Why is this racist allowed to post migrant hate on twitter? This was clearly a successful exercise in cultural exchange and enrichment. Surely this is what all Swedes voted for.
Some Swedes not happy about cultural enrichment
He's a brit spreading fake news in Sweden.
how could a woman ever let themselves get raped in the mouth? why not just keep your jaw shut or bite their fucking cock. Whenever a woman gets '''orally'' raped it's a huge red flag desu
the fake part is that she didn't like it?
>not instantly soiling yourself the second another man looks at you
she's a whore bro
never change sweden
top bantz
Good way to to turn a rape into a murder.
did these migrants have guns or knives? How often is rape done at gunpoint / knifepoint? genuine questions
Imagine how savagely murdered you'd be biting off the dick of a nigger in rape mode. As I think it over I can't tell if it's worse to live after the gorilla gang's gorilla gang train gang rape pain or just endure ultimate nigger death torture and get it all over with
The worst part was the spitroasting? I don't know what he's saying the worst part was.
Great SD now has lost 20% of their women vote
If they just campaigned on cool uniforms for the ultraviolence kebab-removal real-life drama we might be able to win them over.
Just give the whores what they want to see
There were fucking 20 of them jackass
Put yourself in the situation. Nigger is assraping you. You’d want to survive to get revenge
This would be a great liam neeson film
I would imagine getting all that cum in ya to be the worst part.
>The worst part about the rape was the raping part
>says the woman
oh ok
You act like you have never been in a gore thread. The common african enrichment squad needs just a couple of bricks, an optional board, a gasoline tank and a match to form a lynchmob.
She probably voted for it.
I wouldn't step in if I saw a Canadian woman being raped.
Obviously you guys have never been raped before.
The first thing the gang will do is break your jaw and fuck your now broken and hanging mouth while you literally choke and suffocate on their filthy penis.
Add to the mix some wretched person ripping you apart in the back.
It's unpleasant.
Why have you let the devil inside.
Fuck you.
God damn
Oh Sweden, you're such a comedy.
BASED white mexico
>aryan QT getting "lumberjacked" by achmed
I bet you would have sucked off all twenty of them afraid for your life lmao
Maybe Sweden shouldn't rely on its law enforcement to enforce the law.
The worst part? They weren't black.
A reverse pulp fiction?
noice m8
I don't get it. What did this bitch say the worst part was?
>They positioned her so that one raped her in the mouth, while another sodomised her.
This part I guess.
They were probably muzzies
Kinda hot desu
so she's mad she didn't get it in the pussy but got it up the arse instead?
Or is she just saying its horrifying that she was double raped. I hope the latter.
Also when are we seriously unironically going to RWDS these fucking cunts? We need to get medievil on these shitskins
you get what you vote for
no sympathy from me.
God damnit, Didn't know white spics had such levels of bantz.
you projecting a fantasy there user?
Sweden basically deserves this, women voted for this shit, and men won't do anything.
Why do I not see terror attacks on these immigrants, done by Swedes, multiple times a week?
Oh, right. No balls. Fuck you all, get raped. I am so fucking tired of being white, I seriously wish I was Jewish or Asian instead, just to not belong to a race of such loathesome, self-hating cucks.
Fuck you, Sweden. Enjoy your dick.
get back in the cockpit depressionfag
>Sweden basically deserves this
>women voted for this shit, and men won't do anything.
Both women and men voted for this, both deserve the consequences.
>Why do I not see terror attacks on these immigrants, done by Swedes, multiple times a week?
Because people have families to take care of, and shit like what happend in the story is only read about in the news and it is basically forgotten instantly as it practically is not reported in media. Iam sure you wouldn't do jackshit against migrants if you lived here, all talk no action.
>I am so fucking tired of being white, I seriously wish I was Jewish or Asian instead.
Pic related
I'm to stubborn for that. I would literally bite his gay raping dick off.
>Because people have families to take care of
The "muh children" meme.
What future do these children have?
If individual men are not willing to die for their children's future, they don't deserve one.
Get raped.
Nigger even if we killed 200 of them each week there would be another 400 replacing them the same week, also what do you think our regime would do to us if we actively killed them? They would just increase the amount of them so it would be pointless also it would mean all people with balls would be either jailed or killed leaving the cucks as the last people.
We didn't. Women's suffrage was awhile ago, which lead to this.