Why is the hormonal balance of Western women so out of whack? Why is their fat distribution horrid, and why are there disproportionately many anorexic/obese women today, when resources needed to develop a body such as pic related are far more abundant than 50 years ago? Is it the jew?
Why is there a lack of natural attractive bodies?
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what is the angle of the inherent slope with the baby bags here. there is always an element of sag. then a male looking torso. then a twelfth little sideways mouth thing that nobody can see. yaaaay
Giv milk
I just came here for the Titties.
Basic Gesalt:
our food and water is REALLY unnatural and terrible for you.
>inb4 haha yeah bro thats why Im vegan
yes, processed soy patties from a fucking FACTORY are truly natural, you goddamn fucking idiot.
Op you might also ask why cancer rates are skyrocketing when tobacco consumption is nearly completely obliterated from society. Truth is while tobacco can cause cancer it isn't what was causing it for most people. Our food and water was, but to keep people blind and to eliminate a capitalist industry(that is scientifically proven to increase testosterone) they told you it was smoking and basically made it illegal to smoke everywhere.
>is it the jews?
well it is "the globalists" and so yeah its probably got at least some Jews thrown in there. (most likely more than just "some")
Fag just jealous he will never be a naturally real woman.
>Why is there a lack of natural attractive bodies?
>you want fake tits?
you, go strong woman, get them silcone!
>you want penis and he pronoun?
you go get yourself a pepsi penis!
You mean decrease testosterone? I know about the effects modern food has on the endocrine system, it's terrible.
How would one go about practically implementing a healthy diet? Is it doable without living in a völkisch farming community?
It's a transfer of estrogen through soy, now men hold the feminine sexual power over women
>is it the jew?
its always, the jew
women only look like that for a few years before they either get fat or get pregnant.
>Why is their fat distribution horrid
Because western women had to survive cold winters.
We should whip up a healthy diet for all of Sup Forums to follow. Ya know strengthen us up and all that.
it's food and whatever shit they're putting in the water
a lifetime of eating junk like fast food, fruity loops, oreos, cheetos, doritos, and coca cola.
add to that birth control
I know a girl from Ukraine and her fat distribution is just like you described OP, she is perfectly healthy looking, and she is very average looking. yet she still looks normal.
I don't know what kind of shit they're doing to people here in America but fucking hell it's like I'm surrounded by mutants
You're an idiot if you think that most women even look all that great nude or semi-nude, It's always been rare and beauty has always been rare and that's why It's valuable
What does David Icke say about women? That's the answer.
you are objectively wrong. the average woman today (in America) weighs as much as literal grown men did in the 1950s
I know how to make women beautiful.
Feeding them McDonalds and gmo chicken, hormone laden milk is a good start.
Good job, there, illuminati.
Such regimens must be very strict after a well-nourished babyhood.
Of course they are to immediately cease after puberty.
There's more to it, I'm sure.
The thing is that most modern women are incorrigible narcissists who think they are 'beautiful at any weight'.
And thus their decline is guaranteed.
That's why fucking genetically modified 9 year olds is everyone's best bet.
Plenty of vegans who don't eat processed soy
I'd say in recent years the percentage of women with great bodies has VASTLY increased. Mainly because of better diets and more exercise.
This topkek @ op
Beauty, from the women you see on the streets, is 40% clothing 40% proper posture and walking and 20% natural beauty
And it's true that women have some really fucked up natural body types.
I don't think deformed tits will ever be successfully purged from the gene pool.
I don't know lad. The endless hot women I see in porn, and amateur for that matter, are fucking hot. I could find thousands in an hour just going from one video to another in constant browsing.
Suck my fucking dick with your bullshit.
>yes, processed soy patties from a fucking FACTORY are truly natural, you goddamn fucking idiot.
fucking faggot. I'm a vegan and guess what I don't eat any fucking soy. I just eat raw fruit and vegetables, that's it. Enjoy your bitch tits and your love handles faggots. If your body isn't this lean, guess what you're unhealthy. Minus the one fat fuck
Look into keto, it will unfuck your hormones.
Just keep up with your veggis and hydration. Having an electrolyte fortified 'water enhancer' on hand helps with hydration a lot.
You can barely eat out, so it's actually cheaper as long as you're buying large amounts of meat and freezing portions.
it's hard to find these types of women in america because 56% and going down.
Eating meat is gay.
That's how you get a whole bunch of dead flesh in your gut that's gives putrid body odor and bad skin.
Really, it's all about hormones. Glands.
Girls should be fed estrogen with a vegetarian fatty blend supplement and that's it. Their bodies will thank us, and us them.
>gypsy telling someone else they're not white
Fuck off, soybean
Because our diets are FUCKED. We should be eating primarily fresh, raw fruit and dark, leafy greens. Maybe some eggs, fish, a little clean meat depending on ancestry. Avoid dairy and grains, incl bread.
Instead people are eating chemicals from a shiny colored box that says "HEALTHY! DIET! FAT FREE!"
Every woman, every man can and should have a great body. Just eat the correct goddamn food for your species.
Romania has the best female singers and pop music in the world. If you combined their stage personality with 9 year old estrogen mutants they would be very pleasing.
Hahaha fuck you, zombie. I'd eat your daughters pussy but only before she starts to die internally with puberty.
>arab telling someone else they're not white
No underling muscle definition from working in a field 8 hours a day
Did you know Vitamin D is a hormone?
We should be eating primarily fresh, raw fruit and dark, leafy greens. Maybe some eggs, fish, a little clean meat depending on ancestry. (But nowhere NEAR what most Americans eat.) Avoid dairy and grains, incl bread.
To ease the transition, start by eating nothing but fruit until noon.
This book will hook you up if you want to go deep: amazon.com
Poor diets
This is how you should eat
>but.. but...... vegans are unhealthy!!!!
This nigger is 62. He looks better than you
>8 hours a day
Did they have 9 to 5s back then too? How did you know it was 8? What if it was 12? Or 4?
women should be getting pregnant, you fucking piece of refuse
A bunch of assholes here are trying to conflate vegan diet with eating soy. Most soy is GMO anyhow; avoid it.
That's because of selection bias you retard, porn companies specifically aren't going to hire ugly women with shitty bodies for a reason, and amateurs who get views are going to be attractive because nobody wants to view ugly chicks getting fucked.
Are you seriously this dense?
those are kids.
Fucking fertile, man.
Those are women of today pictured there. There's not one woman anywhere that shaved her pussy 50 years ago. Anymore than bikini line or landing strip wasn't until the last 20 yrs or so.
But you have to pump the females full of bovine estrogen, vitamin d, growth hormone, soy phytoestrogens before puberty.
That book looks gay.
Jesus said to only eat 1 meal, at noon. If you must eat, do again at sunset but that's it. Working out before breakfast increases growth hormone.
Cure Tooth Decay is a better book.
Grains are poisonous. Grains are for peasant scum.
how's life under arab rule?
>women no longer have the bodies of Playboy girls from the 70s-90s
Meat is not what's fucking with hormones.
Bread or milk is the culprit, otherwise my moobs would have grown instead of disappearing on keto.
So? Is that an excuse for adults to not be that lean?
This man is 62 and he's just as lean.
Jew here!
Oy vey! We're not trying to ruin bodies like the ones in OP!
Fukken saved!
enjoy your ban, op.
did i ever say otherwise?
Funny thing: If I'm eating clean (fruits & veggies), I don't need deodorant. Morning breath is gone too.
If I eat meat, I start stinking. It's rotting flesh in your gut -- OF COURSE you're gonna stink.
Try laying a steak on the kitchen counter and turn the heat up to 98.6F. Let it sit there for 2-3 days...
its the birth control. That changes their fat distribution and makes them put on weight.
Shut up faggot
>rainbow flag
>commenting on women's bodies
your opinions are worthless here (and everywhere else)