Love and hate countries folks
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its stupid to have appreciation or digust for places you've never been.
i'm an american that's been to western europe. all of it was fine. big are like big cities anywhere. rural areas are like rural areas everywhere.
i know you've never been to 90% of those places. probably just USA/Canada and some latin american countries
India es de lo peor. No puedo creer que no lo odies.
Estoy decepcionado.
Maldito Chilango
>>claims American
>>uses meme flag
>>tells people on Sup Forums to have rational opinions about nationality and culture
And why do you hate me?
you like the fucking saudis? One day the world is gonna be just niggers, muslims and fat little beans like you. You'll have to fight the muslims for dominance.
estonia is a hostile place
we did it once.
>it's a retarded spic thinks tasmania is a separate country episode
How and to who?
Russia and Ukraine arent?
Very arbitrary map beanbrain
Estonians are nice people.
its not. you like to wear skirts and your prince is dating a nigger.
>Your prince is dating a nigger
I wouldn't say your race is much better.
Mexicans never fought any muslims you dumb cunt.
>assmad over Trump
Checks out
Mexico is not a race. we are 60 M of white mexicans of european descent as you.
our spanish ancestors. spain = mexico
I'm not a hateful person
well fuck you too.
hope those tourists died a painful death
If I wasnt phoneposting atm id make one of those my ancestor pics with mexicans. You are mulattos mixed with retard aztecs. You are not descended from the spanish who fought the muslims.
congrats youve travelled far, thats never been the points of these threads newpol
nice Canada is nice
Why you hate Finland tho?
they did, wild animal. white and western mexicans died that day, never forget.
Because we are "hostile"
How is life in Mexico?
I can not stand living in Brazil anymore, it's a real hell.
>mexikakas hate me
I can live with this.
>white and western
we are, learn history.
European Mexicans are Mexican citizens of complete or predominant European descent.[8] While the Mexican government periodically conducts racial censuses for "Indigenous Mexicans" and "Afro-Mexicans" it has not conducted a census for European Mexicans for nearly a century.[9] Estimates of this ethnic group as a segment of the country's population range from 9% and 20% according to The World Factbook[1] and Encyclopædia Britannica[2] to as high as 47%[10] according to the ENADIS 2010 (National Survey About Discrimination),[4] conducted by the CONAPRED (National Council to Prevent Discrimination) as a mean to address the problems of racism that Mexicans of mainly Indigenous or African ancestry suffer at hands of a society that favors light skinned, European looking Mexicans.[11] Said survey is the only time the Mexican government has conducted a recent nationwide census that referenced the Eurodescendant population of Mexico.
Probably better then getting shot by pissed pablo because you got in the way of his drug business
lub u too
Full HD
Also you are not white
You hate Poland, because we beat your football team 3:1 in 1978 World Cup?
its like brazil, but with less niggers and poverty
We have 61.5k homicides per year, have more rapes and thefts in 3 days than Spain combined with Croatia have in one year.
Retarded Rodriguez
Australia is objectively the best nation in the world.
Still sounds better then being mexican desu.
>not using the easy tool to make it
shut the fuck up juan
and about those tourists.
>tourists enter restricted military zone
>dont stop and dont want to confirm their identity
>get shot
golly gee seems this was entirely our fault
Gib wifi
Or was it lithuania that had nationwide wifi?
nah, its the US.
>it hates poland,
>it likes russia for some fucking odd reason
come on Kuba, use your brains, if you cant tell it's a kremlin bot then ur a mong.
it was your fault. just send me dollars for reparations.
they don't even have an airforce how can they be hostile ?
You didnt fight any muslim you dirty mexicans, Spain is not Mexico and having a spanish relative from 500 years ago doesnt make you spanish or gives you the right to claim taking part on any of our historical accomplishments. Sudaca.
no. I only remember our elimination since 2002 to 2014
if you promise to invest those dollars education to prevent any braindead niggers like the ones that died from spawning then im fine with it
noticed that earlier, Janusz
>You didnt fight any muslim you dirty mexicans, Spain is not Mexico and having a spanish relative from 500 years ago doesnt make you spanish or gives you the right to claim taking part on any of our historical accomplishments. Sudaca.
haahahahahah stfu manolo. conquistadors are our descendents, not yours.
dont get mad puta, we fought the muslisms in 1492
>Kingdom of Tasmania
really makes you think
our tourists are 100% white.
Fucking taco how the fuck do you like tasmania and hate mainland australia thats some backwards shit.... trump should build a wall around your whole country quarantine you dirty cunts
>hates australia but loves tasmania
Is that because tassie got rid of all its abbos?
who you trying to kid Kuba? you shown no sign that you caught on, ur a fucking mong, just admit it.
>very right wing
>literally put refugees in concentration camps
>freedom of speech
>more white then half of Europe (including Britain and France)
>sunny warm climate
>best party culture in the world
>no mass shootings
>most of the non-whites are chinks and japs who yearn for BWC
>GDP on par with Russia
>has the potential to become a world power if it greened the desert and starting breeding programs
>enormous amount of natural resources
>second highest HDI in the world
>highest standard of living in the world with the Nordic countries
>generous welfare and healthcare system
Only backdraw is it's expensive to live in
tasmanians are not shitposting all the fucking day.
would you like tasmanian independence?
>>GDP on par with Russia
Prob thinks tassie is its own country fucking mexifag
The amount of carry on the left males about our refugees...
Clearly we're doing something right.
I dont. I know geography unlike americans hahaahahah
nice recovery midget
>Conquistadors are our descendants
The word you were looking for is ancestors you fucking mongoloid
There is no fucking way any single drop of european blood got into your bloodline
You are literally nigger tier, go back to your jungle gook ways already and leave this mongolian basket weaving forum once and for all
How the fuck would know beanbag tassies are the most bogan toothless cunts alive
Deadset if anyone in tassie saw a mex in the street would get spat on prob worse
>Russian GDP
>1.283 trillion USD (2016)
>Australian GDP
>1.205 trillion USD (2016)
Just look it up
Aus looks solid but definite drawback, you're white ( I assume) and you don't live in a forest.
we are midgets because fucking moors like himare short and dark, its not my fault.
what did he mean by this?
They teach you that in mexico? Thought it was just fence jumping into the usa and stepping on coca leaves you guys get taught in school
Fuck mexican guys are dirty looking cunts on par with sandniggers
>There is no fucking way any single drop of european blood got into your bloodline
and explain why do Mexico has more blondes than Spain?
Independent field studies have been made in attempt to quantify the number of European Mexicans living in modern Mexico, using blond hair as reference to classify a Mexican as white, the Metropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico calculated the percentage of said ethnic group at 23%.[12] Another study made by the University College London in collaboration with Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History found that the frequencies of blond hair and light eyes in Mexicans are of 18.5% and 28.5% respectively.[13]
Mexicans are short because of the spanish genes and shitty nutrition
Janusz, i'm not blind like you, mexicano's love to ruskies is big enough to notice
go buy some new glasses
Nothing he a burger he doesnt even know where aus is
well, northern mexicans are tall.
excelente mapa amigo, el color negro ni siquiera tiene leyenda pero me imagino que significa el amor mas profundo
>We wuz Conquistadors and shieet essey
>We wuz little litle goblins becuz of the Conquistadors oppressors.
Guys I think we should stop, the poor midget is going to cry.
>Conquistadors are spanish
>Im spanish
>Conquistadors are your ancestors but not mines
Nice logic bro
>We fought muslims in 1492
>Doesnt know that 1492 is just the end of the reconquista and that christians fought muslims for 500 years.
Victor José my dear, i know mexico is full of violence and poverty and that your aztec roots are a shame for you, but i repeat you will never be Spanish you shit skin sudaca.
Then they're probably nutritioned well then
nah, we love polish, specially your woman.
why do polish love latinos so much?
wtf you doing leaf? you are supposed to love us you daft cunt
poles aren't that picky ricardo
>Loves Brazil
>Loves China
>Loves Turkey
Get the fuck you you filthy fucking wetback
true, my ancestors came from eukadi, not from Spain.
Mexico is better than Spain, thats why you eat from norwegian trash cans manolo jhahahhaha
Let me guess, norteño right? How many livers did you extract today you subhuman donkey fucking ranchero?
>liking leafs, saudi arabia, worst korea, israel and fucking spain
>hating norway, syria, france, poland and australia
>not hating poos
>not loving best korea
bueh, mi odio es mas para los portenos. pero tu tambien los debes odiar no?
I hate not countries but their governments
can't be bothered to paint literally everything red that's too much effort
My map.
Why do people here like North korea? It's a cancerous commie dystopia.
Wow, I bet you have lots of friends