The first redpill strong enough to repill blacks

This right here is an opportunity we are missing.

Obama and Clinton started Lybia.
Obama and Clinton supported ISIS (proven by wikileaks).

Democrats and left wing media are virtually silent on this because they know who is to blame and can't turn it on Trump yet.

They WILL turn it on Trump when an appropriate time has passed where they can say "Why hasn't he done anything yet? He hates black people!!!"

We WILL NOT hand this opportunity to them. All we HAVE to do is act first.

This thread is for discussing how we will dispense this redpill

>Make clear to Black people that the Dems and liberals don't care about this because their embarassement/refusal to admit guilt weighs heavier than 'literal black lives'.
>Showcase that Clinton/Obama were aware of Saudis etc supporting ISIS, and ignoring it because they preferred being allied with the Arabs over peotecting POC lives.


Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums does nothing and nothing happens

Rather redpill them by revealing Clinton child trafficking in haiti. Haitians are niggers right?

Sup Forums just needs a kick in the backside to get going. I'm gonna make some jpgs when I get home from work.

I'm thinking something with "Black lives matter (?)" Vibes.

Haitians have been publicly protesting her for years and neither media not mainstream black culture has taken notice.

>Obama topples Libya
>Libya becomes ungovernable warzone
>Slave trade ensues
Democrats are the real racists.

You missed the part where the slave traders are ISIS oe ISIS approved and ISIS was supported by the Democrats.

From every angle this has been a direct consequence of Obama or Hillary actions.

The real racism doesn't even lie there. It's in the fact they rather ignore it to maintain their anti-racist image.

also in black history that everyone will ignore:

freed american slaves were given liberia and sierra-leone and the first thing they did was enslave the locals

Blacks were the ones selling other blacks to whites the first time, it's just par for the course. Whites got swindled

Has to be more specific. Might be true for Libya, but I'm pretty sure the slave trade in Africa as a whole has persisted since forever.

So don't let them blame whites for it again. Make sure it's blamed on Obama bef9re that happens.

It has. Especially in Muslim regions. Saudi Arabia and Satar & co. But that has been successfully ignored by the left because muh religion of peace. O ce we get this through, we can expand to Muslim slavery.

I'd say Hilldawg using the UN relief effort in Haiti as a means to siphon UN money into the Clinton Foundation is a better redpill.

>lovin the headline, USA Today

Black Lives Matter *
*: example

"Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets. Thanks, Hillary Clinton."


Bump a good redpill.
Any sources to point to when explaining that the slave trade in Libya is active

Sounds good.

Blacks don't care about oppression of blacks as long as they keep getting welfare and EBT. The dems in power know this which is why they have been able to maintain their positions of power for so long.

>redpilling sub 70 IQ nigger animals
just tell them jews stole their magic and shrunk their penises

first nigger president revitalizes slavery
imagine my shock

CNN, ironically. Once they understood the implications of guilt they toned the story down.

The culture of activism they pushed to combat Trump made it so they cant ignore this withour looking like hypocrites.

hi libfas, i unironically like your tumblr-blog

Blacks -in general- cannot be redpilled.
They lack the necessary associations between the synapses to intercompare past and future.

Even though that wasn't the case, the blacks are not your redpilling demographic. It is the normie white bleeding heart liberal americans that you should drag into reality. They only matter for the events ahead.


He is good isn't he.
A Belgian, I think. It's good to see quality posts & threads out in the provinces.


OK mate

It's not in the MSM though

Fuck this defeatist shit, OP is spot on. We need to produce simple, concise and clear memes, infographics and videos that explain how Obama and Clinton destabilized Libya and how that led to the return of open African slavery and slave trading. We should also bring up Haiti and other examples of their admin fucking over African countries in the process of their globalist schemes.

Keep it simple. A phrase that we could meme is: "Obama brought back black slavery" Ridiculous at first but impossible to refute when shown evidence of what O and H did to Libya and what it caused, ultimately undermining any argument that Obama was a good president for blacks.

meme it fellas

But ISIS is not just USA, it is also UK and France.
I wonder why it always happens to be the Masonic countries.

Reminder that Hillary owned slaves.

This. Blacks naturally believe in voodoo shit.

Textbook definition of resurgence. Under Gadaffi there was relative protection under the law and equality for blacks.

This. The defeatists are low T or shills. Of course we want to redpill blacks as well. Anything to get them to reject the Democratic Plantation.

call it obama's legacy. obama was supposedly worried about trump ruining his so called legacy,

We could trend #ObamasLegacy on the day he's been out of office for 1 year. Isn't that soon? I forgot when Trump effectively took over.

invest in Thanks Obama memes, dis gonna be good

pics of slaves in libya with the caption obama's legacy spammed on twitter facebook etc.

too late that's january 20th or something like that

Wut. Then thats next month. How is that too late?

This. But we also need to focus on the silence of Dems and left wing media to make the point that Black Lives Matter but only when it looks good

Is it not quite likely that Obomber is responsible for killing more POC than any POC in history?

Bombed 9 countries, what's the death toll?

Big RP for me was realising that the left stopped being anti war quicker than a rat up a drain pipe.
I remember when first and foremost the left was anti war

I work in a warehouse in Dallas with A LOT of niggers. Seriously, the whole warehouse is about 90% nigger. I would love nothing more than to redpill them on this. What kind of things can I tell them that won't instantly cause them to chimp out? And when they invariably ask for proof, where do I point them? Help me get started and I'll do this today!!

>make some jpgs when i get home from work
oh so youre the virgin who makes those?

Tricky dude, one turns on you, they all will.
Asking questions is the best way to RP people without revealing your PL

dems and liberals dont care about black people and neither does republicans and conservatives
lets be real here everyone is out to protect their own interests so there will never be a political party that represents a minority because theyd never get enough votes

It can be soon

Yeah, it's going to be especially tricky since I'm a supervisor there. One wrong word and they go to HR with, "day white boy rayciss, he callt me a nyugguh"

99% chance they wont ask for proof. They often live in a mindset where what they feel and velieve is the truth and serves as its own evidence. If they do asl proof it will likely be mockingly because they are confident youre lying. If they do actually read your proof they will pretend to not care or nag about small details to discredit it.

This happens in most cases, especially in groups of leftists.

So make this obvious to minorities that theyre just cattle and canon fodder. That their real interests are only represented by those that want to improve the economy or the country in general, not those that promise muh reparations etc.

If by black you mean muslim.

You're absolutely right. You know niggers well! Yeah, I'm just going to gather as much proof as I can, save it to my phone and just start dropping the redpills. This is going to be fun

here's one of the Wikileaks emails
>Qatar and Saudi Arabia
>Funding ISIL
>[on behalf of the US deep state]

Clintons using the US government apparatus to operate its own private initiatives in Haiti
a cover-up of its human trafficking business under the Clinton Foundation

im glad other people get this the only way POC can make any change is by creating a political party themselves that can somehow represent the needs of all of them.
easier said than done

Just ask leading questions, never give opinions, preface every question with

"yeah Trumps a nazi but" drop RP

"did you know Obama bombed 9 countries"?

It's probably a hopeless task though, workin stiffs just want to get paid and go home

fucking kek
was hitlery actually our goyle?

rip monica peterson

qatar and saudi arent and cant be on the same team. qataris are content in their own countries since they are richer than 99 percent of the world. they leave qatar to find a white wife to bring back to qatar. saudis are the real problem

This is especially damaging because at the time Clinton was weeping about how many muh innocent Muslims ISIS wzs killing but she clearly knew she was indirectly supporting them. Im sure this could even count as treason (supporting an enemy of the state).

This was in 2010 if Im correct. Before the big rift where Qatar was singled out and sacrificed by the other oil states.

yup they were singled out because saudi and UAE has USA backing so they can bully the rich qataris to give them money. even the current conflict with qatar and the GCC is about money. in the end qatar will pay like they always do and things will go back to normal until the next time saudi wants money to fund more terrorism

>It's probably a hopeless task though, workin stiffs just want to get paid and go home
Yeah, most of the older ones are exactly like that. I know a bunch of the younger ones who are always ready and willing to talk politics, especially if Trump is involved. Oddly enough, the niggers I work with don't hate Trump. They seem indifferent to him, really. It's quite bizarre, but then, Texas niggers are generally different from other US niggers. They're not usually as uppity as the West and East Coast variety. Also, they seem much more aware of how they're being used by dems than most people might think.

> Thoughts?
American blacks couldn't care less about slavery in Africa.

The importance of slavery in America is only used for gibs. If they were offered slaves, most black American would accept without hesitation.