I like Trump. But, with his soft stance on North Korea I am starting to change my opinion.
Fat Kim can now reach the entire United States.
I have children. And I honestly don't believe that our POTUS has the balls to stop fat Kim from doing what he wants with his newfound nuclear power.
I am not okay with an insane dictator, like Kim, having this type of power. This needs to be solved now. Or is Trump the pussy you've always wanted to Make America Soft Again?
This shit needs to be dealt with.
Is Trump a PUSSY
Other urls found in this thread:
This is not a drill
There will be fire on our mainland
Kim will never really attack, because he knows he'll get blitzkrieged in case of real war. He just flexes muscles for propaganda and so nobody will attack him. Besides, who's going to take care all those brainwashed people fed with propaganda instead of food?
He'll aim for water at worst. It's a defensive move.
If Trump is a pussy, what does that make Obummer?
No Dong
Stop shitting yourself. Kim isn't actually going to nuke land that isn't his. Especially in the U.S. That would be suicide on his and his entire country's part.
> He's scared of asian fat man
I knew you cucks were pussies but come on.
Its a lie dipshit. CIA owns NK. Follow the deep state.
China has a vested interest in keeping The United States around to continue being the world's mass consumer and the lead importer of Chinese goods.
The second a mushroom cloud goes up on US soil North Kore will be made into Tibet V.2.
fingers crossed a nuke drops right nearby so I can die instantly.
Chinese exports to the US only make up 3% of China's GDP.
They don't really care
>go to South Korea
>"maybe we can be friends, North Korea!"
>go to China
>"It's alright, I'd rape us too!"
He really stood up to them.
>nukes are real
>NK isn't a US puppet used to intimidate China/Russia with the threat of war on their doorstep
How did a faggot like you get kids?
Fuck you and your dumb kids fear mongering jewfag.
If Kim nukes japan I will personally Rambo it into his headquarters. Don't really care if he hits los angeles though
why would best korea launch a nuke to u.s? they would gain nothing but to lose everything. OP must be watching too much FOX/CNN.
>guiz, seriously guiz, NK is gonna launch a nook and do the one single thing that would instantly lose it the support of china and russia on the international stage.
Their country would die the moment he did.
And how is he supposed to deal with it you stupid loud mouthed retard?
>Liberals bitch and call people pussies for not wanting to go to war.
finally go to war
C'mon user. We've caught on to your hypocrisy and doublespeak long ago.
>Trump is a pussy
>Because he doesn't enter WWIII
This is how Americans think
Exactly my thoughts. No more balls than politicians that have been prez for the last 60 years. No better than any of the libs on being tough on north korea. Oh wow he can threaten and talk tough to them. But cant follow through. Hes a fucking bluffer and a very weak bluffer. We need a true warrior to be prez.
>trump is a pussy because he didnt start a nuclear war
>Mexico is gonna pay for the wall!
>Actually we'll tax Americans and maybe Mexico will pay later if we ask nice
>China is a currency manipulator!
>Just kidding I love you China please trade with us
>North Korea is gonna get nuked!
>I love you Rocket Man let's be friends we can solve this diplomatically
>America first, no more foreign wars!
>Need some help Saudi Arabia? No worries we'll fight proxy wars in Syria and Iraq for you
Trump supporters are cucks who are too retarded to realize that Trump flops more than a fish.
I see you've played nukey drilly before
you can flee to mexico with your kids
Obummer just another pussy thats it. If trump had balld he would go kick ass but unfortunately the mans more afraid of the north korean nuked than we thought so hes not effectively any better than obama on this issue. Obama was better than trump when it came to domestic issues. Socialism works beleive it or not. But the big problem with murica is the more socialist peoples here are generally spineless twits.
Still waiting for this...
>Trump announces major press conference
>special venue set up
>media inevitably still focused on Trump Russia bullshit
>Trump walks out, announces that he has something important to tell the American people
>says he'd first like to introduce someone
>out walks Kim Jong Un
This the direct result of decades of appeasement from previous presidency's by democrats
You are the pussy for believing the jew propaganda about NK
Stop hashtagging scum
aw how precious, another Canadian trying to talk about politics.
Shouldn't you be marching in a parade of some kind?