Can someone explain to me how this is a good thing. And if it's not a good thing, can someone explain to me why we as a society are letting this happen?
Can someone explain to me how this is a good thing. And if it's not a good thing...
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Fucking kikes man.
Fucking jews.
>Can someone explain to me how this is a good thing
People take your wealth if they are stronger than you. Assume the worst of everyone else and only change your opinions when they prove themselves to you.
Why don't you take a look at the mandatory budget instead of focusing on the discretionary side.
"Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute."
The rest of the world can suck our nuclear schlong.
You see user, there are these companies known as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, General Dynamics, Northrop, L-3, BAE, Bechtel, United Technologies, Huntington-Ingalls, etc. and see...they need money user. They just fucking need it, alright? Don't question it, just shut up and give them your money. They're employing Americans probably, they're making things. Just hand them your fucking tax dollars. Hand it over you fucking patsy! LOCKHEED WANTS YOUR MONEY. DON'T ASK WHAT ITS FOR JUST GIVE THEMYOURFUCKINGMONEYSOWECANBEGREATAGAINNN
Freedom isn't free
Israel isn't going to defend itself
You're so right it's scary
Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves. Britons never never will be slaves
This. How is the first post of this thread recognizing that the cartoon it's bullshit? The absolute state of this board.
well its blatant lie seeing as medicare costs more than the military does
American Goys need to fight Israel's wars.
American goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
Because war got built into out economic system. Meaning that it could always be argued that jobs would be lost if they didn't get military contracts. And that argument only goes in one direction, or you hate America and hate people having jobs.
Peach through strength. There's a reason we don't fight wars on our own clay.
lockheed and martin is building that fusion reactor
a lot of military spending goes towards being the world's bodyguard. There are many countries that ask the US to step in and take care of business.
What that graph doesn't show, but should, is all the billions of dollars going to countries that aren't the US in the form of foreign aid. Basically free money for countries that actively and openly shit on the US.
Bite the hand that feeds indeed.
Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.
> still butthurt about losing ww2
I just told the Goys the truth
To be honest that's how it should be - the State should only provide protection of you and your private property from internal and external threats (that's the police and the military). If you want healthcare or education you should pay for it.
Because if we don't spend that much, then we'd be giving our dollars to a different government instead.
Speak softly but carry a big stick.
Lel, this has to be bait. (you)
He's right. Anything more inevitably leads to a growing bureaucracy stifling property rights
I'm not pushing my opinion on you. If you're smart you'll come to the same conclusion. It's only a matter of time.
you need to keep helping some sandniggers by bombing some other sandniggers so they wont sell their nigger oil in other currencies. its actually an investment
>can't into petro dollars
And that's only Federal spending.
America has dangerous enemies
North Korea just proved they can hit the entire U.S. once they develop re-entry capabilities
Except your graphic is wrong? Very wrong. Medicare/medicaid dwarfs "militarism & war" whatever the fuck that means.
Social security is even worse.
Does your little chart include the spending by states? For example, in many states education is funded by property tax.
>Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools in the United States in 2013–14 amounted to $634 billion. State support for tertiary education added another $82 billion. The Feds chipped in $107.6 billion on education in fiscal year 2012. Of course the Fed also spend a lot on R&D by unis too, which in sense supports education. U.S. research universities spent a combined $68.8 billion on R&D in 2015, of which 55% was paid for by the Fed.
>Your chart is fucked up. Try harder and check your facts.
The future of USA is brown, so they prepared the means to kill yourself.
good, I hope they land one smack in the center of the pentagon, just to send a message that theyre done fucking around with your kike mob of a government and it's military industrial complex.
it's not like yous can do anything about it. Otherwise yous would have by now
Becuase all oil exhanges are done in US dollars, this creates demand for the dollar which increases it's worth instead of inflation destorying it
Now the US makes sure this happens by enforcing this rule with their millitary so the more people trade oil the stronger the USA gets the more they spend on millitary to further enforce it more to get more money
because the US is world hegemon. we play MP so the rest of the world doesn't have to and if free to spend their money on other things than healthcare. use your fucking brain, the point of it is to keep war off the mainland. don't like it? why not go become a terrorist then
SSI is a rip off and many people who are currently receiving benefits will collect far more than they ever put it. This should have been dealt with decades ago, along with other loopholes and BS features such as spousal claims and file and suspend (which was only ended about 3 years ago).
Top quality bait my man. As if you wouldnt live in the police state number 1 ruled by greedy kikes.... muh I am free to be a degenrate western slave to sin.
The end cant come soon enough...
The only reason the world is sucking america's dick is because of your army. Remove military power from the US and you'll only have Shart in mart and kfc left
>people willingly accept being jewed for protection money(aka taxes)
>people expect predators to not take advantage of this to maximum effort