Engrish in anime
Engrish in anime
>I have a sister, and she lives in Hawaii.
That's grammatically accurate, though.
The only incorrect sentence among those that are fully visible is the third one.
"I have a cock. It's atrocious." Is still funny even if correct, though.
This is just a typo in the subs.
Third sentence:
>I have a sister. She name is Saeko.
Half of what this guy says
Anything this bitch says in the last few episodes of the show, ow my ears.
>'and' after a comma
poor form even if not entirely wrong
>implying Revy's japanese is anything but flawless
You deserve to be stricken deaf you insolent pleb.
I know, I know, not anime
I had to watch the dub of s2 because I couldn't stand the Engrish
lol, wat is 'Bldg'?
maybe building? For building project management?
>people posting characters without sub or video examples
youre are retarded, freind
Put ya guns on!
Thanks, (You)
A personal favorite
i am the bone of my sword
This is from Space Brothers, right? I literally loled when I saw this
Not if it's preceding an independent clause, dummy.
What did she mean by this?
What anime is this?
That has to be a joke.
They aren't saying it's wrong. They are showing how to use words to bridge sentences together. All of the sentences are supposed to be valid. The third one is not.
Beck was pretty funny till I got used to it.
>LoGH Engrish
(major spoilers for anyone who did not finish the series)
>can't recognize the style
>it even says Keiko on it
Official lyrics.
>Yet, in my fresh
This doesn't make sense even if you consider that 'killed' should be 'kill'. Why would she be asking for help?
Hebrew to Japanese to English...
Aside from this scene the english was actually correct in most instances
>being a video compression snob on Sup Forums
It's quality, not compression.
I don't care if you manage to compress 500 MB into 5 KB.
But if you just drop most of the data and call it a day, then you didn't compress shit. You just lost quality.
They are asking for help, but in the panic, forgot to write "be"
>I'm going to be killed,
>Ms. Lacus!
They came full circle
>misspelling Yaranaika
But that's an accurate rappresentation of the average American protest sign
fucking hell, this made me feel old.
>EL FACIL decided that her daughter marry GTO
What you did is called "deliberately missing the point". You latched on to semantics and shifted the focus and meaning of the sentence so you don't have to mentally or emotionally deal with the original meaning and point.
>What you did is called "deliberately missing the point".
Actually, no.
What I did was explain the misunderstanding you were under.
Kissanime has a factually inferior video file, and that is not because of compression. It's because of lost data.
>What I did was explain the misunderstanding you were under.
Nope. You see, I called you a "compression snob".
Instead of correctly understanding the words from the context, you nit-picked the word "compression" as if it was referring to file-size instead of video compression artifacts.
>that is not because of compression. It's because of lost data.
See here you go again, lying to yourself. The data was lost because of compression. You're simply nit-picking semantics so you can avoid facing the real issue, the fact that you >greentext people on Sup Forums.
>implying I didn't just do a quick google and posted the first result
There are two kinds of compression. Lossy and lossless. There is nothing wrong with the latter, unless you're working with a toaster that can't decompress in a timely fashion.
>video compression artifacts.
See here. You just agreed with me.
Your video is factually inferior.
>you >greentext people on Sup Forums.
Is that a complaint? Really?
After you did it yourself?
I have a cock. It's atrocious.
Spoken as a true user.
don't worry
everything's gonna happy
Hey, since this thread has already gone full retard talking about something only tangentially related, anyone mind entertaining some discussion on the nature of language in the peculiar case of how English loanwords have changed, in whatever way, the Japanese language?
I mean, apart from certain obvious things like new sounds being introduced that are sometimes used now from how traditional Japanese is, what do you guys think about it? Is it because of the Katakana system allowing for a lot more intake of loanwords, or is it simply largely the result of the American occupation?
>the result of the American occupation?
I'm guessing it's that plus they just think english words sound cool. That and some were completely new words
Yeah but it's weird how somethings seemed to have caught on. Like "mansion" being the term for an appt block.
It's like by misusing Engrish they changed the meaning of the words, which can then lead to really weird translation errors.
Do you think a person from Japan would have it any easier in an English speaking country than someone from, say, Korea?
At least post the picture you lazy bum.
>Do you think a person from Japan would have it any easier in an English speaking country than someone from, say, Korea?
I really doubt it would be any different but I'm just speculating.
>Like "mansion"
"Juice" has always baffled me
I knew you'd have my back, bro
Are you happy?
Do you happy?
isn't it "are yuru happy"
It's correct however
Is there an example of the opposite of Engrish
Like someone actually speaking fluently while still having yellow skin
They even write "god" correctly the second time.
Now I want to know what smorking would be
what dah fack
while is meant to be filler text, its atrocious. They could use lorem ipsum and could make more sense
what the fug is a FORK COCK GUN
You could actually take it as a censorship of the title
Still deliberately missing the point. Your ego must be incredibly fragile.
At this point all your posts amount to is "No you".
>all your posts
Which ones are my posts?
>"No you"
"No you" would imply some sort of reciprocity. The first post was about you deliberately missing the point and the last post was about you deliberately missing the point, so really there's no change at all, you're still deliberately missing the point.
Maybe some day you'll overcome your insecurity and be able to actually respond to what people are saying instead of a twisted reinterpretation that allows you to protect your ego.
Just fuck already
My God, so this is where Presidents go