This is how the American dies

The end in America is literally a box of drugs put in the hands of your family as life slips away. It goes without saying that the doctors hope you give higher doses than necessary.



In order to die at home instead of a nursing home the hospice patient gets a box of morphine and other comfort meds to be administer at will by the family.

Can you give us a breakdown of the contents?

Kinda interested in what is essentially a first aide kit for pain and death.

>morphine shipped to your home
How do I get in on this?

In America, veterans who fought the evil Nazis die while surrounded by minimum wage muds. This is the future they chose.

Think he’s implying dying of cancer without insurance.

What is the point of this thread? Are you implying something is wrong with this? Hospice only gets involved when the end is obviously near. I helped deal with two of my grandparents who decided to die at home and we had hospice involved.

Much better than being in a hospital surrounded by strangers with tubes down your throat just so they can keep you suffering for another 72 hours before you die.

the interesting thing here is that it's real

>captcha: Water Poppy

I actually work for a hospice. The people who are put onto our service are literally on their last legs. They have no hope for recovery. In the rare cases they do not die within six months, (I think I am not part of the medial side) or two they have to be reevaluated.

my grandmother died of severe dementia and it was not a slow "peaceful" process when they decided to kill her. They gave her a combination of powerful benzos and opiates and it was pretty brutal

>roxanol (Liquid morphine)
>atropeine 1%
>acetaminophen 650mg
>haloperidol lactate
>constipation meds

The same shit happens in Canada. I had to prep my dad's drugs and administer them in his last day. There are supposed to be nurses there but they occasionally just don't show up and it made my mom worry endlessly. It's pretty shit.

These drugs basically make the person sleep and not thrash about which upsets the family. My dad would go into delirium and thrash about on his bed because his brain was shutting down. It made my mom think he was in pain or trying to communicate. There's nothing much to do once the dying process begins, but just reducing the grotesqueness of it.

Home with your family is better than being harassed by nurses.

I'm pretty sure hospices exist all over he world and they do similar things.


OP is a faggot deserving of the hottest hells, hospice care is a service that provides great care for those about to keel over. My own mom was in hospice care for 2 weeks and she was made happy - yes on drugs - but she wanted a content ending and they gave it to her

sweet, thanks.

how ridiculous must be the little niche world of drug naming...

I used to do lorazepan by medical prescription, is that bad that shit? Didnt notice any change atall

This was provided by a insurance company. Mesothelioma lung cancer has no cure.

wtf your family is shit. This is why I'll just shoot myself in the head when I feel like I've lived long enough.

It makes you sleepy and more calm. When used with morphine it helps the anxiety of not being able to breathe.

How many lawyers tried to jump on your dick because of that? I see liability ads for it all the time.

When people go to hospices do they usually intentionally overdose with this? I had a distant relative check into a hospice and he literally died two days later, I've always wondered why he croaked so quickly (pretty sure he was given at least three months to live).

They give it becouse anxiety, just that and paroxetine, does they had any sideeffect? Stopped taking them this last summer

>my grandmother died of severe dementia
>gave her a combination of powerful benzos and opiates and it was pretty brutal

Your grandmother didn't die of dementia. She was murdered by your family.


Opiate deaths are peaceful when the person is actually about to die of something real and painful.

Nobody. It smells like a scam where the law firm gets most of the money.

Don't knock it. I gave the lethal dose for my grandmother who had cancer months ago. Easily the most humane way to go at the stage it becomes an option. People think docs and stuff will give you a roadmap, they don't.

I fully intend on swallowing a bottle after a last good night with my family when God hands me my walking papers.

An ignorant flaggot. How surprising!

Dementia is a fucking heinous death.

I don't know but you should be barred from possessing any weapons IMO. I prescribe a strict regimen of vegetables and blue pills.

>gets a box of morphine and other comfort meds
My wife put her grandmother down this way, increased the morphine till she was gone over a few days, they kept telling to give her more and more each time, peaceful, calm, everything went just fine, but assisted suicide isn't legal, unless it's approved by hospice of course

Hospice care should be available to the severely mentally ill...

i hope armenia slips in a deal with the CIA to nuke your dick

Are you implying it was worsened by the drugs? I can't imagine being loaded on opiates and benzos could make one feel worse.

It does seem unpleasant though if you took your grandmother, who was going to take several weeks or months to die naturally from dementia, and administered more and more drugs until a fatal overdose occurred.

I have put down farm animals with a gun, I have put down cats with a gun and I have put down a dog with a gun. I will do the same for any member of my family who wants to be put down.

Fuck feeding them a cocktail of random shit, a bullet is as quick and painless as it gets.

I legit did not know people go to hospices to intentionally overdose. Neat.

I always figured people just kind of went there to expire naturally while managing their pain.

Home hospice is one of the best advances in medicine in the last 25 years.

Both of my parents died in home hospice.

3/10 troll harder newfag.