Alcohol has warning labels, but these don't?
Alcohol has warning labels, but these don't?
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For what exactly?
Don't they all say "do not consume" because we're living in a nanny state and have to protect the retarded.
The chemicals used in these sprays drastically reduce IQ
They do though?
Bag-in-can technology.
I stopped using deodorant several years ago. I smelt like the devils ass for a week or two as I detoxed, since then I only smell when I work out and I smell less than when I worked out with deodorant.
You are supposed to sweat, don’t fuck with what your body wants to do.
>The chemicals used in these sprays drastically reduce IQ
He means BO
That's like saying you shouldn't wipe your ass after shitting because we don't have self-cleaning assholes like horses. I bet you're a shitskin.
That explains a lot.
You still sweat with deodorant, you just don't smell like shit when you do. What the hell is wrong with you?
Rub semen into your armpits it drys to form an anti-persparent crust
I urge health-conscious anons to try baking soda as deodorant. It's cheap as fuck and more powerful than most deodorants. Just pour some into cup along with a little water so that it creates a paste, then apply.
Most have aluminium as one of their main ingredients. People who get alzheimer nearly unequivocally have high aluminium concentrations in the brain.
Deodorant is rubbish. Do not chastise this man.
If your diet is clean, you do not need it.
>"Don't put it in your anus"
op is upset because he didn't knew..
Probably mistakes antiperspirant with deodorant.
T. Smells like shit and doesnt even realize it.
actually if you eat alot of fiber you don't have to wipe..
Not true. I tried to detox from soap & deodorant for 3 months. Every time I got sweaty I fucking smelled. I eat fruits vegs, meat and dairy
You're confusing anti-antiperspirants, which have aluminum and fuck with your sweat glands, with deodorants, which are basically perfume.
There is a difference between deodorant and antiperspirant, but I wouldn't expect a smelly retard to understand
They are all the smelly fucks that don't realize that everyone hates their guts
Antiperspirant, not deodorant
What's the difference? Most commercial deodorants are antiperspirants
I stopped using deodorant/antiperspirant a month ago. The secret is staying clean. Sweat does not have a foul odor. The bacteria that forms in your armpits or any other sweaty crevice of skin will start to stink if ignored. I was already washing my face twice daily with rubbing alcohol (prevents acne, leaves face clean/dry/clear) so I simply started using rubbing alcohol to clean my armpits too.
Do yourself a favor. Pickup some cotton balls/pads and some 70% rubbing alcohol and start using it on your face/armpits. Works wonders and is dirt cheap.
It's denatured alcohol.
Everything I sue tells me not to ingest it, and the sprays tell me to keep it away from open flames.
I dont use antiperspirant, but i use deodorant because im not a stanky nigger/frog
Do europoors ingest deodorant?
Lol why is Rexona called Degree
>Rexona is a deodorant and antiperspirant brand founded in Australia and manufactured by Unilever. While marketed under the Rexona name in most countries, it is known as Sure in the United Kingdom, Ireland and India, Degree in the United States of America and Canada, Rexena in Japan, Shield in South Africa, and Dove (for men) in Brazil. In Norway, Lilleborg produces Sterilan using a similar formula.
I've literally never used an antiperspirant. Deodorant makes you not smell like shit. Antiperspirant makes you not sweat and usually has deodorant in it.
In my experience, deodorant without the antiperspirant makes you smell like shit. You just smell like a mix between Axe body spray and sweat.
You must be some smelly motherfucker. Or some people just work differently. Something like 99% of Koreans don't have BO at all, for instance.
It's not that I'm smelly. It's just that everyone in my high school was (it was in the early 2000s, when Axe and Tag were at their peak).
>deodorant without the antiperspirant makes you smell like shit
This. Not to mention that many antiperspirants don't seem to work properly. Rexona and Dove are fucking weak. Nivea is where it's at for me.
Haha, they're going after hygiene like I suggested. How do I get an astroturf job you guys
Old Spice for me.
great, now you made me think about traps being disgustingly sweaty without massive amounts of nivea crap. thanks faggot
I don’t smell when I sweat anyways, unless it’s a really good workout.
Rubbing alcohol under the arms sterilizes the area. Healthy Sweat isn’t that flagrant, it’s the bacteria that feeds on it
But again, if anyone tries this, you will REEK for at least 7-10 days as your body detoxes.
As someone else pointed out, I did mean antiperspirant, but deodorant is not great either.
No... it’s more like saying don’t put deodorant on your ass.
Do you put it 9n your ass? Asses are onerous, aren’t they?
same, just checked ingredients on mine
I have friends man, when I tell them this they are surprised rather than having an “oh that explains it” reaction.
Also they are not shy at all to tell me I stink after a workout or doing work outdoors.
can confirm
Aerosols are banned in Canada.
I haven't used anti-perspirant/deodorant in 4+ years. But when I finally got sick of people telling me I smelled bad while backpacking or at festivals, I started mixing arrowroot powder with baking soda, coconut oil, and essential oils. Not gonna get kiked by the aluminium Jew.
Really? Do you use the blocky stuff like ? Is that more economical?
It's always more economical to go old school. Safety razors are dirt cheap in comparison to carts, bars of soap instead of body wash, stick is better than aerosol.
Old school is where its at. Also, those "classic" scents, while being dirt cheap, typically remind women of their grandfathers. Can't tell you how many girls I've had approach me, and had it wind up with a date, just because they asked what the scent was, and started telling me how it reminded them of what their grandpa smelled like when they were little. Having them initiate a convo, instead of you, has your odds of success shoot up dramatically.
Based Ball-Sweat, is that you?
I make my own deodorant by melting down a mixture of things like coconut oil, cocoa butter, neem oil, tea tree and rosemary essential oils (these smell good but more importantly they're antibacterial), baking soda, cornstarch, and beeswax (to keep it solid at room temp).
I pour it into old cleaned out deodorant bottles and put it in the fridge to solidify, then take it out and I have my own homemade deodorant that works.
Regular deodorant gave me a painful itchy rash and that natural "Tom's of Maine" crap doesn't work for shit.
So does reading your posts
Jesus fuck you nigger, just use spray
Why not use chlorhexidine for the pits?
I'm trying rubbing alcohol right now to kill any germs under my armpits.
It's at least better than the aluminium jew and doesn't destroy my fucking shirts.
Oh shit, I totally forgot about the shit on your shirts.
If you are just starting, prepare for a disgusting week of detox.
I've been doing it for two months now, it's going pretty well.
The first week was bad, like you said.
Aluminum used in antiperspirants may or may not increase Alzheimer's risk. But I don't know if OP is referring to that.
'straya confirmed
>He drinks deodorant
"People On Sup Forums Are Throwing Their Deodorant Away In Their Quest To Become Hyper Masculine Warlords"
Calling it, goys.
Combined with our new all-onion diet, we will be the only ones prepared for the happening.
Buy the expensive baking soda, the cheap jewish brand has aluminum in it, and aluminum exposure causes Alzheimer's.
I wonder why the jewish brand has aluminum in it?
We have to avoid aluminum exposure just like we have to avoid lead and mercury exposure.
You can apply it as a powder if you use a dry washcloth to apply it with.
but they do. some even point out the fact that you should be an idiotic teen who uses a lighter to create a flame with the spray.
it's better to use roll-on anyway. it's much safer.
'shouldn't be an
As a le 56%, I have the non-white genes for no BO in my pits and enough white genes to look Anglo.
this. don't consume /touch/whatever cheap baking soda filled with aluminum. Also, arm and hammer is the communist logo, so I dunno why you'd support a company propagandizing shit like that.
Actually, a teen in the UK died from using too much axe. His parents said they used to be able to TASTE it downstairs when he used it...
I hate the smell of these things so much, it's the ultimate pleb filter. Avoid a person who smells like chemicals at all costs
How does a horses asshole self-cleanse?
You just got used to the smell.
Do you have a GF?