Can we solve something Law enforcement has fucked up on for 40 years?
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I’m trying to solve rapes, not get raped. That’s why it’s in Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums. Plus there’s a $50,000 reward putz.
>Can we solve something Law enforcement has fucked up on for 40 years?
Successful politician / businessman with ties to the area.
Was in the area for a few months if not at all every year due to obvious work reasons
Not someone you would suspect automatically
5'10 - 5'11 blonde - dirt blonde caucasoid
leftist leanings (leftist back in the 1980s)
You're never catching me faggots
Says the guy known as the small Dick rapist. Ha!
Probably lives in the areas of the rapes but traveled for kills. Most likely had a relationship with the medical industry and/or the phone company.
Why do I care how big my dick is? I get sex from whoever I want whenever I want and I never have to deal with them again.
>Most likely had a relationship with the medical industry and/or the phone company.
Attaching map.
>5'10 - 5'11 blonde - dirt blonde caucasoid
My reasoning for this is the various hair styles depicted in the sketches. Only possible with blonde type straight hair.
>5'10 - 5'11
I mentally approximated this based on the face height/width ratio and the ratio of total face area to neck area as depicted in the 3 sketches mentioned in op post.
>Successful politician / businessman with ties to the area.
>Was in the area for a few months if not at all every year due to obvious work reasons
>Not someone you would suspect automatically
Hunch based on the attack map locations and the timing.
Yes, I have neanderthal turbo autism. You see noise, I see geometric shapes and sine waves.
i've been watching a lot of SVU lately. We got this.
Map attached.
>'Excitement's Crave'
All those mortal's surviving birth
Upon facing maturity,
Take inventory of their worth
To prevailing society.
Choosing values becomes a task;
Oneself must seek satisfaction.
The selected route will unmask
Character when plans take action.
Accepting some work to perform
At fixed pay, but promise for more,
Is a recognized social norm,
As is decorum, seeking lore.
Achieving while others lifting
Should be cause for deserving fame.
Leisure tempts excitement seeking,
What's right and expected seems tame.
"Jessie James" has been seen by all,
And "Son of Sam" has an author.
Others now feel temptations call.
Sacramento should make an offer.
To make a movie of my life
That will pay for my planned exile.
Just now I' d like to add the wife
Of a Mafia lord to my file.
Your East Area Rapist
And deserving pest.
See you in the press or on T.V
lol, this is not bad.
Reeks of someone aged 25-26 hitting the mental realization wall of what majority of his human companions are busy doing on a monthly basis whilst being completely obvious to it. Sense of superiority and arrogance to the writing, IQ 1 SD above the median at the very least. I'd easily wager a 130 IQ individual who hails from a wealthy, privileged background.
Cause you almost never cum. And you cried after a couple times. That means you a faggot with a broke Dick.
>Yes, I have neanderthal turbo autism. You see noise, I see geometric shapes and sine waves.
Holy shit... Do I have serious autism too?! I see everything as geometric patterns with wire frame symmetry and always worry about 3 steps ahead.
I see your autism, and raise you my conspiracy theory in the topic.
If I knew where you lived I'd have your wife tie you up and put dinner plates on your back and rape the love of life out of her.
>Holy shit... Do I have serious autism too?! I see everything as geometric patterns with wire frame symmetry
Um, yes. Very much so.
You got vaxxed nigga
Best of luck with that, tiny dick. I’m pretty sure my Pitbulls would pull you apart if I didn’t get to you and crush your skull first. You think you doled our pain. Just wait until I find you and teach you what true pain is. The FBI won’t be able to identify your corpse, and there won’t be funeral for you. So for Your does I hope you are a dumb troll, otherwise I’m coming. It won’t matter if you’re ready, you will feel deaths slow release, but only because I grant it as Your executioner.
You think you're special? I showed all those men that thought they were better than me who was the best. All of those men that thought they had power were taught how weak they really were as they watched me take whatever I wanted from them. I took their possessions, I took their dignity, I took the life out of the eyes of their wives. I took their very souls. Nobody will ever make me feel small and get away with it for long. I will show you who is the almighty. You cannot stop me, you can only hope to avoid my judgment.
Whoever this guy is, he and or his senpai must be fairly wealthy and connected.
He seems like he was a little young to be a successful politician/businessman, unless you mean he's since become one
They have his DNA. They could find him in a fucking WEEK if they used 23andMe/AncestryDNA, which I KNOW they have access to.
Why aren't they doing that? Do they not know how? Didn't think of it? Jesus, guys hit me up if you need help with that, but it's pretty simple.
Find people with matching DNA segments, find out which side of their family matches, from many people you find a likely family it could have been, and from them you can find the exact person. It's really fucking simple. Why haven't you just done this?
Hell, they should release his DNA to the PUBLIC!!! Then we can help you!
>unless you mean he's since become one
Yes. Also his family must have had resources and connections.
Release his DNA and as long as it isn't dog-shit quality we can help find him—if anything it will greatly narrow him down.
If it is really bad quality, then just find another sample (I'm sure you can find some) and re-test it with more modern tech.
Fucking do this god dammit.
Im not helping jew controlled law enforcement
Look at the strikes map that FBI released. Whoever it was, he was very familiar with three areas around Sacramento. I'm guessing this was either due to having multiple houses or multiple work locations.
How do you know the rape-killer wasn't a Jew?
He killed a dozen white women.
Who is the real Jew here, Jew?
You, are dam fake ass faggot spammer. If you really are the EARONS you’re 70 plus and about to be BTFO by old age. Besides how you going to Prowl and creep when everyone can here your tiny baby Dick scratching away in you depends coming miles away. You better kill yourself or turn yourself into the FBI before i find you. Otherwise you will live more terror than you can imagine. I have very, very special plans for you. It’s your time.
Well, good luck finding the guy with three completely different looking pictures that look nothing like each other.
Your eyewitnesses or your artists screwed you.
This case is a case study in Law enforcement fucking up every which way. Which is why it’s now up to the public to solve this.
Kek, read "lol this isn't bad" as part of the poem first. Have to disagree with that part of your assessment though, it's pretty terrible, reeks of teenage edgelord
He was a wealthy dude who someone likely covered for. His dad was probably in LE
>tfw no qt drunk girl to break into my house and sexually assault me for hours while criticizing my beer choices
How do I get hired onto this case, their incompetence is pissing me off
Caught you
The case is colder then Anna Nicole Smiths pussy, All you have to do is find as much info as you can and get any info the FBI is willing to release and go from there.
There is no getting hired onto the case unless your in LE
Started right after Vietnam ended.
Could be a vet, who liked killing and raping in Vietnam and couldn't stop when he got back.
tl;dr my theory
EARONS was a spook hired by a security company run by a former LAPD dective to socially engineer civil unrest in order for the security company to obtain as many government contracts as possible and ultimately profit greatly. Full version here:
White. Check the credit rating. Duh.
>Well, good luck finding the guy with three completely different looking pictures that look nothing like each other.
Is it just me or are there similar patterns in the sketches. For example, one thing that strikes me as odd or distinct is the similar height of the distance between end of lower lip and end of chin and the proportion of that to overall face height in all 3 pictures.
Nose shape is essentially the same. Eye brow shape, thickness and between spacing with respect to face width at that region is remarkably near identical. Ear locations, height and shape in sketches 1 and 2 are close, also note the max ear height with respect to eyebrow location on sketches 1 and 2.
>Have to disagree with that part of your assessment though, it's pretty terrible, reeks of teenage edgelord
That's semi irrelevant. It's the quality of his English vernacular that strikes me, given this was the 1970s. I doubt average California white male conversed like that back in the day, much less write a quirky poem.
> society
> recognized social norm
> fixed pay / fixed reward
> excitement, deserving, seeking make an offer
> movie of my life
> Mafia lord
Delusions of self grandeur, fame / thrill seeking and mental offset. Someone finally hit puberty?! lol. Still doing my research, I wonder if this indiv. had a grudge for being passed on by a girl for a more physically mature man who was from a common, middle class origin. Several of his strikes were committed against young couples.
Why are you getting so butthurt by an obvious LARP? I'm just joking faggot.
There is so much wrong with that theory lol.
He was white by the way, Not one victim claimed he was a nigger or any color but white.
Is this dare I say /ourguy/?
The absolute madman actually got away with it.
Always loved the meme, but the sketch looks much more like John Molesta.
I hate rapists. Don’t LARP as a rapist. That’ll get you hurt quick. Second only to what happens to chomos.
I know. But you have to read the whole thing anyways.
Sadly he he’s to young to be the Zodiac killer. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t his one type of serial murderer.
I'm checking out and this is my last post itt.
I found this interesting, especially since I watched the original Jaws a few weeks ago.
>Diamond knot, Knife lanyard knot, Sailor's knife lanyard knot, Marlingspike lanyard knot
The perp was really good at tieing people down. Sailing experience as part of some local WASP sailing team club or during college?
That's a possibility but this old photograph was taken around 1985
Its pretty blurry so you can't make out the rapists face
But we have a clue here
Took you long enough.
There are so few white people left in CA, they could probably just question them all and find the guy.
There's more than ten million
Le 20% faec
Sadly laws were passed not allowing LE to use companies like 23andme to search for suspects. Obviously in a case of this magnitude the rules need to be bent, but then a very slippery slope issues happens. It’s all lawyer bs, but in a case like this the victims and survivors deserve 100% justice.
What laws?
Just put their DNA in the same format as 23andMe, then upload it to GEDMATCH, and look for the closest relatives on there.
Law Enforcement has more DNA samples than 23andMe does.
Why don't they just design a system that allows then to look for close DNA matches between known criminals and unknowns???
That has to be legal, and they could probably solve thousands of cases!
>That has to be legal, and they could probably solve thousands of cases!
It’s not. If everyone knows 23andme is sharing data with LE the business falls apart because the company has now released your personal information....
those pics are garbage but its probably podesta
I think you misunderstood me.
For the last part, Law enforcement does not need any company. The US Federal Government has the largest store of genetic samples of people in the entire world, law enforcement has access to many of these. It is pretty simple to design a system that can analyze these samples and look through the DNA of all these people (known & unknown), and look for sections of the genomes that are identical. This indicates these people are related. If you can connect the unknown samples and known samples, you can then identify relatives, and from there by going through their family tree and close relatives (or other samples in database) you can find the exact murderer/rapist/john doe/etc you are looking for.
Have they really never thought of this?
This is 100% do-able, and WILL solve tens of thousands of unsolved cases.
Have they really never thought of this?
Hire me for the lab, dude. Your current guys suck.
Sure. I'm in. Let's get the thread naught going. Vegas massacre seems to have gone cold
It would essentially work the same way 23andMe does when it finds relatives for you.
Fucking do it. Why does this not exist?
It was a decorative knot, not a functional knot that a sailor would have used. More likely to have been a boy scout (cadet, etc.) than a sailor imo
Search the Synagogues, profile the Jew...
You will find-it lurking with a nest of Demon-Worshipers.
10 to 1 its a Mongreloid of some variation.
>>unless you mean he's since become one
>Yes. Also his family must have had resources and connections.
You mean...Like a Jew?
Also government if you just stole my idea you have to give me money (please)
His identikit pictures don't really give off the vibe of a Jew and the rapes don't match the particular Phillip Roth type of perversion that seems endemic to most Jews (as revealed with the recent Hollywood scandals). They're too masculine and risky for a Jew, a Jew would have preyed on single women that he was sure couldn't raise an alarm, not ambushed couples
Guys we need to look into the area he first started this, east Sacramento is where he began his crimes. Maybe he grew up there? Look into the locations, he must've known where he was going.
First one was just off a main road, google maps shows a college location at the corner. Maybe a student if the school is old enough?
The college was founded in 2004, can't find what was there before though
ain't a nigger so I don't care
He attack at least one Asian rady. That change anything for ya?
He;s in his sixties now, those drawings will be completely useless by now.
Unleash the larps.. Someone get jason goodman on the case
all i read is his wiki page but i think i might have picked up on something new.
i would bet money on this guy being ex-special forces. he was smart, he was tough, he was fast, he knew how to move without attracting attention, he didn't get caught, he stopped killing in 1986 which i believe was the first year DNA evidence was ruled admissible in a court of law which shows a high level of discipline. there's one thing that comes to mind when reading about him and it's that he was an apex predator.
my bet is some CIA black ops guy from MACVSOG in southeast asia in vietnam came home and couldn't stop killing.
Interesting thought, that would definitely explain a lot. Not a lot of people would have the sort of confidence and ability to control a situation that his crimes demonstrated but a special forces soldier might. On the other hand though he's described as very young, in his late teens or early twenties and his sketches don't really look rugged enough for someone who went through that.
If there was a Vietnam connection, that's an interesting tie in with the second night stalker Richard Ramirez - his ex Green Beret cousin used to show him polaroids of Vietnamese women he'd tortured and murdered
While that’s a fair observation, a lot of discussion already revolves around EARONS possible military and or special forces background.
>the wife of a Mafia lord
What if that wasn't just an idle wish, but he actually tried it on and it didn't end well for him? Would explain why he stopped
The sketch on the right looks like Stacy Peralta...