ITT: post the most soy-boy fact about yourself to prove you're not a soyboi

ITT: post the most soy-boy fact about yourself to prove you're not a soyboi

I'll start: I don't watch team sports.

I don't lift

Not watching team sports doesn't make you soyboy. That shit is a waste of time honestly.
Soyboy doesn't play team sports, individual sports, or workout in general.

I enjoy eating salads, i do so about once a day.

I've been vegan for 20 years.

But I don't have bitch tits or liberal mental disorders... I'm just healthy.

I weave yoghurt

I fap to traps

I don't go to the gym or do any other kind of regular sports

I never close my mouth

you are a faggot.

what the fuck is a soyboy

asmr puts me to sleep at night

I enjoy soy sauce on my fried rice,


I have the physique of a soy boy

I play classical piano and transcribe all my sheet music with a fountain pen

I regularly browse /vp/

I like video games, my primary exercise is yoga (though it's DDP yoga so I don't know what you'd call it), I also always wear glasses because contacts irritate my eyes and get infected.

>no full beard at 22

I think soy sauce is fermented and free of estrogen mimickers. I think. Look it up if you care to know for sure.

I'm a clopper

The latest take on the 'low test' insult.

Specifically, referencing the prevalence of soybean oil and other phytoestrogen mimickers in Western society correlating with the sudden surge of 'nu-males' who present with oddly effeminate physical/emotional characteristics.

I really really like a k pop song. Plus I was really close to engage in a relationship with a single mother. Thankfully Sup Forums helped me to see the
truth about her. I kinda feel bad about that lil bastard from time to time thou. I was his last chance to have a father, kek.

I literally have low T



I can't grow a beard at all. I get a lot on my chin, but the sides of my face are just patchy.

I don't approach women

>people on Sup Forums actually believe this dumb shit
You can laugh at the skinnyfat nu-males who order soy lattes at Starbucks without having to believe pseudoscience.

Watching sports is fucking gay anyway you retard. Why waste time watching someone else doing something you enjoy? Go do it yourself if you like the sport.

My protein powder is vegan soy instead of whey, otherwise I don't really use soy at all.

I suck dick to try to infiltrate boys clubs. Jokes on them I'm not even gay.

Lift you faggot

I really really like being tickled by women

I dont drink soy milk but not only because its a fortune, because it makes my man tits even bigger

Oh, I don't necessarily believe or doubt. I'm just attempting to indicate where the term's coming from.

tofu when cooked well (stir fried over high heat, deep fried) is really tasty

I read Sup Forums posts out loud on the subway as if it is a surprise headline from the Associated Press.
With a puzzled look. Followed by consternation, acceptance and resolve.
And I don't eat tofu.

i fap to sissy porn

>Why waste time watching someone else doing something you enjoy? Go do it yourself if you like the sport.

The same shit happens with videogames. They like to see how someone else play because he can do it better, i think. It's retarded anyway because they indeed waste time watching when they can get good at it and enjoy it even more.

I enjoy a hearty home grilled American cheeseburger made with ground beef from iowa farms, with a can of busch light.

I can only bench 90 pounds. Stick man.

One words:

>Yoghurt Enema

I want to be a qt girl

I am fat and I hate to exercise

to be fair, in video games you can at least learn some things that are relatively easy to imitate, whereas for actual sports you definetely need the experience and physical strength and training
I don't enjoy watching other people play either though and it's mostly not about learning anyway

This. Japanese tofu is the better option tho

Age? I'm neckbeard and sideburns only, the rest is patchy blond peach fuzz.

I have stretched ears (gauges) and tattoos.

A little artifact from my liberal childhood. I let them shrink down to reduce the degeneracy.

But I make up for it being by Aryan as fuck.

I'm a fatty

I'm king of the manlets

My dick is only 7.5 inches long


i'm a hungry skeleton who is anxious around women

I eat food with soy in it

I have a femdom fetish

I work on Walmart overnights for 12 years and stream League of Legends when not working.

I don't eat meat (murder)
I don't lift
I don't watch sports or engage in it
I like fashion
I let strange black men cum inside my boipucci
I'm a feminist

I'm from Seattle

Sorry bro. I'm from whatcom county. Washington is the best state for the land/geography/terrain, and one of the worst for heathen lefty scum.

Well, you are right. Even more because the OP is about these so call soy boys

Do 50 sit-ups everyday.

Just lift and do cardio for 3 months and you'll be in the best shape of your life

I’m currently watching Braveheart and sobbing my eyes out.