Name someone more annoying and retarded than this cunt
you can't
Most Retarded Characters
Goku, Luffy, countless battle shounen characters. I'm not implying that they're bad
>See this pic
>Can't stop thinking about bulges
Also Schneizel because he's a piece of shit.
Also Ohgi for not knowing the meaning of loyalty and siding with the guy who's plan involved nuking everyone
Kallen during the second half of R2.
>Retarded character
Hey fuck off, Suzaku was a great character.
His relationships with Lelouch and his twisted thoughts played a major role in Code Geass.
I don't know how can they make Geass great again without Suzaku being Suzaku.
>Schnitzel a piece of shit
what the fuck is wrong with you man ?are you a fucking gay ?schneizel was thee sexiest boy in CG how could someone hate him ?
He doesn't really do anything retarded until lulu brainwashed him.
I liked his sense of morality best in S1.
He really didn't get as much focus in S2.
jesus christ I HATED that cunt.
Suzakurager has been out in full force these past few days.
The plan of nuke the shit out of everyone who disagrees with me is fucking dumb, he deserved a bullet. Also his plan to self destruct his own base to escape was fucking dumb as well. I mean what was he expecting was going to happen to his plane as he tried to escape in the biggest battle of the series?
Get Lelouch's dick out of your mouth for a minute, and you'll see they're all equally retarded.
Except Diethard. Diethard deserved better.
This. Truly the best boy of all anime.
I can't wait for his return in the next series.
It's going to happen... right?
t. cuck
>hur dur he killed people with freiya
because lulu brainwash him
>hur dur he is mad for no reason
because the cuck that is lulu was mad he didn't care abut his sister/fucked euphy
If something , the only retards are Lulu fags
I cant take this pic seriously without thinking about how I recognize that dick.
But that was a super perfect plan tactically speaking. Just that from Lelouch's POV he screwed up.
>sexiest boy in CG
Second sexiest
Implying orange isn't the sexiest man in history
Well, he effectively achieve what he set out to do. Not the way he wanted at all though.
>Britannia is a world superpower that has no qualms about committing mass genocide with advanced technology so fighting makes no sense
>Suzaku manages to climb up the ranks due to Britannia's warlike society needing men of ability
Suzaku had the most realistic way of reforming Britannia.
And in the end, it was his method (changing things from within) that worked. Lelouch wanted to destroy Britannia from without, but even he changed in the end to just reform Britannia.
Britannia was never destroyed. It's still an imperial government.
If anyone was annoying and retarded, it's Lelouch for making the dumbest joke at the wrong time to the wrong person with him knowing he has mind control powers.
Orange was supposed to be fucking Viletta. Instead, that fucking traitor Ougishit ended up banging her. Fuck
>doesn't kill literal martians trying to genocide your country
>stops allies from killing by kill-stealing
>causes deaths among his own side
Does this not look like a piece of shit to you?
I don't see anything wrong with this picture, it's just flirting.
Shitzaku isn't just the worst character in Code Geass.
He's the worst character in anime, period.