Yuri!! On Ice

Choose your fairy.

>Kubo changed her twitter header to St. Petersburg
>See you next level
Reminder that we get greenlight in the next few weeks

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I'm not excited for season 2. I wanted them to get us a satisfying ending and they botched it. Only thing that made me happy was Fairy winning.

>title incorrect

one job


Also, is it just me or the whole thing with Otabek not getting bronze was highly disrespectful towards Denis Ten? I'm a Yuzufag and one that was joking about him getting btfo for having tried to kill Yuzu but after seeing how clearly modelled after him Otabek was (which is not the case of all characters who sometimes take after several RL skaters) and how into it Denis was, to have him lose when both his SP and LP were good while JJ's failure in the SP made it impossible for him to come back short of plain old judge overscoring/bribing, was really mean and I think he must have felt dejected. In general, I would have appreciated them to explain JJ's win by at the very least making it obvious it was overscoring. As it stands, it just reeks of Kubo bias towards Mamo/JJ and it's for me the most unsatisfying part of episode 12.

>Otabek not getting bronze was highly disrespectful towards Denis Ten

don't mix anime with real life user

I'm not the one mixing it, retard. Mappa literally stalked skaters and took tiny details from their life and made some of them like Denis identify with these characters only to trash him for probably the shittiest character in the show who brings nothing to the table and is to date Mamo's worst job as a VA.

The whole thing was shit but it had nothing to do with Denis Ten.

No one said Otabek was Denis. Only he was talking like that. Of course some characters will be from somewhere a real skater is from.

Well, I am. The ending could have been better, but it was always going to be rushed with the amount of episodes we got, so I'm happy that they're going to develop the story further. I'm still too in love with it.

>it just reeks of Kubo bias towards Mamo/JJ

Yeah not Denis Ten related but Kubo thinking with her pussy.

Go to sleep, Denis, you are not Otabek.

>2nd Season
>JJ will probably be there since he's young and also Kubo's favorite
>Chris probably won't be there since he feels old and wants to retire

The reason is shit writing.

And why did they have to link Yuzu's cameo with the fucking leaf. I'm so fucking disgusted. I don't give a shit about lack of kissu or wedding for baldfat but I hate JJ so fucking much, like holy shit, why waste so much time on worst boy.

Why does Kubo even like JJ so much? There's literally nothing appealing about him. I'm not even an Otabek fan, but Jesus, he was robbed.

JJ was a mistake.

Left looks faggy as fuck. Although I live in St. Petersburg and many hipster guys do this stupid bun on head thing nowadays.

>they made Yuzu do the JJ sign
I feel offended.

Either Fairy gets a growth spurt or he cuts his hair. Short-haired tall Fairy looks like Generic Blond Bishie nº135748374.
I don't think it was made to disrespect him, specially since they couldn't anticipate Denis getting that excited about the show. Rather, I think it was as simple as the writers not wanting to give a medal to a character that had just been introduced and pretty much came out of nowhere, they probably thought the audience would be happier if a character they were familiar with got Bronze.

I don't particularly like any of these hairstyles. Left is too faggy on Fairy and right is too boyish for Fairy.

It's the worst part of the episode, and it must really suck for Denis Ten to watch his 2D version get btfo, but to call it disrespectful is a little much.

Which YoI characters are clearly based on a real life person?
Yuuri = Yuzuru Hanyu
Otabek = Denis Ten
Victor had his Weir costume/flower crown, but is he actually based on him?
I know too little of skating to name any others.

Right now I think the jap rumors of Kubo hating Yuzu are true.

How is Yuuri based on Yuzuru? I don't really see the connection aside from them being Nips.


All this JJ butthurt is sweet even though I agree it was a retarded writing decision like several other things in this episode.

Pic related is the only right answer.

I highly doubt people would be that pissed that Otabek had got the bronze, I certainly wouldn't, I don't care about him honestly, but it was what made the most sense. Christ, having Chris winning bronze would make more sense than fucking JJ.

I understand this is just the artstyle, but he looks even more effeminate here than in the show.

>Yuuri = Yuzuru Hanyu
Definitely not true. He has elements of Daisuke Takahashi, if anything. Just watch this and see if you can tell me it doesn't remind you of Eros.

Yuuri is based of several real life skaters and very much his own character. If anything, beyond appearance, he isn't like Yuzuru at all and Yuzu is more like the Nip equivalent of Victor. Same with Victor who is a mix of Plushenko, Weir and Lambiel and his own beautiful safe. Meanwhile Otabek was 90% Denis so I can't fault him for being that invested into the character, especially when he himself isn't competing this year because of injuries.

I'm seriously convinced that Denis might be here.

No one is based on any one specific person, they take inspiration from various people and athletes for each character. Otabike isn't Denis, stop being retarded.

I don't actually know. I've been reading that since the start of the show, but apart from the fact that they both have hella curves I guess there isn't really a reason.
Most of the comparisons to real life seem pretty minor, huh.

I'm kinda mad that JJ outdid Chris and I don't even like Chris that much.

*self not safe

I mean, he appears to be obsessed enough. It wouldn't surprise me at all. Do you think he ships Otabek and Fairy?

>JJ's failure in the SP made it impossible for him to come back short of plain old judge overscoring/bribing
Why do people keep saying this? JJ had the most technically difficult FS, that's how he was able to make up the points.

The only similarity is like pic related. Otherwise Yuzuru is much more like Victor and Yuuri takes after skaters like Tatsuki Machida and Daisuke Takahashi.

Maybe that's why he wants to be Otabek. He wants a Fairy for himself. I mean, who wouldn't?

I'm mad JJ outdid any of them, he deserved to be in 6th place

Predicting audience reactions is not always easy. Kubo seems to like JJ a lot, maybe she thought he would be more popular.

He couldn't make up that much. Just like I knew and told fags here that even if Yuuri aced his FS, he couldn't get gold. The only reason JJ won is because he is Kubo's fave and 2D Patrick Chan.

I hope they don't actually get rid of Chris in S2. This is way too sad of an end note to leave him on. At least let us see him being happy in his personal life.

I'm worried becaise 12's writing was all over the place and if they had to do that to make a hook for S2 where's the assurance that S2 will be good?

He already has his own Russian fairy, too bad for him she craves the Nip cock too.

Any nip wearing glasses would look like that in the winter. And any skater nip that needs his hair to be slicked back for his program/costume would look like that.

>yfw JJ getting bronze is actually a lowkey reference to Chanflation

Medo-chan is cute and all but not as pretty as Fairy, come on.

> Generic Blond Bishie nº135748374.
He looks like Victor in that pic. But you're still right.

What do nips think of him?

>jap rumors of Kubo hating Yuzu

Why do they think that?

Has anyone done a proper breakdown of all the program elements to see how they compare? I know someone basically said that Fairy's SP score was impossible with the routine he had, but what about the others?

I'm not going to argue about scores, since I honestly don't understand how they work, but having him winning bronze was, narratively wise, absolutely retarded. There's no denying on that.

Isn't he popular in Nipland?

But Mappa didn't expect YOI to be popular in the first place, so I don't think that's it, unless they really did rewrite this ep at the latest possible minute. Which I can easily believe.

Miyano needs to die.

True, he turned out to be such a bro, also one of few people Viktor seemed to be friendly with. Not just amiable because he's technically nice to everyone, but truly friendly.

No, I agree. I just thought that with how much emphasis they put on the fact that everyone else had to up their game in order to compete with JJ, it would make sense that his program had the elements to make up the score. But I guess not, if that other user is right.

Do you think they will escalate or deescalate the Baldfat homo next season?

Yeah. He needs to stay. Maybe he can be the one to Viktor talks about his relationship issues (and sex).

Hopefully S2 will develop the skaters we already know more instead of adding a bunch of new characters.

>waah why couldn't they rush a ending
>why did they have to give it another season
Holy shit you guys will bitch about anything

Obviously escalate. They're living together all by themselves and their dog.

Escalate or we riot

>taking relationship advice from Chris
I can see Viktor doing that and I'm not sure whether that would end well. I want to see it, though.

Me too. Chris would urge him to get sexual every time and that definitely wouldn't work on Yuuri.

There's no way to deescalate it. It ended with a fucking Stammi Vicino pair skating and Yuuri moving to Russia to live with Viktor.

I prefer his current haircut but left is the better of the two fo sho, homes.

Left is the only correct answer

>implying he wasn't already influenced by Chris and that's why he introduced himself to Piggy naked

>yfw Pig narrowly misses gold every single time on purpose so he doesn't have to pay for Viktor's coaching fees

If they're going to get rid of him I want them at least to give him a proper closure. Showing that he's now living a happy life on retiring, maybe working on a different activity. It's the least he deserves.

Maybe he really asked for advice before going to Japan? Chris assumed they were fucking when we first met him actually. He called Viktor Yuuri's master and with the sexual meaning in japanese too.

Im hoping for this, hopefully theres a few new just to keep it fresh but they got so far into developing these charactets id be sad to have them start that all over

I wonder if Kubo is aware of and plans to address Baldfat's communication autism or if she's unaware, or aware but just plans to gloss over it.

why cant he just keep his current hair, also right fairy looks exactly like viktor but blonde


Everyone is aware of that, I'm sure she is too.

The thing with them fucking could easily be deduced from the way they acted at the banquet. I don't think he asked Chris for advice because Chris was all: "It's not like you to find someone to protect" etc. It doesn't appear like they spoke about Yuuri.

I'm sad we didn't see the banquet this year. I wanted them to get drunk together and gross everyone out by making out/grinding in front of them.

>Victor fiancézoned until Yuuri finally gets the gold.

Baldfat's communication autism is a large part of the plot, there's no way she isn't aware.

t. Denis Ten

I'm wondering the same. Nips are really alien to me when it comes to how they perceive and handle communication issues.

Sometimes it seems to me that they think that developing the ability to read your lover's mind and not having to discus anything ever is how you know you're in a healthy and happy relationship.

You're right. From his pov it's like this
>A japanese skater was dancing with and grinding on Viktor.
>He looked interested
>A couple of months later the japanese guy uploaded a video where he skated to Viktor's routine.
>Viktor went to japan and is living with him.

>They must have fucked.

It will stay about the same. People who believe we will get more homo now that the project isn't just a small niche thing are beyond retarded. Mappa had their chance at going all out and they didn't take it, now it's over.

If anyone's interested, Weir does mention YoI, but it's mostly to ask Tara to watch it. Around the 45:15 mark.

Do you guys think that they BDs will come with funny shorts with extra scenes like the Free! ones did?

But does she know just how shitty it is and make them realistically work to improve it or will everything be magically and easily resolved in the end?

post QUALITY Piggy please

I hope so. I have no idea how I'll survive until S2 with no new content to tide me over.


;_; This is what I fear as well but it is no longer enough.


So are you telling me they hadn't fucked yet when this photo was taken?

Wouldn't they have announced it already if that was the case?
We know people who preordered all 6 BDs at the same store get a manga drawn by Kubo, so that's something.

if someone i knew dropped everything to go live with a person halfway across the world, i'd assume they were more than fuckbuddies.

And yet Piggy still didn't let Viktor make any moves.


But there'll be more pair skating and grinding and innuendos and that's enough for nips to write doujins, right?

But Kubo knows that Yoi came this far because she went further than other animes do. I think she knows what brought this fame and she will not shit on it.

Nope. Or this