Thoughts Sup Forums?

Thoughts Sup Forums?

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I dont like rap music but I appreciate some thought was put into this as opposed to all the fuck trump posts we see in the media

shut the fuck up nigger

white verse is the only one that makes sense

Both sides seem like straw men.

shoulda ended with a redpill on the jews

blackman's side doesn't even make sense. white man's argument actually mattered

I mean, you could easily make a song that ACTUALLY shows both sides of the story, but instead it’s “you damn nigger, muh taxes, muh wall” vs “fuck you whitey, rayciss! We wuz slaves, racis!”




*flips table*

>blackman's side doesn't even make sense. white man's argument actually mattered
both sides made horrible arguments

>Thoughts Sup Forums?

The conduit runs look a little sloppy at places and ballasts aren't straight. Glad there's nothing important going on here that warrants quality workmanship at least.

that was actually some fire
too bad what they were talking about was retarded. this is just what dumb people *think* other people think, and it's just not. such a tiny percent of the world actually gives this much of a shit about politics in their daily life. mostly retard city folk.

Wouldn't it have been more effective if they had gone back and forth rather than each of them just shouting at each other for 3.5 minutes straight?

I thought he described Sup Forums's views on blacks somewhat well so I think when people hear the song they'll know that RACISssss' aren't the only ones who can come up with such ideas

Thanks for showing me this

Added to favorites, dope stuff

You do realize that the black person wrote and performed both of those verses right?

I appreciate what it tried to do. It probably failed.

But who knows, maybe normies will think that it is the "illest" or "fire" or whatever the term is this week and people will have some false sense of enlightenment off of it.

We are talking about something made for mass consumption... we should probably commend them for even trying to look at something in a semi-balanced way instead of the usual shit.

>the verse representing white people had strong points and evidence
>it was written by a black guy so it must be bad
It's ok. I disagree with a lot of the black sides arguments but I appreciate the message. It's still got a lot of bias tho. They make the white guy a big fat asshole as opposed to the angelic fit black man but it's ok because all Trump supports are fat assholes, right? #imnotracist

White guy didn't bring up the disproportional crime rate blacks commit and says "maybe if you stopped dressing stupid the cops would stop shooting you" also
>my grandmamma was a slave
maybe his great great grandmother

It wasn't terrible but not bringing up the crime rate is a pretty big thing to leave out.

Perfect vid in a time of division

Wow, this truly opened my eyes. Joyner Lucas on that fire shit! Saying some things that need to be said!

We need to heal the racial divide in America by understanding eachother's perspectives! Get it trending! #imnotracist

His statement remains the same. The black characters verse is rational while the white verse is logical.

Baked officer. Emotional.


What a fake looking maga hat. Is that legal?


Made me a little emotional desu
Of course we all know none of us on either side are emotionally mature enough to reach that last part of the video

>top facebook comments on the video are 90% black people acknowledging that the first verse made some good points, and a few alt-righters saying that they feel less hostile
I’m genuinely shocked, what planet did I wake up on?

lol the white guy is right but the black is trying to make excuses.

>"wow nigga dis vid is FIRE we need to all come together and understand each other"
>the next day
>"yo FUCK WHITE PEEPO. corny ass muthafuckas eatin mayonaise gettin bred out yo imma fuck dis white bitch and white boys ain't gonna like it y'know what I'm sayin bitch yeeee"

Why do they always have the white guy overweight or a soyboy?

Already bombing the comments with slavery in lybia thanks to obama, join in

They see white guilt is disappearing like smoke in the wind, this is the bargaining stage.


Civic nationalists must be rock hard right now thinking about that powerful based black man fucking their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters.

Maybe people will see that blacks and whites live in entirely different worlds and vouch for etho-states? Maybe i'm just dreaming a bit here.


Everyone get in there and start dropping red pills, that shit is about to blow up, crush these liberal retards with facts and statistics and watch the salty tears flow.

maybe theyll see that the hatred doesn't come from race, but from all the other legitimate issues and start working on fixing them.

bit of a fucking long shot.

It's nice to see people come to the realization that the only difference is experience. You teach me how to cook greens; I'll teach you how the stock market works.

Civic nationalism paves the way towards your brand of nationalism. I don't understand why people mock it.

blacks are scared,
they know whats coming.

Blah blah blah. Its all I hear. Same shit heard before. Fuck them.

Highly doubt people will even see that. Seems to me that shit barely gets done lately. But we can hope right?

>Redundant threads
>unarchived youtube link
>viral marketing

White guy
>logical, factual, reasoning
>strawmen, misinformed, muh feelings
I watched it all, and that's all I took from it. The bias was apparent on both parts, but some of the writing was not bad.
Overall, a waste of almost seven minutes.

Is this the only way to make a statement in Clapland? I closed the tab after 20 secs.

Better then the eminem shit at least.


That's like saying "yeah, being shot in the dick with a 9mm sucks, but at least it wasn't a .357!"

Heard about that one.

Music video was a bit cheesy, but the song itself was almost on point. Hell, if they would have just ended both their arguments by acknowledging that the media plays all sides and that Jews want races to fight more than anyone, this shit would have been great. They can both still make their points, but if they both just ended their shit with one piece of common ground, and that common ground ending up being a redpill on ((Hollywood)) or something then this could have been way more powerful in its message.

He was trying to convince white people to stop being human waste ("yall only care about money and power"), but judging by this thread it didn't seem to work.

What i'm saying is at least they are heading in the right direction besides just saying "DRUMFPT EVIL, DRUMPFT RACIST!!!""

Although i think little will come from this as they both seem to be types of strawmen.

>a powerful message
>implying most libcucks didn't see that and think "wow this is what RACIST DRUMPF SUPPORTERS believe!? disgusting!!"

I've already seen it on my nosebook. They think the whole thing was a brave black man telling a white cracker what's what

Harry and Markle at the divorce table?

So you are saying that blacks don't care about money and power also? Have you heard some of the rap music lately? As we descend into degeneracy so will everyone who is with us.

Same shit, different wrapper. For fuck's sake, the white guy looked like that one zealot from American Horror Story, MAGA hat and all. As if all white people are Trump supporting, nigga-espousing lard-lads.

Money and power is the only thing that matters in life. Money makes the world go round.

Kikes are just becoming more subversive. It's the only thing that's happening here.

>Money and power is the only thing that matters in life.
My sides, I like your style Shlomo, never change

Fuck, that is sad. Her I was hoping that the average listener would pay attention and listen to both sides. I guess the average Joe just looks for what they want to see in something and then make it all about that, while ignoring the rest. Sounds like even if there was a common ground to be had or a redpill to drop the normal fags would just ignore it all together. Well, if it can at least get a conversation started about race instead of it being "FUCK Trump and FUCK white people" or "FUCK Obama, and FUCK black people" then that would at least make some positive differences.

The song isn't perfect, but it's a step in the right direction I suppose.

kill yourself faggot

I can go on twitter right now and find thousands of people with blue checkmarks and thousands of followers saying "fuck all trump supporting nazi piece of shit white scum racist fucks" right now. This video doesn't mean shit and this black dude will just be called a coon or a nazi sympathizer.

Jews understand that money and power matters.

That's why they rule us, fucktard.

Blacks have internalized the dominant Judeo-capitalist ideology, which puts the naked pursuit of self-interest first. These are the kinds of songs that are popular in Judeo-capitalist society:

"Fuck errybody but me"

"Get money"

"Fuck bitches, get money"

So your solution is to out-Jew the Jew? The only thing you'll accomplish is Judaizing yourself.

They rule us because fucktards like you actually believe their lie that money and power are the only things that matter in life, fucktard.

>whites are the only race on earth who care about money and power

I see what you mean. So instead of solving problems they create more divide and anyone who chooses to try and solve the divide they dox them.

I like it. I think it displays both opinions and displays am option for both people's to come together through understanding instead of violence

That was emeliorated by them hugging it out at the end. Just looks like a normal dude.

>normie comments have already turned into "YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE BLACK PART"

underrated post

I wish I was wrong, but there are just too many people who will not rest until all trump supporters or right wing people in general are shamed, beat down, exiled, and on the floor begging for forgiveness. Our society is fucked. leaf! I never looked at it like that!

If we just come together, lock arms and sing kumbahya, we'll overcome the powers of evil in the world! ;)

where is jews in this video?

Would you faggots take back your nation already?

Gonna analyze the lyrics
>Screaming "All Lives Matter" is a protest to my protest, what kind of shit is that
But it's not. People who say All Lives Matter believe that the issue is police brutality, instead of racially motivated police brutality. Blacks are victims of police brutality at the same rate that they commit violent crime (3 to 4 times the population), which means they aren't targeted because of their race but because they are more likely to be in police encounters.

>And even if I wasn't picking cotton physically | That don't mean I'm not affected by the history | My grandmomma was a slave, that shit gets to me
His grandmother was not a slave, neither was his great grandmother, and PROBABLY not even great great grandmother. In any case, it's sort of ridiculous to complain about Whites enslaving you, while forgetting that they also taught you literacy, mathematics, philosophy, engineering, technology, and ethics. Like, yeah, your ancestors were enslaved for 70 years, but the alternative is life in hellhole africa -- and because you were enslaved in africa first, your ancestors would have all been killed by a neighboring tribe if it weren't for slavery. boo hoo.
>Judging me by my skincolor and my blackness'
blacks commit proportionately more hate crimes
>Tryna find a job but ain't nobody call me back yet
these studies have not been replicated, see: . Also names like Lo'Quesh'Ashey do not represent a RACIAL background per se, but a cultural one.

>Now I gotta sell drugs to put food in my cabinet
this is what niggers actually believe lol

>Tryna steal black culture and then make it your own, woah
says the man wearing clothes, shoes, and speaking English. k
>And get stopped by the cops and not know if you bout to die or not
lol you dumb nigger, it's far more likely (like 100 times more likely) that youll be killed by your hip hop buddies than by a cop, lmaooo

Behind the camera

Kinda sad actually and hypocritical
>says democracy is needed
>hates to hear other ideas

let me guess he dindu nuffim ...he a good boy!

>the white guy thinking
honestly i alread know how much it sucks to be black, and i'm grateful i'm not. but, it's not my fucking fault. sorry, nigger.



I've come to the conclusion that the USA will not survive to see the light of 2020.

Personally, I hope to see our corrupt government eventually burn to the ground so that it can start a new.

But the strawmen weren't part of the message. The message is we all die and there won't be some race war to make U.S. a story. The message of the song is that race relations are so utterly fucked that (at least in terms of like a social media sense) black and white communities are at an impasse and this video is a call to a truce.

What's the difference?

You better or this will literally be you

Garbage video because its anti-Trump.

They should have come to understanding and black guy puts on Trump hat too by the end of video.


>Blacks are victims of police brutality at the same rate that they commit violent crime (3 to 4 times the population), which means they aren't targeted because of their race but because they are more likely to be in police encounters.
Imagine if niggers from the Congo kidnapped your great-great-great grandma, raped her, whipped her, and forced her to pick bannanas while the niggers sat back and drank champagne.

Do you think you'd have an equal chance of committing crime than someone whose ancestors weren't enslaved?

>the alternative is life in hellhole africa
I guarantee you the enslaved Africans brought to the Americas vastly preferred their previous life of banging drums in the jungle over being whipped and raped daily.

I seriously skipped to the end end saw white guy didn't have hat on anymore rather then both wearing hats and decided not to watch the full one.

Whatever they are saying is irrelevant.

Vote Trump 2020

That was interesting. The arguments on both sides were a bit thin. But this is a music video... not a newspaper editorial. The shitty thing is that we actually are stuck with each other. And we actually are fundamentally incompatible with each other. But, less venom (in both directions) would be nice.

I love japan

The seeds have been sown though. The goal is to install a distrust in the government among both sides. That way when no body trust the government then both sides will take matters into their own hands.

>black dude tries to break everything in the room


I love how white cucks like you try to bend this shit around so its more than some retarded fuck talking shit about another race while calling said racists, basically turning into a giant walking oxymoron

In case you're too fucking stupid to get it: the song is nothing but a z-list nobody rapper trying to co-opt the culture war while insulting the other side in the least ambiguous way because even a retard like this nigga knows that if he goes centrist the lefties and his fellow niggas are going to murder him and not buy any of his shitty songs

Stop trying to find some deeper meaning on hiphop shit, there's nothing alright? it is as superficial as it can possibly be

All niggers need to leave. That's less venomous than killing all niggers. Good enough?

lol, I love it. Won't happen though.

Its worse, it makes the argument that thug culture is valid and being rich is bad.