Fuck southern niggers.
Fuck southern niggers
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They overrun this damn place, wish they'd all pack up and fucking leave. Also wish all the white trash dumbasses who give us a bad name would just die off
Why is Tim Wise so hateful?
It's always the weakest to call for mass violent action
spotted the yankee
He is an kike, therefore he is anti white
Because he's Jewish
Fuck off nigger
report him for violent threats
Reported him for racism. Doubt Twitter will do anything about it since they hate white people as well.
If tim wise doesnt kill himself we should gas all kikes like Hitler should have 80 years ago.
I hope Tim Wise gets beaten to death by a pack of urban youths while he blubbers "b-b-but I fought white supremacy on the internet"
I cannot believe this particular kike has not been murdered in the street.
Allegations were completely false. Suck a sawed off.
if we burn the south again, will more republicans survive over democrats? asking for a friend
Shocking a jew would be against someone who went after an underage girl, when they target literal children...
It is truly time for the culling of the jews. Take note gentlemen, this is only going to get worse. The blacks were here before the jews, and if we eliminated the jews, we could bring the blacks back in line. We would all be the better for their absence.
If only there was a solution to the jewish question, perhaps a final one.
I just did. Send twitter shit like " because this individual has a blue check I assume the company endorses the message"
>(((Tim WISE)))
>Tim Wise
Dumbass doesn't even know how boycotts work. You can't boycott an electorate
hmm, a man with a surname of "wise" wants to kill whitey
(((Tim Wise)))
The Charlottesville song is da best one
You don't know how to properly make screenshots.
pic related is how you do it.
Southerners are a fucking joke. Always have been and always will be. Fat, uneducated, moronic, uncultured, inbred white trash who are an embarrassment to the white race.
Honestly, it's about time we all banded together to fight against pedophiles and retarded white people in the South.
Well u guys always say kill niggers....why so autistic
Don't worry about it.
Because he's a chosen one.
Are northerners the niggers of America
>Spend 20 years working for some public union/government up north
>Get pension
>Retire out of state to the south where there is no income taxes on said pension
>Live off of gibs of other taxpaying whites for the rest of your life
I mean it's great for our economies but you gotta feel bad for the cucks still stuck up north
Use ovens for real this time. Give them the real 6 gorrialin kikes they've been lying about for years.
Was just going to ask if it was because he is Jewish!
Anyone got a screenshot or anything?
I like things backed up before potato communist turn up going 'muh jew'
When its always fucking 'muh jew'
Jews are worse.
If you'd side with a dirty jew over your southern brethren, you should burn in the oven beside them; that is, if you have the courage of your conviction.
I wish the good Dr mengele was still alive to do horrible experiments on this kike.
Dude lives in a gated, all-white neighborhood.
fuck him
liberals are so dramatic
Niggers are the niggers of america...
Ive been to Australia, you have no place to talk about retarded white people. You mother fuckers win the prize.
The stats that you believe apply to white southerners probably originate in their black population.
And southerners being inbred is a baseless anti-white slur.
Roy Moore is not a pedophile. Only liars and brainwashed sheep claim he is.
God tall need to stay the fuck out of Alabama. It's already the promised land WE DON'T NEED YA
This ain't Georgia no ATL here
Fla? Nope no cesspool Miami
Mississippi? Nah It's against law take down our history here
Love this land even with all the same carpet bagging old snowbirds from Ohio& Northeast even Michigan with all the liberal bullshit.
Leave us be
>Jews continue to make the mistake of thinking their goys understand how to boycott
Jews openly mock us like this all the time and they wonder why we want to gas them.
What will Alabama do if the city cunt tourism industry dries up?
This shit this guy says makes the nazis seem resonable in comparasion. You wont find nazis saying shit like destroy the jew like we should have done 150 years ago
>we must destroy a state because we lost
Fuck this jewish mother fucker.
>Fat, uneducated, moronic,
Soyim? Is that you?
Saved for further dissemination, thanks.
Southern niggers can go first
Then the Eastern niggers
Then the worst of the northern niggers
Only a small handful of Western niggers can stay, especially the old ones
Sounds like a based state, will vacation there and drink corn whiskey at the local watering hole after shooting some birds.
>I'm not that much of a Jew
>Brags about shekels and his hollywood nose job
guess calls for genocide are OK on twitter now
I would not be sad about this. They truly are the scourge of the earth. If you eliminated the jews, all other races would be the better. No more globalism, open boarders, multiculturalism, feminism, etc. All jewish propaganda designed to set man against man, woman against man, and man against himself.
Watch what they do, not what they say. They preach feminism, yet rape. Preach open borders, yet Israel is an oppressive walled of regime. They preach income redistribution, yet they hoard their money, and practice nepotism.
Jews are the true evil of this world.
Who is this Tim Wise and why is he the new definition of nigger?
Who the fucks gonna run the football?
(((wise))) is one of those surnames that is basically exclusively jewish in the US. you should really upgrade your jewdar.
Because he is a far-left JEW
A Jew wanting to destroy white people? Color me shocked.
When will Israel have a black Prime Minister?
get him boys
Birmingham and Mobile are Detroit/Baltimore tier shitholes
and the whites are all super cucked Christians praying for Israel
>, wish they'd all pack up and fucking leave
No you don't
>Antifags and leftists descend en mass on Alabama to "destroy" them
>Met by millions of armed rednecks now acting in self defense
We should be encouraging this.
Jews aren't white
tim wise is an anti-white kike. He pretends to be white when it benefits him. Watch his documentary "White like me".
Don't worry about Tim Wise.
He's not going to be tweeting, or giving genocidal lectures, or selling books, much longer.
You're welcome.
This guy thinks his virtue signaling will protect him from the Snowflake Terror.
Next week he'll be saying that he isn't white, he's jewish guys!!!
It actually is baseless at that. The south has the most strict anti-incest laws in the world, let alone America, just to fight the stereotype.
>Ive been to Australia, you have no place to talk about retarded white people. You mother fuckers win the prize.
It's pretty true. We're also good at ripping the balls off pedophiles.
ps -- this is an actual book that was published.
Damn, Tiny Tim is getting really triggered.
Yeah old Tim has been a thorn in our side for awhile. hes a kike piece a shit
Neither would I, they are the root cause of all suffering in the world. Where ever you find chaos and war, you will find a kike pulling the strings.
>The jews are the real white supremacists.
Mind fucking blown.
Are you a liar or are you brainwashed?
He won't be.
hey there goy i am a merchant boy and the white race is better off dead
you sound like a new york jew whose never been there
>France is a person
yeah.....I am a spiritual person and sometimes I think the souls of Jews are different than the rest of ours. Perhaps they are of a much lower spiritual evolution and are sent to this earth to test our will.
Yes my friend. I am not a violent man, but I would consider myself "dangerous" in a sense. If the SHTF I will be "out there", and I will not be after the niggers, or the spics. There is only one group of people I will hold accountable, and I know I am not alone.
that's a Jewish face if I've ever seen one
Gas the kikes
Holy shit what a disgusting Kike.
The jewish privilege. Literally their own personal private laws.
Here I was going to skip it, but it's absolutely fantastic. Thanks for sharing, brother.
You aren't. And that day isn't as far off as you think. All it takes is one, two, a handful of people who have had enough, to begin making examples of them. It's coming.
Do you have to even ask?
>an accused child harasser
>verses an outspoken child murderer
tough choice
If guys like him have so much white guilt maybe we should just put a bullet in them and be done with it. Free them from their racist skin so they can be reborn as the Noble Nigga in their next life.