Are poor Appalachian whites degenerate? With their generational poverty, rampant substance abuse, and nonexistent father figures?
Are poor Appalachian whites degenerate? With their generational poverty, rampant substance abuse...
What makes them degenerate?
Probably the meth
fuck off urban and metropolitan retard
You mean, snowniggers?
alright you dumb inbred nigger
they suffer from the same things that turn blacks into degenerates. poor home environment, no money or education and no will to improve. rednecks and hicks are white niggers.
No they generally know who their father is.
Yes. Sup Forums will jerk off to them all day because Sup Forums assumes anyone right-wing is 100% an upstanding citizen, but west Virginians and east kentuckians are trash. Absolute, drug-addicted, double digit IQ trash.
That said, they are still 100 times better than vibrant inner city multicultural youth, as white trash tend to not be violent.
They have a crabs in a bucket mentality almost as bad as dindus, though, and discourage kids from higher education. And I don't mean meme shit like feminist dance therapy, I mean "you don't need to know math you're going to be a roof bolter in the mines just like your pappy"
t. Grew up in eastern Kentucky, went to college in a suburbish area of Indiana and now live in a rural white part of Montana. Indiana and Montana are infinitely better than where I grew up. It's not that rural areas are bad, it's Appalachia specifically.
if you're from Pike County I sincerely hope you get ass cancer and die you filthy fucking traitor.
I spent some time there in the 90s when I was in Jr High. Some of the strongest families I've ever seen came out of these poor white communities. Jewish drug companies are trying to do to whites what was done to niggers by opiates and welfare.
Good points.
Kentuckian here. Fuck you, you traitorous asshole; fuck you for projecting your own personal dysfunctions onto the entirety of Appalachia.
Alright let me, a certified hillbilly, explain why Appalachia is in the state it's in. For the last century, up until recently, coal companies have had their cocks shoved up the ass of this region ass raping it until it just gave up and said "Alright I guess this is life now." The poverty is a symptom of the geography of the region, there's no real decent way to start a business here unless it's logging or coal mining. That's why most people were farmers and lived happy little lives making a family and living off the land until they started mining coal. THe substance abuse is a new thing. With the decline of the coal industry the people of Appalachia feel hopeless and see no future prospects because the only way of life these people have known for the last 100 years is gone now and it's never going to come back. Therefore they turn to substance abuse as a means of escape. Truth be told it's not even that common. Most people are just normal fucking white folks trying to make a living. As for the father figures issue, that's not a real thing everyone around here knows who their family is and are generally pretty damn close to them.
They have far more decency than those without racial values and in-group community sense of belonging. This comes from someone who slays a lot during one week on exchange markets and money laundering.
DNA you are born is not enough to be a part of the Blood Community (although not being pure in race banishes your chance to join no matter how accomplished you are).
racial awareness + noble living + pure bloodline = White/European ethnicity x
So you're saying it's not related to genetics?
Close. Floyd.
I enjoy that the best arguments you both can come up with are "fuck you, traitor." I'm engaged to a white woman, I haven't betrayed my race. Far more important than giving a shit about loyalty to a shit state.
Well, not all shit. I do like western Kentucky. Louisville can fuck off of course.
What he said describes large parts of Western NC and the bordering areas of Tennessee.
Also this. There just aren't any jobs. These areas suffer major brain drain, the intelligent and wealthy all left when the local economy went bad. The only ones left are hopeless cases with no futures. They don't have money for education or access to it without leaving the area which they can't afford to do without jobs. They're stranded and doomed.
no more jobs
Still a significantly lower crime rate than niggers despite being dirt poor and destitute
Crazy how with all of that plus being a pro gun state that West Virginia isn't like Illinois.
lack of opportunity
broken homes
poor education
Now, what could be the reason that Appalachia doesn't have a murder rate on par with Chicago?
What could it be?
What could it be?
You know they are some of the nicest people you will meet. They aren't poor niggers that will chimp on you without a seconds notice. Being poor doesn't make you a violent ape. Being a nigger does.
Appalachia, the adirondacks, the 6 New England States, and White Urbanites are 100% responsible for the demographic decline of White Americans. White Suburbanites and Rural dwellers outside of The Adirondacks & Appalachia are above replacement rate and are seeing their mortality rates actually drop. Though some areas of Appalachia aren’t too bad. Grant County Kentucky for Example. The suburbs of Cincinnati and Indianapolis too.
Here's the thing, retard. Poor Whites in Appalachia still work. Sure, they have their vices that were pushed on them by (((them))), but they still contribute, and keep to themselves. I'd rather live around Appalachian rednecks than urban niggers any day.
fun to hang with and still better than niggers
The fact that your nearest neighbor in Appalachia is 30 miles away makes it hard to murder people m8
Yeah white trash is just as bad as niggers. Living in Georgia you have both plus spics too
Why dont they just click their heels and activate their white privilege?
Many of them are good people who wanted things to be fine, but things are fucked up.
Drugs ruin people though. The drug problem in the area is a real shame, and it turns a lot of people into selfish degenerates. The region would be a much nicer place if something was done about the widespread substance abuse.
They commit less crime than urban blacks so no
Here's the thing, retard. I literally said in my post that they're still a hundred times better than nogs. Did you get so angry and your blood pressure started pumping so furiously one sentence into my original post that you couldn't read the rest?
>Talks shit about poor Whites
>Expects not to be called a retard
I'm not talking shit about all poor whites. I'm talking shit about specifically Appalachian poor, dumb whites. West Virginia is 93% white yet the average IQ is under 100. Do you not realize how fucking sad that is?
There's plenty of poor whites I'm friends with who actually act like decent human beings as opposed to the various meth addicts I had to deal with growing up. I don't know what the difference is, but Rocky Mountain whites >>>>>>>>>> Appalachian whites.
Somebody has to be the shittiest whites. At least you're not Califagians, they're even dumber albeit a bit richer.
So you guys get off wheezing shit back and forth all day and all night and all the other time that don't fit anywhere else?
"You think it's a good way to spend the day?", is all I'm asking.
Oh I almost forgot to tell you to fuck off, you smelly raghole bleeding sacs of human waste.
Nigs gonna always nig. I learned that lesson several times over, for sure.
They just can't not nig.
I mean, first off, just look at one: and not a used nigger, but a new nig, and you have to ask, why do look like a goddamned bamboon?
I mean all y'all. Give me some chips.
Appalachians make some damn fine music about their struggles.
Another East Kentuckian here. Just leave Appalachia for a year and then tell me it's not the best goddamn place to be in America,
Especially right now.
To kikes like the OP, anybody who engages in actual productive labor is a "degenerate".
why do you still have your meme flag on?
>Appalachians make some damn fine music about their struggles.
This much is actually true.
>Just leave Appalachia for a year and then tell me it's not the best goddamn place to be in America
It's been close to 8 and I'm still loving my decision to leave. I have a few old friends I go back and visit once a year or so but it's mostly as shit as I remember. Great nature, but I get even better where I live now and without the drug problems.
Meth is a meme, 90% of people are addicted to painkillers or heroin
1% cherokee 1% negro slave dna. being unironic here.
> For the last century, up until recently, coal companies have had their cocks shoved up the ass of this region ass raping it until it just gave up and said "Alright I guess this is life now."
>With the decline of the coal industry the people of Appalachia feel hopeless and see no future prospects because the only way of life these people have known for the last 100 years is gone now and it's never going to come back.
Sounds like yet another group of people unjustly assraped by global Judeo-capitalism. If you support capitalism, you support kike banker making working class whites impoverished.
The drug problem is bad, yes, but it's mostly quarantined in back hollows that upstanding citizens only party at during the weekends.
To me the hills and seclusion of Appalachia are it's main appeal. The trouble is, modern Americans have the attention spans of small rodents and only want to drink, have sex and bore easily and end up missing out on the beauty that states like Kentucky have to offer.
>Yeah white trash is just as bad as niggers
Matt Heimbach will save them.
nah, but niggers like you are.