2017 has been wild
>North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced that the country has realized the great historic cause of completing a state nuclear force
2017 has been wild
>North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced that the country has realized the great historic cause of completing a state nuclear force
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Kim's goal was never starting nuclear war with the U.S. It was to prove to the U.S. that they are a legitimate nuclear power and should be taken seriously by the rest of the world. Your nuke war is literally never happening ever because it's in nobody's best interests.
Blessed thread
I dont know I think they could use some central banks.
yeah fucking idiots thinking something will happen.. come on Japan would NEVER surprise bomb and sink multiple USA military ships holy shit nothing EVER happens retards!!
>launches at US or any western country
>immediately annihilated
Explain why a borderline god to an entire country of people would willingly destroy everything he owns and all the power he commands. They also dont have any sort of satellite system to guide their missiles. All they have is rocket engines capable of flying for a sufficiently long enough time. Rocket engines obtained through Ukraine right around when obabo stuck his nigglish hands in it.
I like it.
We can dream.
Sucks to by you nuggets I'm in a podunk podunk town nowhere near big cities. I'm gonna be a post-apocalyptic white poet warlord. Enjoy the flash of light, retards
盧무현 고마워요~~^^
노무 잘됐엉
I can tell from your writing style and your hard-on for a destroyed America that you're the same exact Australian shitposter. Do you have nothing to do all day long other than shitpost about NK by saying a whole bunch of garbage you know nothing about? I know it's easy for you given that you live in one of the most irrelevant places on planet Earth, but the rest of us have to snap back into reality sometimes.
Why are people so afraid of Nukes?
A peaceful Satellite Program is unironically more dangerous than a nuclear one. Its subtle, and will produce results in excess of what could be achieved with a nuclear weapon if the Sattelite is redirected at the Earth.
Tungsten Rods and Satellites are just Ghandis new Civ Meta.
Sure we can dream. But we also have to wake up or else we'll be disappointed. Kim and Trump have one big thing in common with each other: they love to talk.
>North Korea's newest missile is capable of hitting the entire US
at once?
Not to mention that they've routinely broken the armistice by shelling South Korean territories and even killing American soldiers in flashes of anger.
I'm not for war. I was totally against both wars in the middle east when the proposal happened. North Korea is different. They have exhibited the inability to control themselves to abide by the simplest of cease fires.
>Why are people so afraid of Nukes?
It essentially wipes out all human life as we know it. If not from the explosion, from the radioactive waste lingering in the air giving out all sorts of fucked up diseases. Plus, being as young as I am, I've long yet to accept death.
You faggots don't get it. He now has a kill switch and van pretty much do whatever he wants. The time to stop him has passed. Don't expect another chance to free an actual holocaust nation until his successor comes along
Wake me up when the invasion starts.
Getting real tired of this delayed End Times shit.
Man, I'm fucking pissed.
Don't worry, there has been a quarantine of your solar system since 2015. Any nukes launched will be intercepted by the fleet.
not his fault ya retard
Gosh that was quick. Guess they had to move up the WW3 schedule.
I've myself to blame. And you fuckers.
>He now has a kill switch
Are you so retarded that you actually think it's as simple as that?
Thanks, Dave.
dumb rural retard
no ww3 for you anytime soon.
Kim is playing cat and mouse while publicly pissing the dotard's visage.
By saying it's finished he implies no new tests for the dotard to talk tough to 'have made it stop'.
And then comes another test aka mongrellus golden shower hour all over again.
literally an elongated skull pleadian
the great satan must die
God i wish we will just invade already
So I'm not dying from nuke war? Please say [no, you're not, everything's going to be daijoubu]. Of course I'm scared, everything you've ever known being robbed from you via a brilliant flash all because a politician got a little too greedy would scare anyone, but positive thinking is the only thing I can do.
No you don't.
do you really think we're just gonna let them have nukes? we just announced them as a state sponsor of terror and they've shot at least two rockets near Japan.
Literally dont care
Go play with your toys somewhere else you attention whore
Nukes aren't real
And of course, the most reasonable response is to just wipe them of the face of the Earth with a nuclear missile. Diplomacy isn't totally off the table yet, you know. Trump isn't the only one who calls the shots in office. There isn't a literal "big red button" and congress wouldn't be so stupid to just nuke people he doesn't like because he feels like it. Same goes for Kim Jong Un.
redpill me
doooubles and they false flag bomb a southern state
Tri/ps confirm. RIP Dallas, TX.
(I kid, of course, as there will be no nuke war)
There planning on doing an above ground test next
They must be stopped.
I would like to see america nuke these norks into dust.
>NK nukes one American city
>we still have hundreds more
>nuke NK
>the end
they're not stupid enough for it. and if they did nuke the US they wouldnt nuke more than 1 or 2 cities at once.
If you're actually Donald Trump, mention Jeb! in your next tweet please
Not to mention Japan is allowed to shoot down a nuke heading towards one of their allies if they must.
>Why are people so afraid of Nukes?
they steal and rape
Are you fucking stupid? Congress has no say over the armed forces, the president calls the shots regarding nukes.
>the president calls the shots regarding nukes
No he doesn't. He has to get the go ahead from Mattis and other military officials. Fuck me, you're deluded if you unironically think there's a big red button that Trump can just press whenever he wants to.
t. 김xx (34세, 무직), 전남 출신, 해외 친북단체 활발참여
The US deserves a nuclear holocaust.
Now that they have reach to all the US states what would be their primordial target? The capital...?
They're going to nuke San Francisco.
you guys missed the boat on this one. should've done something years ago other than pathetic sanctions
the yellowstone supervolcano
Kim is an intelligent man
they should
Consider the people we had in office.
*but it is incapable of carrying a nuclear warhead because that shit would be far too heavy.
How come everybody omits this fact?
He went to school in Switzerland!
Forgot Pic.
Kim's regime in a nutshell.
That's cute. Meanwhile, we could intercept it, knock it out of the sky, and retaliate using a MIRV.
Much of the world would agree. I think the (((US))) has intentionally set itself up as the Great Satan, for just such an occasion.
Perhaps we will serve as an object lesson to the world to never seek freedom again. Or avoid degeneration. Or who knows what.
Kim has the internet.
But for real I think he's just a Deep State / CIA puppet. This is all theater. The outcome was decided long, long ago.
Hillary? Missing some uranium?
>do you really think we're just gonna let them (((ISRAEL))) have nukes? we just announced them (((ISRAEL))) as a state sponsor of terror and they've shot at least (((DOZENS))) rockets near entire (((NEAR EAST))).
A country created on the premise of freedom yet built on slave labour.
A country that touted honour and equality but expanded its power through treachery and genocide of the "other".
The US needs to be disbanded for crimes against humanity.
Kill yourself
Oh yeah I agree with you. And the leadership put on the modern version of the Neuremburg Trials, but for real this time. The facade of freedom is just that.
Funny I'm getting into it with a friend who says "the US is still the freest country on the planet." And he considers himself "woke af". Fucking depressing.
We're not going to do anything unless we're pretty sure
1) we can hit it
2) the offending rocket is going to actually do damage and not just fall in the water
Imo, it is worth considering the possibility that at this point of the exercise, a frank look at our capabilities is what this entire game is about.
Has this been the plan all along? From Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama? "They" wanted NK to become a Rogue State with Nuclear capabilities ie a Threat that would push the WOrld into WW3 and from there, right into the New World Order?
Man...I dont believe in coincedences. Not liking the End Game on this scenario. I, by myself, am cool with Post Apopalyptic World, but not for my kids man. Fuck these NWO assholes.
FWIW, lots of North Americans (myself included) are settling down in Central America - easier than you think. I'll run the Sup Forums UnderGringo Railroad