I could enjoy this show.
JJ and Otabek are a given. Phichit too, he is only 20. Shit with Mickey, Sara and Emil will continue on the side when they appear.
The rest will do the same shit as S1
Victor wants him to be a 5 time world champion like him.
Because we want endless YoI
Isn't it because Victor wants 5 world championships?
To call that a kiss you must be delusional, it only looks that why when you take the frames. In reality it's to fast.
5 golds from Worlds,user.
The animation is stuttered during that scene too, like they removed a couple of frames.
>5 time world champion
So he wants him to be Booker T?
He wants Yuuri to completely annihilate his records.
Victor should obliterate the WRs again to set another goal for Piggy after he finally gets that gold and we finally get kissu on the lips as well as the medal. Hook for season 3, if he wins that Victor will go to second base with him.
Georgi is only 23 as well.
Chris is out because he's never going to beat Yuuri, Yurio AND Victor competing.
Phichit leaving will make me sad but he has other priorities.
Crispy + pairs? Nah, Sara doesn't want that.
I want Otabek to also join them skating in Russia for the lulz.
And annihilate his anus.
But he was so pissy about it this episode. He didn't even really get excited in the kiss and cry for his pig.
Don't be fooled by the fujo-hype, the anime is pretty heavy on ice-skating.
About 80% of screen time of all the competition episodes (5-9, 11/12) is skating, the rest is heavy on the jargon and training.
The rest of the time is dedicated to heavy handed, but relevant faggotry relating ai(su). As a non-fujo I felt it didn't really take away from the sports aspect.
That being said if you aren't invested yet I'd just wait until BD rips come out so they address the kekQUALITY issues.
Qualifier gold is lame, Victor shouldn't count those.
The pair skate confirmed SWITCHING so their anuses will both be obliterated
Just how long can he stretch this out? Even Yuuri will frustrated eventually, unless that's his plan?
>that ending is kind of complete.
On what planet? Most of that episode felt like sequel setup
This. If you haven't watched it yet wait for the BDs.
I bet that's how russian skating squad usually celebrated his birthday in their training days.
Those will only earn Yuuri one katsudon dinner.
I have to admit, I was disappointed we didn't get any eyelash boners for a warudo rekuado.
If you're so worried about 'actual fags' then don't watch it, moron. Love in general and between the MCs happens to be a central theme of the series, so if you're concerned about themes being butchered it isn't the fujos at fault, it's the people who want hype sports over relationship development.
I'd be pissy too if the person I had dropped everything for suddenly turned around and was all 'Cool kthx for everything but this is my last skate btw Im retiring kek'
You can't avoid the homo because it's to do with the MCs, but it's 80% about skating so if you're into sports anime you can get by.
Pls no, JJ is enough.
He was conflicted. The skate itself made him cry tears of joy, but it also awoke his inner competitor. It's clear that he said what he said because he wanted Pig to stay by his side for as long as possible. I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually want him to become better than him.
Pretty much this, although a lot of the skating is also a metaphor for Baldfat relationship or somehow involved with how it's progressing. It's intertwined.
Yeah, don't compare this to Hibike. Yuuri and Victor only have eyes for each other.
Their relationship is literally the biggest driving force of the show. There's plenty of competition later, but the skating is also tied with all the character's relationships and feelings.
You seem concerned about faggotry so that's why I said you probably wouldn't like it.
I mean specifically his records being taken. He was upset about Yurio beating him too.
Yuuri ruined the mood with possible retirement looming, he gave us puddle eyes later on.
>Love in general and between the MCs happens to be a central theme of the series
This. And it's not all romantic love, either.
I think he honestly didn't expect the two of them to do it, he was shocked.
Oh yeah, well yes. It's why I don't have as much of a problem with the last part of the season as other anons. If you watch the episodes back to back it actually does make sense that suddenly the two people who he gave routines to BTFO his WR. When his major issue was not knowing what to do next, it was the perfect setup for him to find his love of competition again.