Proposing an Amendment to Ban Jews

Jews would not be allowed to work in the following sectors:
1. Government
2. All forms of Media
3. Academia

The amendment would purge the degeneracy and filth that their ideology has implemented through AIPAC and other jewish lobbying groups. A group that is only a single digit percentage of the whole population as a whole, yet control and influence over 90% because of tribalism. The most racist and prejudice group of individuals to have ever existed. They believe that all goyims should die or serve them.

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I agree o.p but seriously we cannot let drumpf get the nuclear codes

Provide a detailed evaluation on how you plan to revoke the 1964 Civil Rights Act to make this legally possible.

The government can already treat citizens as enemy combatants with the Military Commissions Act. An effective lawyer just needs to argue that jewish people are subverting and undermining our government and citizenry. There is enough evidence out there to make enough of a compelling case that once Trump fills all the vacated seats in the courts with like minded individuals, the decisions will go against the jews. Interment camps for all jews or expulsion. Japanese, German, and Italian Americans were all interned during WWII, so it is not anti-semitic to round up enemy combatants like what was done during WWII.

and in your scenario, would they tried as unlawful enemy combatants?

Gas the kike's

My scenerio would be to detain them all at Guantanamo at let the military courts deal with them.

But, the six gorillion!
Christcucks aide and abet kikes everyday.

Jews have fucking NGO's to combat the assimilation of Jews in the west. Think about that for a minute. I fucking hate Jews.

Le Day of le Rope!

Le Day of le Rope!

I see, that's beyond my judgement, I wish you all the best in your political endeavours nonetheless.

The EJC lists as its primary objectives on its website the following:

To combat the resurgence of anti-Semitism through education, justice and security, in co-operation with governments and European institutions.
To promote a balanced European policy towards Israel and the Middle East, and to assist in the construction of a healthy dialogue between Europeans and Israelis.
To foster inter-religious dialogue and understanding.
To ensure memory and education of the Holocaust.
To contribute to a democratic European society based on peace, understanding and tolerance.
To assist in the revitalisation of the once rich Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe.

To counteract assimilation of the European Jewish population - WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK

Demand that all politicians should give up foreign passports and dual citizenship from the moment they take power until the day they die.

Not a panacea but a good enough start.

Ban foreign governments from lobbying.


Ban Jews acutally, that'll make America great again.

They would just hire thousands of goyim to do their work for them. They already do that with many like Obama, Trump, Hillary, etc.


Leftists answer the JQ:

How you going to get it through the kike stuffed congress

Long range rifles

Dual citizenship should be banned by all countries worldwide.

For everyone or just for those in power?

Everyone, individuals form into groups to bribe and blackmail politicians also. AIPAC for example. Individuals should have loyalty to the nation that they reside in; otherwise leave.
The argument that you cannot pick where you were born does not apply because you can migrate to a different country if you are not happy with the one you were born into.

If you lend the NZ government $1M for one year, and foresake any interest you can become a resident. Or you can suck someones dick like Peter Thiel did and get your escape ticket in a few hours.