I am pretty sure there are a lot of Americans that would be willing to be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be an actor/actress.
I am pretty sure there are a lot of Americans that would be willing to be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be an actor/actress.
Fuck your clickbait you worthless faggot
oops, I see a deportation in you near future, boy, and not to "a good place".
How you can be so stupid to confess a crime and expect everybody else to bend the law for you?
They have to be willing to sell their souls
I tried watching this and it was the most Jewafied piece of crap ever.
The entire moral of the story is a woman can be an absolute cunt and still deserve heaven.
Shills racemixing heavy. Entire cast is "muh diversuhtay" token asian, token poo in loo, token white guy ( cast as a demon of course ).
The federal government needs to nuke NBC for hiring an illegal. That a literal fucking crime.
keep this link
Nigga went full retard
Deport. Back you go.
Its actually hell
we should make a big deal about this so the nig gets deported and NBC gets fined
it will hurt NBC because every one is against hiring illegals
yeah i don't think you've watched the show... they are being led to believe they are in heaven but they are miserable. It's a trick to torture them the main actors are all in hell
they don't, just look at EU and scandinavia.
Lefty fucks are awarding ISIS terrorists jobs in politics
>Because nothing is given for free
Is this satire?
That useless trump cant do anything right.
>Because nothing is given for free
except US citizenship apparently
isn't this highly illegal? Can't the feds crack down on them for hiring criminals?
taxes? Did he pay?
racistm at this finest
He should be packing his bags ICE ENROUTE HOPEFULLY IN A BEARCAT
>nothing is given for free
WRONG, there's a free holiday to the Ivory Coast for him
>Let's fight, because nothing is going to be giver for free."
>Except for citizenship lol.
How does no one see how ridiculous this is?
Op aint LARPIN, but the nigger is. Who wants to prove he is not an illegal immigrant.