
Goddammit i hate being a poo, we are only lightly above niggers on Sup Forums and we are on the bottom of the barrel in western society even while being one of the most decent foreign races

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you're much higher than niggers, but it's like.........
you shit on the street senpai
ya know

decent? meh. dealing with new money Indians as a lowly retail worker were some of the worst times at a shitty job.

I love indian food, I love the ipl, I enjoy working with indians online, youre very funny. I like pretty much every indian ive ever met here.
but you have to go back

Actually the history is pretty awesome. The Gupta Empire is really cool. Most hindoos are great, though some can be robotic assholes. Yeah the street shitting is a liability though

Yea i know about the street shitting problem but even if that is solved the normies and their jewish overlords will find a new way to mock us and our culture and make it into a joke, Wtf is the point of living like this?

No, they are not.
Indians are awkward and unattractive I'm afraid.
What I dislike about them the most is their inferiority complex. They are just the saddest people I have ever seen.
Next to Niggs, they are the most desperate race to want to be white.

Your music would most likely be the next target. As well as your women. They are very, VERY unattractive.

The thing is i dont act awkward or creepy or i am not unattractive either but even with this everyone will make fun of me for being part of this cursed original mixed mutt race

Some of the worst experiences I have ever had dealing with other human beings has been with Indians.
I rank them dead last as far as races go.

Yeah... do you have an accent though? Indian accent is absolutely unbearable. Also, you throw your dead folks in a river, pretty unsanitary imo.

Well that has been a joke for ages now and i will be honest about some of it being dogshit but still anything good is greatly humiliated. I mean most cunts i know love Indian food but even that is made fun of anyway

No i dont have an accent and i am not Hindu so i dont throw dead folks in the river

Whatya mean bud? Most of you have a superiority complex. Just behave that way like the other 90% of you do

>almost an hour after closing retail store
>everything nice and neat
>a frantic group of poos come charging in
>some ass forgot to lock the door
>ignore our saying store's closed
>proceed to mangle several displays
>all to charge an iPhone
>mention repeatedly that they drive a BMW
>obligatory rank BO smell
Only thing that's decent about y'all is the crime rate.

you can anil white women, just get fit and learn eastern europe was big on bollywood so youll be exotic just dont be a chode

I dont know anything about the superiority complex thing

id say asians are since they really try to assimilate while the indians dont as much

Tree flagget LARPing as a poo.


>he cares about burgers opinions
thats why you will forever suck

I dont give a shit about whit wymn, I just wanted to be treated like a normal human

Bleach your skin. I hear that's a very common practice. Which crème would you use?

No im not going to do that mutt fuck off, I have light brown skin and i am happy with it

Indians could be great, but why don't you poos just stay in your own fucking country and make it better? Stop leeching off wealthier nations and start building native toilets.

it's really an inferiority complex that presents as looking down on anyone of a lower class or caste and treating them as untouchable vermin. Speaking to waitstaff like they don't have two brain cells to rub together. Acting wealthy, imperious, and rude (but also asking for discounts lol). Most Indians from India I've met are like this but it goes away in their Americanized children.

Your food is pretty good but the issue is that it looks the same on the way out as it did on the way in which is not appetizing

Well the thing is if you change the way it looks it will taste different, Fuckin crazy unbelievable eh?

Your accents can be kinda hard to understand sometimes, but otherwise pajeets are decent. Far less sneaky than those fucking chunks. And I love how you hate Pakistanis, they are the worst form of Muslims. I just wish you people had a better understanding of the value of skilled labor so you would stop devaluing the rest of us. Also (and this applies to all third worlders) I understand soap is a luxury in your home country, but in the western world bathing is done daily out of politeness to the people around you. In developed countries soap is neither rare or expensive and using it is not considered decadent. So please if you do travel to a western nation remember to bathe regularly.

Who the fuck told you that you're above niggers?

Ya'll may have about 10 IQ points on real African nigbeasts, but they've got musical ability/rhythm, big dicks, and physicality. That little IQ gap doesn't do anything to make up for your 4 inch dicks, inbreeding, low testosterone, and smelliness and you're still far from the IQ range of the civilized races.

The only race lower than poos is abos.

You poos

>eastern europe was big on bollywood
Literally what?

Hindu holy texts are fucking awesome. They read like sci-fi novels.

What rock are you living under? They can be fucking hot. The music I agree with.

Indian women are a lot like Hispanics. The young ones are attractive in an exotic way, but as they age they turn into goblins

Just be white silly
on Sup Forums everyone is white

Poos are fun because they are so easy to make fun of. I have no real problem with the vast majority of poos, yet I have only ever known one in real life

>New roommate
>Poo named Gustav
>Unable to think for himself, nonstop plagerism complaints because he just copies other peoples works
>all food he makes smells like hell
>literally shit on the floor once and smeared it back to his room
>his room always smelled like shit
>uni sided with him and said not his fault just his culture

Pretty much just dont be an untouchable, act western, and nobody can tell the difference.

They do a different type of crime
Brown collar crime.
Shady business deals and strange money tricks. It's like low level jew stuff.

They look like shit. Stop being retarded. Please.

Indian women look like shit m8.
Spics are ok. Spics also have a chance of being castizo. While all indians... Well... They look like shit.

t. juan azteco from al-andalus

Trips negated for terrible post.

no way jose

Wew lad, If you're gonna shit in the street atleast do it like us and climb a tree first.

im a poo too. I'm no coconut but i have come to realize that most indians are assholes and very superficial. Most of my relatives are assholes and only interested in you if they need you otherwise they are happy to see you fucking die, while maintaining phony relations on the surface. just my two cents. In my opinion, some of the hate here is warranted but for different reasons than the poo in loo meme.

It depends pajeet, are you high caste or pig disgusting dravidian?

The northern ones can be pretty hot, but theyre so consumed by thier racial priorities the ones I'd be interested in eoukd never breed with someone as white as me.

oh yeah so beautiful

>i am not Hindu
No wonder you hate yourself

I don't know a lot of Indians buts the ones I've met have been nice. don't compare yourself to niggers.

I think your country would do itself good to keep its programmers and engineers in India and not send them overseas. If they are really any good, you will have a first world nation and an actual superpower by 2020, and you will not see yourself as such dismal deminiggers.

Indians are alright in my book, but in the corporate scene I'm in they're considered to be bullshitters and never stick to deadlines. But the ones I've worked with are pretty easygoing and are willing to help.

Niggers and sandniggers (especially Paki mudslimes) are far worse. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Using a meme are a paki..
Sage and report

Sage and report

Sage and report

Sage and report

Hinduism is retarded
Its awful. I'd rather be black. Even Filipinos are probably better with girls.

Ok, sigh, let me lift you up a bit.
Ive been around lots of poos. Aside
from the bantz I have to say that you
guys are generally civil, have great art,
your traditional music is pretty sweet,
curry is not bad, and you are nowhere
close to being a nigger. Also, Goa trance.
Literally the best electronic music on the planet
started in India. It became psytrance, which
is now a worldwide phenom. India is
pretty based just need plumbing.

Is this a poem or are you a redditor?

Indians are alright, many of them are hardworking, but so fucking nasty in general.
Shitting everywhere, then using hand to clean oneself, then eating with said hand and no utensils then screaming and dancing in a movie theater, wtf man.

>Is this a poem or are you a redditor?
They are generally cleaner than Mexicunts.

Are you Indian?

Street ahitting aside, Pajeet, your people are FAR more civilized and tolerable than niggers ever will be.

Dont let pol get you, of all the civilisations in the world you guys have issues but are tons of times better than mudslimes.

Don't ever say that again, poo-bro. You are easily 20 steps above niggers.

You can say that because youre Portuguese. Theres nothing worse than being south Asian in Canada.

Let me just say this here, India will be part of the Fifth Empire when we get out of here.

Even right now when Fusion is being developed India contributes. Social problem will be solved eventually in India.

Do you see the missing flags here? The Muslim world deserves nothing.

I lived with Indians and Nepalese people at my old apartment complex. The females can be very attractive, but are too shy. I would simply say hi in passing without a word back. The only female that ever talked to me was noticing that I was feeding a stray cat and said I was sweet. I guess she was a good Hindu, and appreciated it.

The males, for the most part were only interested in stick with their group, and were pretty rude by staying up all night and being loud. The “chads” wouldn’t talk to me unless they wanted something like a ride. Shit was fucking lame. The betas would actually stop and make conversation because nobody else wanted to be their friend.

Also, the body odor smell is not just a meme.

To be fair Poo. I think you people could prove to be the Anglospheres closest homies. But you gotta go back and fix India first. We will help you - we tried when we almost got rid of the Caste system. But you guys are going to need to start electing real politicians.

India is a magical place that the IMF thinks has higher upside than China.

Somebody post those pictures of the suuuper qt Aryan northern Indian women

Just stop the pooing in the street carry on and you will move up past the asians, you guys are far easier and more fun to talk to than asians, just get everyone to SIT ON THE FUCKING TOILET!!!

Nah dude. Like yeah, in a traditional sense, they’re pretty gross. However, they’re exotic as fuck. It’s like being cristopher Columbus, and slamming a native bitch. Just wanna make one go “ahhhleheleheleheleehh!”

>tfw never get a qt north indian gf

I simultaneously hate you and love you.

Most brits don't mind Indians, you guys are alright by me. Pakistanis give you a bad name though as often people get the two confused.

>Goddammit i hate being a poo
Thank you, come again

Relax its not like you're something truly dispicable like a kiwi

>while being one of the most decent foreign races

What sort of bullshit are you on son.


Second of all, what is this thread even about ? You want people to come and console you for being your nationality ??

I am a Sikh if that makes any difference. Lots of NRI and diaspora from the USA and Canada are going to LARP hard in this thread.

Same for some total fucking idiots who'll call themselves "Desi" - like that makes me actually CRINGE.

Anyway, the country right now is a mess and I guess if our supreme leader looses the next election - we are going to have a communal civil war. Cant wait for it desu ))

I was in Australia and got drunk with a kiwi couple on a wine tour. It was pretty fun. We eventually just had everything devolve into giggles at one point. Wombat wine tours, yarra valley. Shits fun man.

We are truly subhumans. I'm ashamed of being Indian

No one gives a fuck about you guys in the states, relax. It’s the Mexicans we’re after.

Indo-Aryans can be top tier.

No fucking way your music is a joke. I go hard AF on Benny lava and that tun tun song with that fat genie.

This fucker thinks Russia is Eastern Europe ))

Hahaha, this is 10500% true.

Thanks NRI

>dont be an untouchable

Thanks again NRI

100% agree with this guy


Hahaha, never gonna happen. I work as a programmer and these fucks cant program for shit. They copy shit from stackoverflow, call it their own - rinse and repeat ))

Doesnt take much to figure out )

>Also, the body odor smell is not just a meme.


Goldman Sachs said the GDP is going to go up by 5 % in the coming year - its dropped to 3.5 % thanks to Supremo right now - is there collusion ? )

Can you read what I wrote you fucking burger )) People who migrated to the West somehow still love to show their 'Indian culture' and heritage abroad.

She isnt Indian lol. The dress is.

I'm not going to lie, i fucking hate poos. even more than arabs. least Arabs cut my hair and pump my gas, poos though, fucking hate them. you are the niggers of Asians.

Retard, she's Sikh.

Well if they distracted you from the disgusting wines in that region they can't have been all bad.

One of her parents is fucking white nigga, who you kidding.

Gupta empire ended when one of the generals in the army became a hindu fanatic, literally did a coup and restarted Hinduism in the country - if it hadnt happened - India would have been Buddhist lol.


niggers always be worse

No one hates you on Sup Forums, but why don't your people wash their hands regularly or use deodorant? The whole gangraping women thing thing doesn't do your game any good either.

Fucking hate wine, so wouldn’t know. However, that’s a good date to take a bitch tours man.

How can you say Hinduism is cool when it's literally holding back India with its awful cast system?

You're obviously LARPing as an Indian. I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

Yeah the fucking Kikes want to LARP as an Indian . Show your real flag you dick ))

I dont find her attractive AT ALL. Plus you didnt answer my question about her parents being white.

You hare far above Sub-Saharans and Semites. The biggest problem with you is that you don't stay in your own country.

Indo-Aryan women are literally my favorite. I still can't find the REALLY pretty one. does anyone have the one im thinking of?

>some mexichola bitch in a princess jasmine costume.

She's Sikh, most north Indians are light as her.

>Goddammit i hate being a poo, we are only lightly above niggers on Sup Forums and we are on the bottom of the barrel in western society even while being one of the most decent foreign races

Then make Poo-culture better.


I wanna bang one of the really dark, skinny ones with the unibrows.



He's gonna be ok, right?