Does Tsukihime deserve a remake?
Does Tsukihime deserve a remake?
Arc doesn't deserve to be raped and ruined like that.
Only Shiki can rape her.
It's almost her birthday.
Yeah, an all age version without the awkward sex scenes, with HD graphics and hopefully a native Mac, Android, Linux port.
Do I deserve to lose my virginity?
Tsukihime doesn't work without rape
Far side is for cucks.
Prove me wrong.
Fuck off crossboarder.
What a cute girl. What's her name?
>an all age version without the awkward sex scenes,
>let's take an edgy story filled with sexual violence and turn it into a completely different story
Most of the sex in story is pretty organic for what tsukihime tries to be.
At some point I stopped caring. So did Nasu and Takeuchi.
Jeanne D'arc
Red Seiba from Seiba Copy/Past franchise.
Saberface Bumstead
A while ago when asked if the game would be 18+ he said that it wouldn't be Tsukihime if it didn't have some poison to it. If anything there might still be rape but no proper pornographic art.
The only benefit we'd get from this are the redraws and recolors, which a fan can do in a fraction of the time this is taking. Every actual changes, such as the new designs have been garbage.
Melty Blood artstyle and designs were perfect. I don't know why they'd do this. It just made Arcueid lose her character.
Arc gave me my sweater fetish.
No sweater = no boner.
This displeases me.
Yes but the remake it's getting is just cruel and unusual punishment of the existing fans as type moon squeeze every yen out of their IPs through lazy rehashing
Yeah about it
First Tsukihime, now YUNO. When will the horror end?
Melty Blood lives on!
Sorry, remake?
>Type-Moon's title was 6 years in the making
>Complete and utter failure
What went wrong?
Type Moon is not a famous company, Fate is popular nowadays and Tsukihime was back in the day(albeit it still holds up well among the fanbase considering the waifus were in the last top 20) but Japanese don't care about "Type Moon":
When SNK does a game they can say from the creators of Metal Slug and KoF, people will be interested.
When Naughty Dog does a game they can say from the creators of Crash Bandicoot and Uncharted
When Type Moon says from the creators of Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night otaku won't care, simply because they like those works in particular, not what the company produces.
This is TM's own fault because they focus only on waifus and waifus, the work itself maybe does not but the advertising, the merch, the materials the spin offs and all that are all waifu centric so in the end people will love those waifus and the game they appear in but they don't really care about a new story by Nasu that doesn't involve their waifu.
>Japanese don't care about "Type Moon":
What about China, Korea and Taiwan?
I don't want to play a Tsukihime where raping the maids is not an option.
As far as I know their vns only come out in Japanese.
Takeuchi won't leave us hanging like this right?
Personally, the main part of the remake that I am excited about is the new content (Satsuki route, hopefully a rewrite of the Near Side routes to make them more distinct, hopefully a fleshing out of Kohaku's route, Noel, more info on DAA's and Tsuki lore in general).
What about you guys?
But there is no Tsukihime anime
Sensei Route, at least a proper afterstory, Len, more DAA designs with Altrouge being the one I want to see most and make Roa more of a threat.
Has anyone picked it up?
yes, but not like this
It does, but what the fuck does it take so fucking long other than TM being lazy as fuck?
I hate that this shit is basically keeping Melty HD hostage.
Porkslope Turkeyhandle
when do we get tsukihime characters in FGO
Maybe this year.
tsuki is perfect
It doesn't need a remake.
They ruined Sugoi Sugoi's design.
She has the white shirt, jeans and red hair after using her true magic.
Super Vampire Alien Clone Extreme Edition.
It isn't, but I really wonder if Nasu would be able to not screw it up.
It's probably good enough it exists at all. Sure, Satsuki route might sound nice, but I really doubt it would be able to top the maid routes anyway. It would probably just feel underwhelming in comparison.
At some point, you should probably just let go.
>Sacchin route
>just let go
I will murder everyone you know and rape their corpses in front of you. You're waifu included.
It's time to move on
pls move on