When have you realized that you need a wife?

Without a wife my life feels kind of empty. Why are more and more people decide to remain single? Such life feels like hell sometimes.

P.S. No I won't get a dog or join a religion.

What the fuck is that



>dog helps you find religion
>religion helps you find wife
>wife helps you find dog

A long time but I'm not yet in a position to provide for a wife

Modern art. Pay 45million for it and prove you're not a filthy pleb. I'll tell you the inspiration for it and what you should feel about it after the transaction.

lmao thought it was some fucked omelet.
>Sees ketchup

There’s no point. Even if they don’t divorce you, which they likely will, evolutionary biology precludes them from being able to love you unconditionally.

I'm 37 and only just got married for the first time. I was sure it would never happen to me, I used to call myself MGTOW and watch those Sandman videos. Life takes some funny turns. Having a good wife is one of the best things that can happen to you.

>tfw no estonian waifu
life is pain

Who will take care of me when I'm old and sick?
Who will give a fuck about a single old man?

When I was 20 and realized that if I wanted a traditional woman and didn't want to die alone I probably only had another 2 years to find one before all I could pick up were non-virgin roastie nutjobs. Found a woman whose goal in life is to pump out babies and keep the house in shape.

your jizz became ketchup
thats fucked up m8

Getting a wife won't help.
Life is a massive fucking struggle that only gets worse the harder you try.
And if you ever give up your reflection is just gonna be mocking you every day.
You just have to keep going, make your ancestors proud and make sure when you eventually have kids they make you proud.

phillipines go to bed you are drunk.

Hi user. I have a wife and two kids, all of whom are wonderful. But I can tell you honestly that if you have some kind of pre-existing void or chasm in your soul then just surrounding yourself with people is only going to distract you, not make you totally fulfilled; it isn't going to solve any fundamental personal problems or remedy your inborn temperament or emotional disposition. We all feel alone in the universe

When have you realized fuck all that shit, go find your true love

If you’re at the point where you can’t take care of yourself, I would hope you would have the dignity to end it.

how old are you? could be your hormones

Get a doggo

I'm telling you on a google owned website.

For some reason, animals hate me.

>in your soul
We get it, you want him to convert to your religion. Try being more subtle.

his polish wife augustyna, you ignorant fuck

squatted oats

Even though im only 18 i think of my future wife every night but then i am filled with anger and sorrow because i know that the women here are so, so shitty and that i'll never find a trad qt to provide for and never have a family to dedicate my life to, unlike my father.

join a religiono

Animals are baby surrogates for people afraid of actual commitment or people who can't have more kids, don't bother with them.

Dogs are great but they don't live long enough, 10-15 years tops

> you want him to convert to your religion.

Calm down Dawkins, there are more kinds of people in the world than just atheists and raving fundamentalists. You can understand "soul" in the metaphorical sense if bothers you

It's a cake from flour you idiots...

I'm guessing beans and ketchup

No. I'm a scientist, not a slave.

nigga its 1425 here. you should go to bed

>You can understand "soul" in the metaphorical sense if bothers you
Or you could just try being literal and cut the flowery, womanly crap.

>squatting the baking tray

One word OP:
AI sexbots

looks like a potato pancake, idk why you'd have ketchup on one tho, love me some potato pancakes.

...The fuck?

>flowery, womanly crap.

Fuck off idiocracy. "You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded". Get an education

your cake looks awful

you need better baking skillz if you want a woman and not your hand to keep you company

Vomit cake?

Tastes pretty good.

How about she cooks and I make money?

>Don’t get married until you are a super Chad free of problems
>Remain lonely I’m sure that will be better for you

Recently, once 30 started looming. Sad part is disabled and have no income. My family name dies with me.

Honestly that thought keeps me up at night crying.

Is that a polish spoon to the right??

I'm far from being orthodox in any religious sense but I don't think it's intellectual or scientific to rule anything out. If you think there's any kind of basic order or structure to the universe then try to envision it as a whole and feel some kind of vague reverence or gratitude or whatever. If God in the religious sense actually exists, He'll let you know


Oh shit I think I know what kind of cake that is
Good shit m8, hope you enjoy it

You only want a wife because you don't have one. Once you get one, the novelty wears off after a while.

Patrice O'Neil said it best: "Men wanna be alone, but we don't wanna be by ourselves. We want you somewhere, like in the dwelling but not here, like around the corner, or in the vent, or on the roof"

just because it tastes good doesn't mean it looks good
pic related

holy jesus you season your baked oats with a deodorant?
i want to help you but the images you post raise so many questions

Nah, I'm not saying that either. Listen: it's better to be happily married than unmarried; and it's better to be unmarried than unhappily married. All I'm saying is that, if you do get married, even if it really works out for the best, just don't expect it to solve all your feelings of alienation or middle-of-the-night thoughts or whatever else. It's like money: it can solve some problems but can never make a fundamentally miserable person feel happy

I like having somebody to fuck and cuddle with in bed

I know that getting married is just going to be more problems though. It'll be her emotions, worrying if she is cheating, worrying about the kids, working my ass off to support the family ect. ect.

I sorta like being single

>I don't think it's intellectual or scientific to rule anything out.
Sure it is. As long as you can't prove something using science, fuck it until you can. Shit that can't be studied does not exist as they are a waste of my time. Come back with a real theory that I can falsify and then we can talk.

>decide to be single
me being single is not my choice so much as there being very few women who are autistic as me in middle of nowhere's-ville. guess you could say i choose to not marry thots though. would have to imagine a not insignificant portion of single people are similar. that and mgtow has at least some kind of point that marriage is a net negative for the guy, which is where that chunk of them all comes from.

You don't need a wife you sad Polish fuck. You need some goddamn cooking classes.

It's flour with spices and one egg with ketchup and mustard on top. Why do you think I need a wife?

companionship would be nice on those cold nights where you look up at the ceiling and wonder what the fuck happened.

But what does any of that crap have to do with fixing his problems? The way he's feeling is caused by one of two possible things: the situation he's in, which he can change by taking actions, or literally his brain chemistry making him feel sad. If he thinks there's a source of the problem, like the one he mentioned in the OP, then odds are it's not the latter.

Religion is a mental virus always on the lookout new hosts to infect. Religious people don't actually want to help, even though they think they do, they're just compelled to spread their nonsense under the guise of help.

>Shit that can't be studied does not exist

That's pretty reductive. You can't study (i.e. isolate and quantify) romantic love, for example, but it exists

Good food. You're going to die of boredom in an year eating that.

Me too ;_;

I have so many questions
How the fuck do you think that's a normal cake?
Why do you have a bag full of shekels?
What's with the deodorant stick?

>Religion is a mental virus always on the lookout new hosts to infect.

And fedoras always see fundies lurking everywhere, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting

I don't know you, can't answer that for you
I had a dream once where I had a woman who lived with me, hugged me and cuddled with me once, that's what convinced me. The worst part is I never saw her face
But maybe it's more trouble than it's worth

Looks like the bottom of my grandpa’s foot.

Im getting married in january for the first time at 35 but we've been living together for over 6 years. I was never really opposed to the idea of marriage but its not high on my priority list, it was just one of those things we'd get around to eventually. Her dad is dying from motor neuron disease now so we decided to do it while he's still around.

this is me except without the "found a woman" part

>ketchup and mustard cake
I can't take this place seriously anymore

Sift your flour my man, it'll help avoid those pockets of flour in the finished product.

>That's pretty reductive.
That's pretty fucking efficient and allows you to focus on real work i.e. no theoretical shit.

>romantic love
I can and you should read about brain chemistry.

The worst thing about those dreams where you've met the perfect woman and you're deliriously happy is that you also have them after you're married and she's nothing like your (perfectly nice) wife. Ah well, at least you can forget about them an hour or so after waking up

You didn't really need to grab one as soon as you can, but it's good that you did. Men can easily get away with marrying women significantly younger than themselves.

>Why do you think I need a wife
animals feel the need to breed
humans are the highest form of animals
you feel the need to breed to
so if you cant breed, then maybe your body sort of tells you there's something you havent completed.

thats not supported by science. so yeah its okay if you dont have a wife.
ill be sad to know your wife will have to eat that ... very unique looking thing you call cake


it's shit cake

>I can and you should read about brain chemistry.

Maybe the reason you can't find love is because you can't examine it under a microscope?

First step kurwa is finding a girl, even if she has some minor character flaws, you can work with it.
Second step is get know her long enough
Third step is propose to her
Hey presto, you're getting married

Sure you can. Its not magic.

>Why do you have a bag full of shekels?
I'm going to buy stuff with them and make people in line behind me curse and be late for work. The deo is pretty much there. I also like Old Spice.

>He's white too
A patrician slav
Good luck m8, I have to sleep

buy some nice cake pans with you shekels. And a cookbook. And a meal plan.

I wish people would go back to getting married out of financial convenience, Hollywood literally invented the concept of marrying for love. I'd be perfectly happy to marry a women just so I can have a roommate to split the bills and house work load and have sex with occasionally.

I don't think a lot of women would be happy with a loveless marriage

I invited my female friend to live in our flat and she said ok. We aren't officially together. Smart move or not? Sounds better then travelling to her village every time I want to meet her.

love is a meme
we're mammals who are programmed to fuck and cohabitate to raise offspring
you'll pair bond to anyone of the opposite sex you spend enough time around, barring siblings or the horrendously deformed to socially abrasive

once upon a time you married and then found a way to fall in love with your spouse and it worked fine for centuries

I would love to get married, but I simply cannot trust women. I might consider a purely religious marriage instead of legal marriage, but I just know the courts will still screw me over if the wife feels like it.

I don't think women are happy with marriage in general, and thanks to the way our society is structured (birth control, abortion, general hedonism) they have no incentive for it unless they wish to rob a man via divorce settlement.

>travelling to her village
Where exactly do you live user?

>>P.S. No I won't get a dog or join a religion.
Join a fraternity. Do such things even exist anymore that aren't neck deep in some """""illuminati""""" bullshit? I just want a group of guys where we can meet at any time and just talk shit, shoot the breeze and informally debate.

I live in anonymous proxy.

I partially agree. I think the biggest issue is that socially we've gotten too hands-off about getting married. Nobody I know has any actual qualms against people being unmarried and childless for their whole lives. I'm not saying we should have arranged marriages or anything, but plenty of people these days don't really even seem to know how to date.

>Smart move or not?
you get pussy, you'll find out the answer yourself.

not yet

Just go in Craigslist and find a wife. It's not all that difficult to achieve.

Bless old Patrice. He was too good for this world.

>Men wanna be alone, but we don't wanna be by ourselves
Absolute precision strike.