This country is finished.
This country is finished
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How long before we just rake our shit up brother?
I still don't even understand what the first Q stands for.
(((((((((((((historical injustices)))))))))))))
Where the fuck did the 2 come from? What happened to LGBTQAAIP+ or whatever the fuck it was a week ago.
... Queer
Maybe they intend it as squared, as in gay squared. Ultra gay.
Two Spirit? I think it's "culturally appropriated" from prairie niggers
The white Obama, in every way
The day of the rake has been sorely misrepresented as Canadian genocide from outsiders. Brothers, it needs to be your 1776. Reclaim your country.
Lifestyle choice
I heard someone mention it was supposed to mean "2 genders" as "fuck your non-binary gender nonsense".
But Canada is still fucked a country with a literal soyboy as Cuckminister.
They made a second movie?
promoting gay is literally just another depopulation scheme
There's literally no other reason to promote faggots to kids other than that
I dont know why but I find this so bizarre and funny. All Trudeau wanted to be was a actor.
literally genocide
straight white men are responsible for this
Canada is exponentially gay.
I sometimes wonder...
how people have feelings...
I get that, but what does that even fucking mean? Isn't queer just a fucking synonym for gay?
And what's the second Q?
How long until he is voted out?
what the 2 stands for?
Why is this nigga on an apology tour?
I dunno man. As much as I HATED that nigger I just can't bring myself to say he was as bad as Justin. Although if he had a couple more years he would've been.
Well fuck when do we get our trump?
He seems like a good guy maybe hes just really dumb
The number of genders there are.
He's a fucking drama teacher, it's all bullshit acting.
it means 2 nukes
As in Canada needs to be stopped before we end up like Sweden
BTW, did he ever meet with the ethics commissioner?
Wait what about the ones not killed by AIDs but aren't alive.
Like if they got hit by a bus or something
this guy is a fucking joke just like anything beyond 2 genders
> Its because of your courage we're here today
Was it trannies with dildo headresses and 62 genders who died in the trenches at Vimy Ridge or during D-day?
This Prime minister is an unbearable faggot just like his cuck of a father, out to destroy any semblance of a culture this country has left.
I'd flip this guy off, but he already looks like flipper the dolphin.
can't make this shit up
Yup Canada is pretty much done.
You couldn't be more correct...all virtue signal and no substance
Mo betta word "FAGGOT"
So how gay are we talking here? Like so gay that AIDS is coded into their DNA? Could a gay squared man and gay squared woman give birth to AIDS incarnate? Would this ultra gayby have super AIDS powers, able to shut down others' immune systems through sheer will?
Lol you guys are a country? I thought you were all just a giant land of muslim rapists and garbage fires.
>jewdeau pulling the pendulum so far left that he's practically begging for a conservative majority next election
>mad max lost the conservative leadership even though he had the popular vote
Jesus Christ are people not tired of this endless virtue signaling. How is it believable to anyone at this point? I swear pro-wrestlers make a more compelling narrative...
Ever notice how he can cry at will? Only psychopaths, women (who are all psychopaths) and spoiled children can do that.
Normal men don't cry. Normal men get even. Then they laugh.
I would fight with you for your 1776 fellow Canucks
have they broken down who gets all the gibs?
Women LOVE this shit and will vote for the liberals who sell weapons to fucking Saudi Arabia because of it
I heard Canada doesn't have a military, they simply extrude cringeworthy media to make the country even less appealing than it already is... is this true?
That term triggers me.
It's LGBTQ2+
Wow wow wow did he honestly disrespect the AIPZ+ members?
How non-inclusive
It stands for queer you faggot.
What the fuck did you just call me?
>that pic
Can we meme white people away from that bullshit under the guise of it being cultural appropriation?
>Damn based Best-Korea...
Atta boy big Teddy T we need to dunk on the Americans as much as we can on the emotional world stage
Just got fucking DUNKED on grumpfy, people won’t even talk to him while teddy t is getting standing o’s from the boys in black on the hill
Keep it up
we will
i will
canada is a white, catholic nation. this apology is meaningless from that faggot lover.
It seems like it's going to be bureaucrats and soldiers who lost their job for being faggots.
Please be a shitpost.
Its also a way to drug companies to make more money by getting more people on HIV meds.
Fuck off Quebec. Fucking mongoloid french hillbillies.
I seriously need someone to help me here
a female who's attracted to other females
a male who's attracted to other males
a fe/male who's attracted to both two (2) genders
Someone who changed their gender to the other gender
What the fuck is this?
They got an update?
so glad we didnt get that title
keep it up hat.
This makes me fucking enraged and i'm not even a canuck.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your prime minister? He's eradicating your country.
Being a part of LGBTXYZSHEUDJHD bullcrap means you're a fucking faggot who must go to Auschwitz
It's two spirit.
It means gay Native Americans. they have their own kind of gay.
Canada is officially more cucked than Sweden
What's this first nations bullshit i'm hearing about now? I heard it on the radio describing abos. They weren't a fucking nation, they were a bunch of small tribes that ate each other and their kids.
wtf! are you saying that a queer can be both male and female at the same time? those people mental help asap
Dear US, when are you going to finally put Canada out of it's misery and annex it already?
^ this
"Two Spirit" is a leftist campaign perpetrated on native people to gaslight them that even though they had hundreds of unique cultures and languages, their ancestors all uniformly believed in some magical faggot shit. Sort of like 50 years ago when Trudeau Sr. forced them to give up their kids so they could be introduced to magical Catholic faggot shit.
I had a female friend from highschool who started doing testosterone for attention with no intention of becoming a man but to become to the perfect in between non gender or whatever.
Changed her name to Zang.
If I didn't think you'd genocide my race I'd honestly convert to your goatfucker religion at this point, anglo-saxon culture is a diseased tumor and we need a great depression or natural disaster to force us to be men again. Otherwise we are dead
He is a cosmopolitan elite dandy who has no allegiance to any country.
How does a boy as soy as Trudeau have a full head of hair, while I'm starting to look like a cancer patient?
kek isn't queer supposed to be an insult, like faggot?
>genocide my race
Your PM is taking care of that :^)
How's Zang now?
It was when I was a kid. I wonder if kids still play smear the queer.
They "took it back", apparently. I'm sure an F for faggot will be added to the list soon
Autist spotted
If the LGBT is so great why isn't there a LGBTQ2?
There's a devout Catholic Micmac guy near where I live who hates that shit -- he goes around telling everyone they never had smudging and sweat lodges here
There's a "first nation" near me that's just one circular road with about forty mobile homes
inb4 LGBTQT3.14
Buh Bye Canada! You had a great run!
Spent a few years in Major Juniors, loved touring western Canada in the late 80's/early 90's. Even remember going to WHL games in the 80's when Canadian fans would come down and start brawls in the stands yelling things like "you fucking American bums, how's welfare!"
You've come a long way since Mulroney.....
Nope, we play "Hate the Straight" now. Same game except the ball is now filled with AIDS infested urine and semen. Oh, and instead of taking turns on the smallest kid, we each have our own ball and go after the biggest kid or the most athletic together, as a group.
Compared to Justin Trudeau, Obama was as good as Abe Lincoln. All though Sup Forums probably hates Abe for freeing the niggers and not sending them back.
and he's right. it's universalist, pan-indian bullshit designed to sell one uniform, homogenized native identity. and the fucking ojibways try to dictate to it the most. fucking bullshit.
Canada is to cucked for a Trump, the 8 years Obama was president the Republicans and the south was fuming.
>Obama was as good as Abe Lincoln
Obama was the greatest orator since Lincoln, according to the (((media))):
What is this, the fourth time he's cried in public since becoming PM?
Pan-Native identity is a political tool designed by the Left to delegitimize the very existence of this country. It has almost nothing to do with actual Native cultures, as you say. Although the Natives themselves don't mind being flattered by white SJWs that they're more in tune with the earth and all that other bullshit
The guy is a fucking embarrassment. But then again so is the current state of our country.
It would be glorious if somebody could breach his security during a speech and give him an atomic wedgie. That'd give him something to cry about