Numale Hate Thread

How do we fix the western male, Sup Forums? Is there any way to get them back? War can't be the only way to do it, can it?


>receeding hairline
>out of shape
>obsessed with childhood and remaining in a child-like state
>constant video games
>smokes weed
>watches cartoons and superhero movies, both made for children
>sabotages own race "man I'm white and even I'm sick of white people's crap"

Feel free to add to the list

>posts on Sup Forums

El costume, nice.

most numales are either far left or far right. identity politics is cancer


Take birth control away as an option for both men and women.

>Men can't fall back on their wife's job, since she's taking care of the children. More responsibility.
>Sex becomes risky for women, so they won't go fuck DeShawn on a whim
>Normie women would leave the workplace, giving men their spaces back and leaving only dykes in the office.

First, receding hairlines aren’t their fault.

Second, what’s with the preaching on weed and games? Like you’re some kind of Puritan.

And lots of them are childish because they had an abusive childhood and feel the need to make up for it.

>post defending nu-males
>look at flag

As for being out of shape, following strict timings for eating and sleeping is key to losing weight. No kidding.

When It Happens, they'll all learn a hard lesson while they're being butchered by niggers and spics. Any Sup Forumsack worth his salt has been planning and training for years for this day and would have already retreated to their SHTF bunker innawoods shitposting in absolute comfort while society collapses

>How do we fix the western male, Sup Forums? Is there any way to get them back? War can't be the only way to do it, can it?
Tickle her ass and pussy with your lips and tongue, is all I can really say.

you know if you take BC away women will be even less likely to give you a pity fuck since they don't want to be infected by your inferior Asperger's sperm?

I don't want to fix them

Should focus on fixing ourselves desu

Also post Soyboys they always give me a laugh


Disgusting. Enjoy your throat cancer.



Is soyboy = literally just bad aesthetics?

that's hilarious cause probably 98% of people here don't have the dom Alpha Chad bone structure so they're gonna look like soyboys no matter how hard they natsoc larp

In fact, a shitlib Hillary supporting Chad-face will automatically garner more respect from your primitive minds than the most based cuckface! Enjoy your red pill

people say i look feminine, does that make me a numale?

Finger her clit and watch her go crazy and get soaked, at least. No cancer there.

cum in her ass and hope you don't make a poop baby.

step 1: delete the last 100 years of feminism and womens rights

Enjoy your penile cancer from fucking too
Virgins rationalizing things

>and hope you don't make a poop baby
I didn't know that's how Indians are made.

i like malenus