He's absolutely /ourguy/
You Realize this is WH user, the coordinated of MegaAnon, and the man who reports directly to Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
>our guy
>a fucking shill
>"y-you sh-shill!!!"
sorry, I don't like kikes, no matter which side they say they're on
let me guess, you like Ben Shapiro too huh retard
It's possible.
Shut the fuck up you faggot ass Australian piece of shit.
Honorary. Will give him a gasmask.
that guy is fucking greek moron.
HH mein neger!
you are a shill
and you can kys too
Yeah, kys. Steps makes miles, miles makes a journey, and the journey is the point. He is necessary.
He still has to go back
>be you
>shill for some kike claiming he's "our guy" when in reality he's a fucking filthy kike
>call me a shill for saying kikes aren't "our guys"
>implying any of that is what happened
Obviously that is what happened you dumb faggot
Now put on the hat
You fuckin' kike, fuck you faggot.
you can kys you are just a d&c shill
you all run with the same line
>he agrees with jews=controlled opp
>is a jew but hates commies=controlled opp
>says they respect israels immigration policy=zionist controlled opp
you think i cant see you fucks from a mile away?
im not sure why muh JIDF even keeps you people alive
> Jew gets exposed
> OMG I'm not Jewish you kike!!!!
LMAO. Good one, Hirschel.
dont reply to me again you fucking crypto kike communist
that has absolutely nothing to do with anything ive posted
typical shill attempting to ad hominem me into shutting up
i have 10x the power you have here
T bh he looks kind of Latino or a Guido. Especially with that lighting and face. All he needs is the hand movement to look more Italian.
i imagine he tiptoes around his apartment like a criminal cartoon mastermind, but for the good side.
Why does he look like he's a split second from snapping in all his photos?
> tfw the kike gets exposed and is reduced to calling all his accusers Jewish
>not fighting fire with fire.
also never trust a kike.. you can use them but don't trust them.
more sad attempts at ad hominem
there has been no information cited that says im a jew
if you think you are going to start with ad hominem you arent going to get anywhere here with your shilling
Dont out him nigga
> calling people Jewish
*5 minutes later*
> durrr hurrrr ad hominem
nice attempt at making an argument your getting a little closer
but i called you a kike
and every single post of yours requires multiple ad hominems for your bosses to pass it
thats the rules for you
if you are too stupid to argue they just get you to cheerlead and ad hominem
how about you get someone like moarpheus in here to fake a debate?
>but i called you a kike once**
Not happening. You're being humiliated by me and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Little faggot. So fuck you motherfucker.
Probably fuckin' Chinese and shit, with that gay ass nationality of yours.
I dislike jews who want to hurt us; not jews who don't want to hurt us. Miller is awesome.
He just posted a juicy nugget that was immediately pruned
nice argument
ill go back to a claim you made earlier
who got exposed as a kike?
and i dont feel humiliated
are you projecting?
You've been humiliated, retard, you're just too autistic to realize.
Miller is the Antijew
What does that even mean?
who was exposed as a kike?
like you claimed
and your argument has been completely pulled apart and you cant provide any logical reason for the things you are saying
so who was exposed as a kike? mr not a shill
You were, dumb ass, keep up.
Seems to be some nods to some dates and events
lurk more. Miller is unironically /ourjew/
where exactly was i exposed a kike mate?
you really seem to be struggling here
its gets dumber each time you try to claim ive been humiliated with no proof
maybe call one of your higher IQ shills in
Can we get a Miller meme thread going? I need more
You already asked me to do that and I said it's not happening, pussy. Period.
I secretly hope hes a homo :3
you arent going to call a higher IQ shill in?
why not?
arent i ripe for a humiliatin'
I could definitely see it.
I mean, the judges blocked immigration, no wall, no repeal of obama care, tax reform is currently a clusterfuck, bannon gone, ivanka and kushner running wild, media lies with impunity, hillary still runs free and the law has absolutely no meaning, no info about 9/11 truth,,,etc,,,
I love Trump and don't regret for a second that he got in but Miller, if you're reading this help get the administrations ass in gear.
You've already received plenty of humiliation you masochistic faggot.
Fuckin' roll out there and slap you with a phone book until you get a contusion, how about that? Huh??
Stephen Miller isn't Greek. He's Jewish. There's literally no question about that. He is the 1 in a million that may actually be /ourjew/ though
sad mate
there has been no humiliation directed at me
its all on you
ive been polite with you and you cant even answer one question
every post has just been some hilariously pathetic(known shill tactic) attempt to insult me
do you really think i care if you call me a chink, or the aussie branch of JIDF or whatever nonsense is coming next?
yeah i dont whats with that guy
ive known he was a jew since i heard his name the first time
None of your business, BITCH. FUCK you. LMAO.
This is history
What an honor...
even us watching this Trump thing is a privilege the past and future will never have...
Being in the neck of it....
shaping the future of humanity...
fighting appocoleptic demons like Hillary and Insane John McCain....
That is almost as good as walking under Eiffel tower with Hitler (maybe better... Trump has good sens of humor)
True. His Jewish heritage means he goes into the chamber. But his service has earned him a mask.
Lets see how (((chosen))) he really is.
>Bitcoin crash.
holy shit me BTFO
how will i recover from this absolute bazinga
LMAO at all the jew lovers in this thread.
Miller is a jew. Miller practices judaism. Miller believes he is the chosen people. Never trust a kike who celebrates being a kike.
Barry Goldwater and Jay Sekulow are /ourguy/ because they reject jewishness and accept Jesus Christ.
There is no such thing as /ourjew/. To be a Jew is to be a servant of a Satan.
We will all die one day
but I can not imagine the thrill of just being in the White House team... in this administration
People know by doing some crime they might get life in prison or get executed....but sometimes it really worth it to punch a mutherfucker and sleep a night in jail
Think of Miller's role in Trump admin like that too....
He will not go to the chamber... because the holocost was a lie! we are sweeties!
We love humanity!
but even if that was gonna happen... wouldn't you accept the job just to enjoy 8 years of complete madness and fast life?
Didnt Turnip use a alias called miller?
>Mega user
You will know them
so the FLOTUS held an appreciation gathering last night for the volunteers who helped decorate the White House
Roy Cohn would have taught Trump long ago not to bring a Jew into his inner circle unless he was 100% /hisguy/
If Miller isn't /ourguy/, then it means Trump isn't either
I'm pretty sure Miller is there so he can go after unaligned Jews without being called antisemitic
/ourjew/ Steven 'Baby Goebbels' Miller.
I hate kikes but even Kikes have a few good guys.
Then how do you explain that satanic rat Kushner?
You guys do know Miller not only is a jew but also is Skull and Bones, right?
You sound like a massive kike.
The kike religion is an abomination nonetheless I appreciate Millers work.
Miller is a patriot and has done more for America than anyone in your entire lineage has done or ever will do for your own pathetic excuse for a country.
>just found out miller is a jewish surname
Who is the most obscured person in the WH that Trump trusts more than anyone else?
Who is it that had an entirely made up job description?
What would be the title of someone talking to Sup Forums?
Who is it that worked closely with Trumps tailor made online polling method?
nice argument retard
are you new?
its been well known that he is a jew
Stephen Miller is Jewish but he is unironically /ourkike/
On a side note, yes Miller is a Jewish suriname but not nearly as consistently as something like Goldberg, Weinstein, etc. In my experience, Millers are goys 50% of the time, and Jews 50% of the time.
I dislike the Heebs to, but out of all of them MILLER is definitely, unironically, /ourjew/
Shut the fuck up faggot.
welcome back
mr ad hominem
did u finish up the JBP thread?
why dont u respond to others in thread who like a spooky jew?
I never heard of Miller as a Jew name before. Skull a. Bones? Evidence?
What did you just fuckin' say to me you little cunt?
why do you keep rescuing the thread?
hoping your mates will fall in a shill it up?
None of your cocksuckin' business you little faggot ass cunt.
how long until you kys?
you seem quite unstable
Pls stop replying to the shills unless you are one yourself. Holy fuck mate
Are these the types of dudes you fap to?
kys retard
how does me hassling this fuckwit make me a shill?
Shut the fuck up, bitch. That's how. Fuckin' faggot.