Muh nazis

I want you to justify this. Look into this man's eyes and look at the fear and hopelessness of these innocent people. How can you justify what the Nazis did?

Other urls found in this thread:

that should be you

They don't. You are in a place where atrocity is taken at its political value rather than its emotional value. Expect to be called bait and little more.

Nice. Can't justify it can you? Coward.

We don't. Fuck off now.

What political ideology do you affiliate yourself with?

your country intentionally killed jap civilians en masse and that's not just with nukes.


Classic libertarian

Survival of the fittest

Aren't those Russian soldiers? Those uniforms don't look ss or werhmacht.

ISIS fighters who are doing the same things and much worse, but in real life unlike that doctored picture, are being welcomed back into Europe with open arms.


Gas yourselves you spineless faggots

Who did fact checking back then? Lol, autists now a day's can band together, and discover minute details of information. During that time in Germany, people, for the most part, probably followed what they saw everyone else doing, and what was on television.

Hitler utilizes media propaganda, and probably knew that just announcing the holocaust up front, might piss some people off. So, he put the frog in the pan, and slowly warmed it up, and the frog didn't notice the rising temp until it was to late.

Too bad all the people actually fighting ISIS are either far-left Kurds or far-left Ba'athist Arabs.

Those are not Wermacht or SS uniforms, those are Russians stupid ass.

He was a traitor commie, too sad he was not tortured before be killed.

How should Commie Traitors be handled?

And we should fuck them up because they are cmmie jews

Nazis? They look like poles or russians. I wasn't there so... there's that.

He was a member of a partisan group you utter and complete retard

Hmmm I wonder if it could be because Jews had a propensity for being Soviet partisans and Vinnitsya had partisan activity?

That's how you get rid of partisans, you kill any and all who provide them shelter. Why is this guy so special?

People are saying it's going to happen again soon, only worse

>Unironically calls people reddit
Newfags like you are what's ruining Sup Forums

>commie jews armed by jewish trump fighting jewish-backed isis also backed by jewish trump
makes u think..

>Hmmm I wonder if it could be because Jews had a propensity for being Soviet partisans
Weird how people whose race you consider a subhuman infection have a propensity of violently resisting your occupation. Really makes u think.

What are your thoughts on Communists like this? Do you justify this action of a Communist?

The crew of the Enola Gay get medals and are called heroes for dropping atomic bombs that killed hundreds of thousands of civillians, dropped on civilian targets, not military. See the hypocrisy ?

>Implying they're innocent
Their kikery happened long before the NSDAP was founded

>How can you justify what the Nazis did?
How can you justify what the Jews did?
Or Genghis Khan? Or Attila the Hun? Or
Stalin, or anyone who has committed murder?

Huh? It's been 2000 years since Rome sacked Jerusalem and the kikes continue to follow White people wherever they go.

The intent wasnt genocide but ending the war by forcing a surrender.

Germans intended genocide. Surrender wouldn't have saved Jews. Do you see the difference? Of course not because you're a dishonest faggot.

fresh OC, just for (you)

No. Of course not. I fucking HATE communists.

Einsatzgruppen - fucking bunch (death squad) of civilian mass murderers on occupied territories

Looks like he's asking something to someone off camera or waiting for directions.

definitely propaganda

How blind are you that you can't spot the Reichsadlers on their uniforms in the OP?

Am I a Holocaust denier if I think that 1.1 million Jews died at Auschwitz?

Was there ever a sign that said 4 million JEWS had died at Auschwitz? Of course there wasn't.

He was probably one of the men who ran a child brothel

pretty sure USA is doing the same thing like Nazis did, except in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc.

Manzanar Concentration Camp
It wasn't in a country so far
In fact, in your own back yard

This thread is shills and shills only. Recoil in horror as Reddit tries to invade pole, but only gets saged as a result.

It’s for the greater good user. When you kill pests in your garden, they make the same face. Ultimately, it’s for the better though.

Then why did they remove the memorial plaques?

They never removed any memorial plague that said 4 million jews had died here, because no such plaques existed.



The 4 million number is what was used to legitimize war crimes trials.

Ba'athists are pretty natsoc, not really far left at all

Canat tell if trolling or just retarded....

Communists are not people

The surrender was known before Enola Gay you massive cunt.

Archive please

This picture has been discredited 1000x. I can't stand newfags. the members of the Eizencommando used a finish variation of the tommy gun, not a pistol. Additionally, those (((Germans)))) look like they are extras from a screen adaptation of "The Protocols of The Elders of Zion."

The (((soviets))) produced the same sort of (((proof))) for Katyn.

Just look at how disgusting that kike whore is. That look on her face. "oh come on goy, executing us is like another shoah all over again."

oh man that sucks

shit happens
and even if it did happen, we don't owe jews perpetual victim status, particularly to American jews, to which NOTHING happened.
btw, I recognize Kramer, which episode of Seinfeld was that?

>Einsatzgruppen - fucking bunch (death squad) of civilian mass murderers
You didn't mind them taking care of your jewish problem for you though, did you? Fuck, you poles were rushing to finish the job before the Jews from the USSR got there.

>kikes traitors selling secrets that could have destroyed the world
no surprise there

it's like how israel sold american weapon designs to china

You all say "it was for the better" and shit but if that was you helplessly bound with a gun to your head I'm sure you'll change your minds.

The Germans never intended genocide.


Rest in peace Heroes

Who is it? What is the context?

60 million people died in WW2

Have you ever been on Thats probably why The looks of fear and gargling of blood Has no effect on me. Actually these guys got off pretty easy. A bullet to the head. You ever seen someone get their fingers chopped off? Or their face peeled off. Their head cut off. Dismembered with a chainsaw. Hell i even watched isis execute someone with a fucking RPG. And a 50 cal. And one where they made a rope out of C4 or some shit and tied it around 3 or 4 peoples necks and blew their heads clean off in unison. I saw mexicans execute someone with TNT. ive seen all sorts of crazy shit. I even saw that pilot burn to death in a cage. So when i look at this picture. I see a man killing someone he doesnt want to kill but knows for some reason he should. And hes trying to make it as painless as possible.

fuck commies and kikes, thanks for a good laugh senpai

this image is pretty suspect, why are the men in the image wearing atleast 3 or more uniforms from various branches and services?

Bullshit commies dressed as nazis and killing jews west propaganda for you

Can we get a faked propaganda war photos thread going?
Ive seen enough proof of faked ww2 photos not to take any of these at face value.

it's called detcord and it's manufactured by the US

>Kramer makes Jerry dig his own grave then shoots him in the back of the head
>Kramer than gives a shrug and freeze frames
>bass line starts playing

Bro...too far


I mean, killing is wrong and all but technically the Jews started it.


Back to plebbit.

Half those pics are fake.

So what is going on in this photo? Do you even know?

Do you think what you're seeing here is a holocaust?

That's where you're wrong
Also the pic of a russian not a nazi

You want to know hypocrisy?
All of you talk about Nazi Germany's right to exist and how excellent National Socialisim is and how it made Germany into a powerhouse ethnostate the whole world went to war against them.
But all of you criticise Israel, which is technically almost an ethnostate, and want nothing more then to see them bombed and destroyed because Israel is flourishing in the middle East.
See how you are exactly like the rest of the world during the years leading up to WWII? Quit larping.

>Muh nazis
You're using that meme wrongly.

me on the right

>Also the pic of a russian not a nazi
Nice evidence nigger. Slice yourself

Standard counterinsurgent methods, m8. You can't expect to hold territory if you don't keep the plebs in line somehow.


Why do they need an aid package every year, then? Even they complain about how poor they are.


nice bait Moshe, I'm assuming you're implying the holocaust happened.

retarded kike conspiracy theory, It never happened

You know exactly why people hate israel. They purposefully put themselves in harms way so they can get rich off of foreign aid. And israels existance has kept us from nuking the middle east. You have allowed extremism to flourish. Youll be kept alive and armed through foreign aid so long as extremism exists. You will never seem to make any progress in the wars even though we give you everything and then some. I wonder why. Israel is truly the fucking ghetto of the world. Not even that. Hes the retarded wigger who moved into the ghetto and insists on staying.

Waah, muh fee fees.
Everyone has to die, welcome to life.
If im ever executed it will be by someone truly deranged, because I mind my own damn business.
This commie fuck had it coming.
Also, your photos are literally fake, I have seen the originals.

>killing richfag aristocrat officers is morally equivalent to the indiscriminate slaughter of civilian men, women, and children
Hope you get hit by a truck as soon as possible

>that id

The JIDF show's his hideous face

And germany doesnt fucking exist anymore you fucking retard. And they were killed for wanting exactly what you fucking got. A flourishing ethnostate. Israel shouldnt be allowed to if germans arent allowed to.


Either is not a real picture, the jew has too be executed (like they didn’t follow rules or something), the last possibility is that they where political prisoners and not just ordinary jews.

Otherwise I admit it being wrong.

Its a fake photo.
>come squad line up for this incriminating execution photo op.
Naw dude, ive literally seen the original, so many photos like this were faked for propaganda. Hilariously they are still being used for propaganda to this very day.


clearly a faggy resistance fighter. should've been tortured first.