Koreans are honestly full of shit. They were a vassal state of China for a 1000 years and a colony of Japan for 35, yet they steal shit from both cultures and claim, its actually their.
Koreans are honestly full of shit. They were a vassal state of China for a 1000 years and a colony of Japan for 35, yet they steal shit from both cultures and claim, its actually their.
The Japanese are just refined Koreans
How does Japan feel about Kimchi burners?
Sorry, I am not very familiar with the term kimichi burner, what do you mean?
Japanese has Jomon DNA
Japan reelected Abe.
SKorea was run by a feminist cult leader.
South Korean Men Cucking Japanese Men
all capital lettering for (you)
Koreans are amazingly arrogant for what trash heaps both are
South korea is the feminist male genocide plastic surgery makeup capital of the world
The women frequently produce ugly children due to hidden ugliness
>The women frequently produce ugly children due to hidden ugliness
I remember there was a news story where some chinese guy sued his wife because she had 'hidden ugliness' because of plastic surgery and they ended up having ugly flat faced mongoloid kids.
The best part is that he won the lawsuit.
>women frequently produce ugly children due to hidden ugliness
It is becoming horror film status
oh shiz
>Chinese man sues his wife for being ugly, and the court AGREES... awarding him £75,000
Ive been to Korea. Their cities are a mish-mash of literal favela-tier slums, decrepit winding ally ways and trash littered downtown cores. I thought I was in Mexico or Argentina or some shit. People are also rude, pushy and arrogant.
Literally nothing going for that place except K-Pop, plastic surgery and Samsung. Nobody would know about the place otherwise.
Doesn't Worst Korea have some really weird feminist cult shit going on behind the scenes?
So sick of ネット右翼 bitching. You have almost zero immigrants, much less muslim ones but you constantly whine about the small Zanichi community that mostly keep to themselves and are pretty good at assimilating. Boo-fucking-hoo your country has to apologize once in a while. Maybe next time don't start a fucking war then. Germany was cut up into two pieces for starting the war, Japan was left intact and spent 50 years living in peace and making porn and Hello Kitty merchandise.
All the industry that Japan developed in Korea benefited only Japanese citizens. The average peasant in Korea didn't benefit from colonization, in fact the only people who made a positive contribution to the general population were white christian missionaries ironically enough who established schools.
Also if you want to talk about copying almost everything from Japanese culture was stolen from China transported through Korea. Buddhism? Chinese characters? Pottery?
I'm sorry you're mad because you are helpless to do anything about japanese girls kidnapped by North Koreans but don't take it out on regular Korean people who did nothing wrong.
Well, thats something quite odd. There are people in Japan who like Kpop but there are also those who know that the only reason its popular is because its like American pop. A famous tv personality, Matsuko Deluxe basically raged when koreans talked shit about Japanese music.
Kpop is about as artificial and manufactured as you can get, arguably even more so than American pop.
so do koreans and chinese, just only maternally (mtdna haplogroup)
KPop stars arent even allowed to date or have relationships per rules of their agency contracts for fear of "ruining their image" and upsetting their fan girl/boy followers.
bullshit, we have tons of asian immigrants nowadays, and the zainichi fo not assimilate, running gangs, media, and are leftist as shit.
encountering jap videos trolling korea for english audiences on youtube was a fun diversion at work
Well to be fair Japs do that too with their idol groups
A feminazi dystopia literally run by a shadow government comprised of female billionaires from a cult
Yeah and the President confessed and apologized and admitted it's all real. Meaning there really are 8 billionaire "goddesses" (could be women or name could be misleading) that rule over multiple societies and used SK as a testing ground for pushing different feminist ideologies.
t. kim
>The average peasant in Korea didn't benefit from colonization
yeah thats a lie
A system which aims to equalise everyone and appeals to idealistic youths only to end up used as a tool of government oppression and control
>mfw when social justice activism is just Communism 2.0.
I always pick Japanese brands over Korean where I can.
>inb4 weebo
Threads like this are designed to divide the yellow race. Petty nationalism amongst east Asians is stupid. if you truely belived in race then you guys will realise that the japanese and koreans are quite closely related
Koreans talking shit about Jap music is rich considering Korea has no music at all outside of K-Pop. Shit at least idol stuff and J-Pop is mostly its own thing outside of the turn of the millennium R&B phase, to say nothing of the excellent music that exists in a wide variety of genres. Even idol shit can sound really good with the right producer and musical style. K-Pop is nothing but plastic women "singing" and half-assed stepping around to a bunch of cheap nig nog beats.
K-Pop being Korea's main cultural export is so on the nose as to make you laugh. A fake culture's largest output is soulless music performed by plastic people.
Leave the Himba people alone.
They already despise each other with more hatred than a thread like this could ever conjure, you stupid commie cunt.
they look, and sound, much like japanese to me. i don't get koreans. thery are very racist though, they hate everyone - never joke about korea in front of them.
Unless you live in Japan, you might as well just kill yourself.
>I'm sorry you're mad because you are helpless to do anything about japanese girls kidnapped by North Koreans but don't take it out on regular Korean people who did nothing wrong.
Oh stfo you fucking Jew or kimchi disapora
You do not nothing.
They are too brainwashed to believe anything other than the governments official narrative. Also its not stupid when we are trying to protect the honour of our ancestors and our culture. Would you allow your culture to be blatantly be stolen and then they claim that its theirs?
That's something I was thinking about the other day. When China makes their knock-off product or whatever its usually cheap and bad but in an interesting way that makes it entertaining. But when Korea makes a knock-off they put a whole lot of effort and money in to it but its got nothing memorable or entertaining about it. I hope this makes some sort of sense I can't really put it in to words.
Thats China you retard.
what am I seeing here?
Have a Korea
He's killing himself cuz he's in China I think that's the joke.
Both of you only exist because of American gibmoney and protection, so shut up and sit down
China copies shit from everyone but Korea specifically copies Japanese food and even anime and its literally 99% the same.
>unless you live in Japan
>non-jap fuck killing himself cause school is "too hard"
Are you fucking retarded?
Japs must be more refined or else this would be a Korean cartoon forum.
Also, k-pop is creepy.
How does it feel to be the first European power to be defeated by a Asian Power?
pan-asianism is cancer
Did the Mongolians not count as an Asian power?
USSR btfo japan in WW2 so hard fights it had againt US are joke in comparison. If US didnt nuke you and force to surrender, you`d be occupied by USSR and speak russian now.
I meant the modern era. Most asian nations at that time were occupied by foreign powers unlike Japan.
Japanese are closer to Chinese than Koreans
"Declares war in late 1945, where Japan's basically fucked" Haha, USSR BTFO Japan.
Took USSR 3 weeks to destroy more Japs than US 3 years.
Isn't Japan a bit closer to Russia than the US?
and how is that true when koreans look more like japanese and japanese dont look at all like chinese?
The main difference is US mainly did island hopping and boombing, so did not really had proper fights against Japanese. Most Japanese military casualties in WW2 are actually caused by Chinese.
As far land battles went, the only real ones were near the end by USSR mobilizing after defeating Germany and freeing Manchuria and destroying japanese armies on land with terrifying efficience and speed. They were infact preparing to land on japanese isles and occupy them too, but Japs surrendered after nukes - part of the decision probably being NOT to be occupied by Soviets.
As far distance goes, Soviet Far East is near Japan, but Soviet itself is 7k km long with most forces and infrastructure at west, so its quite a logistical challenge at the time to bring forces to east, especially as was fighting Germany. This is also pretty much a reason Russian Empire lost 1905 war against Japan, since at that time Far East was pretty much undeveloped wilderness and they had to scramble and fleet and send if half across the world to get screwed in the end with such half assed organiation.
Chinese are quite varied, it is possible that eastern Chinese are closer to Japanese. But not all Chinese. Southern Hainan Chinese would be closer to vietnamese.
kid jumps out window
i mean... what did he expect was gonna happen when he bashed those doors down? was the elevator just gonna be there waiting for him?
you can even see the elevator go down, theres a little window.
Never seen that to be the case. Japanese/Chinese are more likely to get ngt tone.
Russia wasn't the first Europeans to be defeated by Asians. Probably count Ryazan as the first by Mongolians or the Dutch/Portuguese by the Chinese.
actually, the huns were the first to defeat Europeans.
gooks are autistic
japs are cucks
This is going to lead koreaphobia in the US sooner or later.
The Korean immigrant population in the US is insanely buttblasted over these fucking rocks in the pacific ocean even though they've chosen to immigrate to an ininvolved country. Any time you go to a Korean-owned business in America, you will see a poster protesting Japan's claim.
Why do gooks care so much about a few rocks which literally have no impact on their lives? There's literally a very popular custom map on SC2 which has a loading screen saying the islands belong to Korea or whatever
Yeah no, It's more likely for japan, both koreas and china to wipe themselves out of the earth than a race war in europe or america
Asian geopolitics is all about
>Two nations
>"Oh yeah I'm going to fucking kill you piece of shit"
>"Try it and see if you don't die first"
>Both go home and do nothing
You know china also support those movement.
The reason why South Korean are obssessed with those rocks is because they want to make their sin nothing. Those days when SK robbed the rocks , they also committed serious crime that genocided sit loads of South Korean people.
Those genocides were so savage that North Korean wanted to help Korean people. then Korean war was happened.
3/4/1948 済州島四・三 genocide
27/10/1948 麗水・順天 genocide
12/24/1949 聞慶 genocide
6/25/1950 Korean war
This link is in japanese, because enblish version don't have it .
After studying politics in Asia and coming into frequent contact with Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese government officials (as well as globalist types), I can safely say America made a mistake in stopping Japan, and allowing China to grow to the extent it has. What a fucking nightmare.
Both were good goy puppets.
A student literally dropping out of the school through the window
Once again, it all goes back to the jews. Roosevelt wanted to intervene in the war in Europe but he couldn't get popular support because the American people didn't always have the same dumbass "world-police" mindset they have today. He provoked Japan into attacking first so he could use it to get the public outrage he needed to make Congress declare war on the axis.
Japan needs to nuke Korea and China.
You don't know far right in Japan are actually Korean descendent.
If you know why , read my last post.
SK's Military regime deliverately made USA into Korean war.
Jomon DNA is half Korean.
Jomons are what happens when you get and Korean and an Ainu together.
I know right? This probably your wettest dream.
Weren't koreans literal bush people just a few generations ago?
Is this why Japanese look more white?
>Japanese look more white?
Chinese say Ciao.
They almost were sadly slaves of handful nobles. You might be able to realize when you think about why Koreans are such a same family names. They decided their family name in order not to be known they were slaves, when they were liberated.
After WW2, again they have been ruled by those noble descendents in the name of liberty.
90% of Korean culture is Chinese. Even the Japanese knew this. They rejected Korean Buddhist priests in favour of those from China hence the spread of Zen Buddhism.
The current 'Korean wave' is basically corrupted American pop culture, much like how the Korean language is Chinese with a few extra grunts thrown in.
koreans and people native to shandong are probably the smartest people genetically on the planet. average intelligence of 109.
length of evolution in pre-iron age society in ice seems directly causative of intelligence gains
the earlier iron age bureaucracy develops the earlier bad genetic dynamics seem to set in (e.g. dismal intelligence in persia, rome, greece, parts of china)
no. they rejected buddhism because there had been a conflict beteen buddhism and confucianism and legalism. each one trying to make the others illegal
does it even matter? I mean, people call all these countries the "Sinosphere" for a reason. Everything east-asian originates from China or at least pretty much so.
"social justice" is just a masked term for "envy"
The pic is very interesting.
Those black areas have something in common.
In black area around Tibet, 秦, chinese first emperor 始皇帝's country, was raised, meanwhile in black area in Japan, the families of 始皇帝 migranted.
Koreans have a weird obsession with becoming like Jews.
>meticulous with money
>plastic surgery
>degenerate music, movies and culture
They want to be Jews so bad they are studying the Talmud (google it).
>shandong are probably the smartest people
I don't know well, but my ex-mainland-chinese-friend said 江南 people are smart. He was from an area near to shandong.
Americans chopped off their foreskin.