Trying to understand

so how the fuck are you supposed to watch this show? i think chronologically is the best way, but what the fuck? how did they mess up the brodcast order so bad you have to watch an episode from season 2 in the middle of season 1 as well as skipping the first ep.

Other urls found in this thread:

>how the fuck are you supposed to watch this show?
In broadcast order, just like you'd watch any other show.

>In broadcast order
This. And OP is a retard.

isn't it infinitely more confusing if you're watching in the non chronological order?

Not any more than any other non-linear story.

I can't tell any more whether people make these threads as an excuse to discuss the show or are genuinely retarded

it's a strange mix of both

I recently found out they sell trading cards of Haruhi and then proceeded to order a shit ton.

How have I not seen people discuss these on here before?

>"Usual" Haruhi

Apparently she's an animal


Watch it in the order intended by the creators. Obviously that's how it's SUPPOSED to be viewed.

I made my own order. EE 3 is actually EE 8, I never watch them anyway.

>not watching all of Endless Eight

can you just not exist thanks

>It's only been 10 years and people have already regressed to the point of being too stupid to watch Haruhi

What do they mix into those burgers? Fertiliser? Toothpaste?



Did the announcement already happen? Was it pachinko?

Season 3 when?

Weiss Schwartz Right? Not trading cards, a full on TCG

Did I already miss the annual disappearance movie stream? Didn't want to make a separate thread asking since there's already a Haruhi thread

at least one
another one is comming up

>Kyon kun, denwa
as catchphrase