Anybody else become totally blackpilled in the last month?
>anti-white hatred is growing at a rapid pace >pro-white group just got destroyed and reprimanded at my local college >anti-white police officer just harassed a white kid on camera, specifically for being white >Trump stonewalled, will probably not get anything pushed through office except maybe a few things in late 2019 if we manage to actually win some elections in 2018 >non-whites still flooding into the country >300,000 Puerto ricans just moved into Florida, potentially turning the state blue >progressives just doubling down >lefties still violent and hostile towards anybody who is not a progressive >women still becoming feminists, just not calling themselves feminists >job market has barely improved despite what numbers say >lefties have gone completely insane and don't even care >amazon taking over everything (probably secretly funded by the government) >Europe situation not getting any better >America will probably be too non-white for the right-wing to ever win another election after 2024 >normies not waking up >normies either apathetic or still left-leaning >normies still plastering "NowThis" videos to Facebook >universities getting worse >crime getting worse >clinton not going to prison >podesta not going to prison >day of the rope not coming >globalism marching ahead at full speed right under our noses
I fucking hate this world. I hate our culture, I hate this country, I hate the dysfunction, I hate the degeneracy, I hate all of these subhuman parasites.
The west rejected God in the 60's and now we are suffering for it. I truly hope God pours out his wrath on the filth and degeneracy that consumes the west. God blessed us with enlightenment when we obeyed and followed Him, now we spit in his face as barbarians continue to march in and we become enslaved by satanic pedophile globalists.
It doesn't matter what we do at this point. God is angry and he's going to laugh as our antfarm collapses. The boomers are some of the most vile pieces of shit who ever lived, and I hope God burns them like he burned sodom and gommorah.
Ethan Anderson
It's always darkest before the dawn user
Xavier Allen
been black pill before there was a black pill. Everyone though I was crazy, but who's having the last laugh now cunts
Jaxon Martinez
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Romans 1:18
Grayson Sanders
>anti-white police officer just harassed a white kid on camera, specifically for being white
Link? when the fuck did this happen
Bentley Walker
Happened today
I live 10 minutes from here. I fucking hate this place and I hate these people
Don't be troubled user. Stay strong, read this and be encouraged.
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:
2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
Ethan Smith
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
Jacob Clark
No black pills here. Continue to red pill people in your daily life. Also, work at making yourself the best you can be. As much as you see losses I see gains in the willingness of the population to challenge the media, which increases by the day. Just keep hanging the fact that whites are on the decline in the US and you will see how quickly people come to change their minds.
Joseph King
Lol cops are really fucking up here. Whites are the only ones that support them.
That shit literally made me want to join BLM im not even kidding. You don't want our support? fine, watch what happens.
Luis Smith
Yeah we're all fucked. Buy as many guns and ammo while you still can and train. They will win but we can at least take alot with us.
Jayden Williams
fuck off shills
Nathan Hughes
>Continue to red pill people in your daily life
Most cannot be redpilled, although I've seen some former bernie-bros speaking out against the anti-white shit going on in the media and on the left.
Most don't care whites are on the decline. They don't even see why that's a problem, they're happy for the diversity!!!
Aiden Clark
tribs of truth
Listen, I know feels alone, but you aren't alone. The darkness is rising, and that is why we exist in the first place. We are the beginning of the fire. And as the darkness grows, so too will the flames to meet it.
We will never give up, because what we are doing is right.
Brandon Campbell
No-one is coming user.
Zachary Russell
Now I officially hate cops fuck the police they can all fucking die
Juan Johnson
shut up with you shitty larp threads black pill is just overdose on redpill
Jackson Lewis
>Yeah we're all fucked. Buy as many guns and ammo while you still can and train. They will win but we can at least take alot with us.
I have no doubt the right-wing would win a civil war, but you know what would happen next? We would be enslaved by China or put under martial law by our new government overlords.
There's most likely no way out at this point. The "prison planet" prophecised by Alex Jones is already fucking here. All retail stores are closing down and Amazon is taking over, keep in mind Amazon has never actually turned profit. They are most likely being funded by the government so that the government can regulate the price of goods and control the masses.
Just one more little thing on the march to globalism. Trump is just a bandaid. There's too much money put behind this globalist operation, it'll just steamroll ahead as soon as Trump gets out (it's already moving forward while he's in office anyways)
This is all prophecized in The Bible in the book of revelations anyways. I don't find it surprising.
Jaxon Campbell
Dude you should be happy. Things are getting worse because we’re finally making real waves. More people are redpilled than ever and normies are beginning to fear us, that’s fucking power nigger.
Juan Jackson
In times like these I focus on bettering my skills. The only things I post on social media are my projects.
Adrian Scott
Same now, working on my new film. Focusing less on roasties. More on fitness and accumulating wealth
I'm basically going full Travis Bickle
Evan Moore
I honestly don't think minorities have it that bad right now. Obviously this was different in the past, but right now I really think we are all treated pretty much the same. The worst part is that I think if the roles were to somehow become reversed that I truly believe that they would treat whites much worse than they ever treated them.
Lucas Murphy
>Things are getting worse because we’re finally making real waves. More people are redpilled than ever and normies are beginning to fear us, that’s fucking power nigger. >that's fucking power
Like what exactly? Normies are worked up because they are watching stupid Netflix documentaries about "white supremacy" in America and they all unrionically think STEVE BANNON is going to march into a city with a militia of white supremacists and start lynching niggers on lampoasts
We cannot even fucking organize in real life. Can't even give a speech. Can't even admit what we believe in a place of public discourse.
The fucking state will put it's boot on our throat if we do (see charolettesville). That's even with Trump in office too.
wait till dems elect a socialist in 2024.
Nathan Long
>I honestly don't think minorities have it that bad right now. Obviously this was different in the past, but right now I really think we are all treated pretty much the same. The worst part is that I think if the roles were to somehow become reversed that I truly believe that they would treat whites much worse than they ever treated them.
100% true.
Minorities are not even that scared right now desu. They are getting jobs through affirmative action and graduating college at rapid rates. They know America is becoming less white and white people are rapidly losing institutional and government power.
They look calm and smug as fuck. It's liberal whites who are freaking out because they watch CNN and they are mentally ill.
Brody Harris
>We cannot even fucking organize in real life. Can't even give a speech. Can't even admit what we believe in a place of public discourse.
That's because you aren't allowed, but you are given the illusion of so-called freedom of speech though, the consequences are too severe, which is why we have to user post and exist underground like the teenage mutant fucking ninja turtles. Feels sad man.
Grayson Jones
>That's because you aren't allowed, but you are given the illusion of so-called freedom of speech though, the consequences are too severe, which is why we have to user post and exist underground like the teenage mutant fucking ninja turtles. Feels sad man.
Exactly. I see no reason for this to change in the future either. Why would it?
The globalists have put their money behind this system. Billions and billions of dollars put behind individuals in every institution to keep the globalist machine marching towards a one world order.
Why do you think globalists keep pouring their money into globalism even though it "seems" like they are losing? It's because they are actually winning and they know it. Trump was just a speed-bump.
They know America will have enough non-whites to elect a globalist socialist by 2024/2028. Once America goes full socialist, the globalist system will kick into full-gear.
A bunch of fly over states in rural America is the only floodgate holding back the tidal wave of globalism waiting to flood the world.
David Lopez
Turns out the cop in question was a spic diversity hire, who was punished and forced to make apologies. Don't turn your backs on white cops, they despise the multiculturalism shitting up society and being forced upon us, they just have to be even more careful with hiding their power level than us. Here in Italy all of the police are literal fascists, and thankfully they managed for now to not being pozzed, but commies are hard at work in trying to change that, spreading disinfos and pushing feminazis into top positions. If we buy their bullshit and allow us to be divided and conquered, it's game over.
Jason Sanders
I don't even think Brexit will happen anymore. Feels like that and Trump have just been temporary glimmers of hope but lately it's been blow after blow.
Oliver Foster
underage b&
Angel Butler
You said it yourself, they are doubling down. They know their time will be up soon so they are trying to increase the pace of their agenda. Let's just hope we get there first.
Lucas Torres
change is slow user,ive noticed a few things to keep up hope but if you expected everything to be made ok with trumps victory makes you a fucking idiot
dont let the blackpill get to you,dont give up hope
Noah Sanchez
America is probably lost, but Europe cannot be allowed to fall. It's far more of a priority than this kike capital.
Anthony Hernandez
we feel like we dont fit into this world cause we was destined and ordained by god to create a new one.
as long as there is white people there is hope,matters not how many are left at the end of the dark times we ave turned the tide against bigger odds in the past.
Daniel Howard
(((they))) are just doubling down on the agenda retard. Even if all you said were true, i'm betting some kind of plague/war will thin all of us out before we become a minority.
Juan Perry
No lads. They are doubling down because they know they are going to win. George Soros did not pour14 billion dollars into an agenda because he thinks it's going to fail.
They know there will be enough non-white third world socialist migrants living in America by 2024/2028 who will vote for a hardline socialist.
We're already almost there. Florida is almost guaranteed to turn blue in 2020 now.
Every day legal non-white migrants are pouring in.
Charles Carter
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win.”
Societal trends tend to take a while to first form then they ciriculate and then they spread like wild fire. Trends tend to go from 10-100 faster than you’d believe, do not worry we’re getting the bases covered before we play
Alexander Lopez
>implying puerto ricans don't like trump they all know where those goverment gibs came from.
Brayden Wright
>implying 85% of minorities don't vote for the biggest communist on the ticket because they want to be told their special and be given a bunch of free shit
The media has also told Puerto Ricans that it's Trump's fault that they're island was flooded
Kayden Mitchell
Takes 3 years for change to start happening after a new president gets in office. Usually it doesn't fully start rolling until after he's re-elected. It is what it is. It really seems to take that long, and they have to maintain the votes that got them elected at the same time.
Jaxon Carter
I am skeptical Trump will even be able to get re-elected.
Retards believe the media. Maybe an influx of Gen-Zers hitting voting age will help, but 300,000 Puerto Ricans flooding into Florida was bad enough.
Trump won most swing states by like 20,000-80,000 votes
Jace Carter
Sure, except technology is changing everything. Until recently, we never had to worry about mass cross-civilization immigration, because rapid transport and communication did not exist. Until recently, we never had to worry about AI making common humans worthless, because electric semiconductors did not exist.
Jonathan Jenkins
>working on my new film.
Good luck user. Hope it's a success.
Ayden Taylor
Was a Republican landslide. He didn't even need Florida. He won't have much trouble winning again.
Cameron Russell
I want to see it all burn. Just glass this planet. Purge it fucking all.
Jace Russell
Someone post the voting percentage down the line for this stupid fuck so he'll realize everyone else will always vote against our interests. They are not your friends, and the sooner you realize that the better off we'll all be.
Justin Cruz
It was an electoral landslide with an extremely slim margin in each state.
Jacob Morales
You, also, have to realize that all of those 300,000 Puerto Ricans (If what you're saying is even true) will move to 1 or 2 counties at most. Immigrants don't tend to spread out. Not to mention? They'll all move to counties that voted Democrat in the last election, anyway.
Eli Reyes
Suck it up buttercup.
Brandon Reyes
Hence why i took the gaypill
Carter Johnson
Not really. I watched each state as the votes came in. It wasn't slim at all. I've, actually, never seen a Republican victory that big. The Democrats must have run out of dead people.
Anthony Rogers
Once European union is abolished we'll be a step closer to that idea. The EU is trying to push more and more legislation on Europeans, which wasn't the concept when it was founded back in the day.
Even though it promotes free trading between its nations, prices from outside of the EU suffer a heavy tax so that local economy is protected, but this basically cripples consumers in trading freely.
People are noticing though, in the Netherlands a newly formed party called the Forum for Democracy has been growing tremendous amounts in just a year after founding. It's got two seats in the local government (out of 150) but will get 12+ as polls now suggest. They're basically just what this country (and Europe) need right now.
Ryder Cook
Look up all the swing states. They're pretty slim.
>implying they care where gibs come from the fucking socialists will always promise more gibs than the semi-sane ones
David Bennett
cant tell if youre being ironic or if youre a degenerate sodomite >noose.jpg
Adrian Scott
Daniel Green
Sure, they're always like that. That's why they're swing states. They won't swing back. Plus, Trump can afford to lose a state or two, and, it's impossible for 300,000 immigrants to affect even Florida - mainly because they will all move into the same county. A county, that most likely, was already voting Democrat.
Michael Clark
The gaypill is just a redpill and it's also a cock. Apply directly to the mouth and boipussy
Jaxon Howard
Andrew Kelly
OP, you're confusing the 'blackpill' with the 'sadpill'. Blackpill isn't just a negative redpill, it's realising none of it matters anyway. Nihilism and shit. It's hard to get upset about the state of the world if you're blackpilled.
Henry Bailey
You're, also, not taking into account that there are absolutely 0 good Democrat candidates. They have nothing. That's, probably, the biggest thing going for Trump. The Democrats will be lucky to even have a party left in 2020, let alone anyone they can run that would have any chance of winning at all. It's dire now, in 3 more years, it's going to be bleak af.
Aiden Hall
Wage slavery does not result in meaningful wealth accumulation, hence the "slavery" part (even six figure earners are slaves with hardly any disposable income). But if you are doing creative work, good luck and don't give up.
Dylan Nguyen
That's not wage slavery. That's slavery to yourself. Once you learn the difference between being 'cheap', and being 'poor', you start to outgrow that. It's a byproduct of consumerism, but it's not something people can't or don't overcome.
William Taylor
No. The black pill is realizing no matter how hard you try things are gonna be bad. It's realizing genetics are everything.
Jace Thompson
>OP, you're confusing the 'blackpill' with the 'sadpill'. Blackpill isn't just a negative redpill, it's realising none of it matters anyway. Nihilism and shit. It's hard to get upset about the state of the world if you're blackpilled.
The blackpill is that there is no hope. The emotional reaction of that is irrelevant
Gabriel Powell
no its not. have you ever left your house? its darkest at midnight.
Owen Collins
I've seen people making $30,000/year scrimp and save and build up useful capitol. I've seen millionaires squander everything on nothing. Wage slavery is a myth.
Liam Moore
Not when the moon is out. Especially a full moon.
Jaxson Robinson
the best pills actually the nice pill lole
Isaac Brooks
here's a titty queen for you lad
Kevin Morgan
Daniel Turner
black pill is people who are redpilled who give up fighting for a better world and just quit,they stop getting angry at things they stop caring all together
thats the blackpill.
Elijah Harris
>they will all move into the same county. A county, that most likely, was already voting Democrat. You misunderstand how it works. All of the votes in the state, regardless of county, count towards its total tally. The total throughout the state determines how it allocates electoral votes. They need to figure out a way to get the PRs back to PR. I've heard they might only mail hurricane relief aid to PR addresses, might work.
Leo Parker
add ocean devoid of life soon. deforestation mass extinction of large mammals, birds, insects
dont feel bad mate, the people are left are gonna wish they died out with the rest of us.
Charles Scott
thanks user! hava nice day
Luis Rivera
It wont. Everything they're doing is such an intentional fuck up that they'll have to go "we're in such a bad way, we'll need a second referendum." Then due to the months over months of demoralisation people will elect to remain.
Chase Reed
This OP, have you considered the fact your stress is directly proportional to the elite's stress when they are threatened? That in itself is a big clue that change is a possible reality. You said it yourself, that the left is doubling down, libshits are still violent, and they aren't subject to social order or authority. These are all reactions to a cause, that of which is still gaining periodic momentum.
Change takes time and courage. Remember that it took Hitler 13 years to consolidate enough control for a kike purge. Unfortunately, he didn't target the ideal enemy, the king jew, and instead chipped away at thousands of peons for idealistic values. If stopped stuffing the ovens long enough to realize the cogs in the kike dominion were still moving despite his attempts to ash them by force he might have had a real shot at creating a new landscape for a jew-free world to grow.
People are getting more redpilled everyday, and every facet of liberal media's mismanaged attempts to control that is direct evidence of it. Have some faith.
David Collins
I live less than an hour away from there, wth.
Jonathan Scott
no u
Juan Cooper
I've had several encounters with the cops. Almost all of them have been fine. EXCEPT... any cop that isn't white or a woman. Every spic, nigger, gook, and majority of woman cops I have encountered have been terrible.
Matthew Lopez
There are worse things than that OP. Look at the bigger picture.
>Defeat of Hitler has defeated traditionalism permanently >Europeans being out-bred and replaced in the West >Little white desire to reproduce >European culture devolving into mass degeneracy >Anti-white hatred and discrimination perfectly acceptable >Any emerging right-wing groups have to play by leftist rules >So many non-whites, the only genuine solution to reversing the tide is literal mass deportation or extermination, something that will never be allowed >huge war for Europe and European identity would never occur because, even if one could rally a group of people, it would probably end in atomic bombs and the destruction of more and more traditional European architecture and peoples >Modernist architecture and art is depressing >Individualism widespread; No sense of unity in identity or culture
Colton Wood
And they're broke. They've gambled so much on the last election the DNC is for the first time in just as much debt as the RNC is in budget. Just as it seems we've had "blow after blow", so have they. They're learning that they can't buy their way into an election anymore or just by giving away free shit. I'll bet Moore still wins, and all this dickery over half century old mechanized whore rumors were just a way of the DNC taking the cheap route to hit the competition instead paying traditional ads. They're fucking broke.
Ethan Nelson
Was kinda thinking this way about (((them))) winning but you can shove your giant nose up a monkeys ass, I hope you get the gas one day
Jeremiah Ortiz
*to add
>Modern rapid transportation makes it easier for illegals to raid European land >Modern internet makes information quick to distribute, which, in turn, makes illegal immigration more desirable to a larger audience as well as makes information harder to control and propagandize as well as makes war harder to maintain against an ever-vigilant populace >most powerful Western countries are leftist/individualistic in nature, thus largely controlling the mind of the population >richest people in the world are largely leftist in nature, thus largely controlling the mind of the population
Nathan Taylor
Glad I'm not the only one. Completely fell off my workout regime and can barley get out of bed. Literally trying to find a reason for continuing through this horrible world.
Anthony Carter
Yeah most of what I described are symptoms of what you listed.
Gabriel Walker
You're not alone friend.
Jaxson Jackson
I graduated college ready to take on the world
Got out here, and just kinda stopped giving a fuck (not saying this is all related to political situations).
I thought we were on the road to victory. I thought Trump was going to save the nation. After seeing what has been happening lately, I really don't think that is going to happen. I think Trump is just a bandaid and I don't think alt-righters will EVER be able to physically organize with a mob of frothing nut cases ready to attack us with police watching from a distance.
Julian Harris
>richest people in the world are largely leftist in nature, thus largely controlling the mind of the population
I wonder, will people on this board will get anywhere close to class consciousness?
You guys are so far away from understanding why you are unhappy
Joseph Hill
I’m going to fuck my tonight and make another white baby, first time poster.. feel bad for you bro maybe Q is legit?
Caleb Harris
>maybe Q is legit?
The fuck is Q? I have been seeing this meme around but haven't gotten an answer on it.
No I am still going to have 10 white kids, just to piss off the globalists.
Jaxon Price
What would you guys consider the black pill exactly? I understand that it is sometimes used as a way to add emphasis to the red pilled world-view, but is there something more to it?
Christian Peterson
>You guys are so far away from understanding why you are unhappy
You're right bro I probably just need to engage in an exercise in self-actualization. Maybe listen to some Jordan Petercuck and finally #cleanmyroom
Jace Nelson
>be cynical loser who watches the world through his computer screen >thinks of himself as a genius despite doing nothing
Brayden Garcia
>read my thread >assume these things because you don't like what I said
Sebastian Jackson
How about clean your room and don't listen to what an e-celebrity grifter has to sell to you
Grayson Hughes
he's not wrong, is he though
Xavier Lee
I will leave this here if the blackpill gets too strong. I will be doing the same to myself.
Alexander Butler
My whole house and car is pretty clean
I don't watch the world through my computer screen and I don't think I'm a genius. I talk to normies and pretend to be a centrist all the time so I can hear what they think (and not lose work by exposing 14/88 views)
I just think Sup Forums is too optimistic.
Noah Lee
>be cynical loser who is also a control freak >can't handle being wrong or being confronted with an opposing ideal >has to place himself in a surrounding where his opinions aren't argued against, needs constant self-validation >believes he is smart because he thinks he's the only one who sees the world as "bad"