the best way to reduce the trillions of national debt would be to start cutting these huge project expenses that give us nothing in return
The best way to reduce the trillions of national debt would be to start cutting these huge project expenses that give...
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I agree, the welfare project for niggers is an absolute failure of a social experiment and has given us nothing in return, except more niggers and crime.
The best way would be to remove usury
>By giving more illegals more money for all their free lives they get paid to live in the US by our government we are somehow helping the debt
>by stopping this we are somehow hurting it
Realistically it would only cost 35 billion at most. That's a drop in the federal budget bucket. Nice try
so you are saying a concrete wall project for the border won't be expensive
Yes, I'm saying that. The initial projection was for 35 billion dollars but now it's estimated to cost something like 23 billion last I checked. Oh, also it's already 1/3rd of the way funded.
I agree, we need to build this wall to prevent more welfare aliens.
Compared to wellfare spending its pretty much nothing.
40 million americans are on food stamps. Perhaps you should tone down the social payments a little so people actually start looking for jobs.
The wall will pay out for itslef from the taxes of the americans citizens who start working instead of leeching your social security system in place of the illegal immigrants who do not pay taxes.
Also you might say that doesn't factor in upkeep costs and it doesn't, but upkeep costs are fairly marginal compared to perpetually increasing our debt ceiling to pay for human trash and parasites. Also, it could bring in tourist money from people who want to see it.
not as expensive as the 800 billion we waste on welfare programs. This wall will pay for itself in a couple years.
>blames wall as debt creating project
>ignores fact that if the entire DoD budget was zeroed out tomorrow that we'd still have a deficit
most of our money goes into the military, and a lot of the money isn't being used for the military, moreso to the pockets of people producing things for the military
>a drop in the federal budget bucket
all those little drops in the federal budget are to keep the country running. they're the necessity which is why they end up in the budget bill
If we weren't the WORLDS POLICE FORCE and could stop spending so much we could actually get our debts down. And if other countries had to have an army then their socialist programs would get fucked as well. its a Win/win
it could be visualized better like this
Plugging the source of a leak into the bucket might cost more initially, but it won't be long before the value of the total number of drops stopped far outweighs the cost of the fix. That's not even considering the value of reducing the irreparable demographic damage the leak is causing.
Just wondering. Isn't 1% in agriculture... like pretty low considering food is pretty important? Or does the us just buy all of it's food from overseas?
I'm saying the money doesn't go to our army, but it's labelled as "going to the army"
>Plugging the source of a leak
what is it that's leaking through the border that's costing so much money? the drugs, the crime, "border chaos" is spreading across the south?
it looks like a peaceful desert.
>nothing in return
I'm guessing you're one of these retarded hypocrites who doesn't want to live in Mexico but won't say no to endless Mexican immigration
That's the federal budget. Why would the federal government spend money on "food?" That's what individuals do when they need to eat, and federal employees are paid in USD, not food.
You mean like the trillion dollars you want us to spend on illegal aliens over the next 10 years? I propose we save that $$$ by building a 10 billion dollar wall. Your move.
ya it would be peaceful if it wasn't for all the fucking beaners
That's just discretionary spending, or roughly 1/4th of the federal governments actual spending.
Mandatory expenses in the form of various entitlement programs and the like account for the bulk of spending.
Ahh sorry my mistake.
End the FED
so a more accurate chart looks like this.
that's a lot to cut to get a concrete wall
Lets start with blacks and mexicans.
I agree, we need to suspend all immigration, end welfare (personal and corporate), end foreign aid, and cease financial support of all leftist utopian fairy-tale programs. We’d be fiscally solvent in 2 years flat.
Read it and weep faggots:
The wall is an investment that will save us money. Walls last for a very long time, too.
Your debt will only increase, there is no way you can "cut it back"
why does immigration always equal welfare for you? it generates tax revenue
The debt is not able to be paid back. By design it is supposed to increase forever allowing the debtors to control the state.
National debt should have been reduced to zero when nations all over the world saved the banking system in 2008.
Fuck the debt, banks and (((those))) who own them.
We have enough immigrants. No more, unless they’re white and civilized, we never need another 3rd worlder, Mexican, Pajeet programmer, or Dr. Chang, M.D. again.
when did reducing national debt become so racially divided? tax money comes from jobs, and you want to cut those out. that does not make money for the US
Hire Americans. It can be done. Workers don’t have to be shipped in. De-incentivize sloth by requiring the able-bodied to work, incentivize people to study and learn to fill the positions that are in short supply.
Looks like we can stop importing useless Somalians now, eh?
what if we mixed the concrete with mulched niggers?
The savings would offset the cost.
the sad truth
so you think this concrete wall is a border revitalization project to end some 'border chaos' that hurts the economy. the area is not the wild west but the cartels aren't murdering people they only get their drug product through
food is mostly paid for by the consumers you oaf
So let's say you want to do something that requires a lot of hands. There are lots of unemployed black people in Detroit and Chicago who you might manage to persuade to work for you. Alternatively you could employ illegal immigrants, pay them below minimum wage, and they don't mind because they get free everything and don't pay any taxes. Meanwhile Chicago and Detroit are burning and the murder rate among black Americans is somewhere between those of Mexico and Brazil, because too many of them are unemployed and hopeless with no way out.
Meanwhile, Mexico is obviously a bit shit. We know this because everyone is running away from Mexico. Mexico has to sort its shit out and will not do it as long as it can dump its problems on California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
Or just annex other countries
Otherwise the US is wasting billions on it's military
what's with this stupid shit, 68b is the highest estimated cost I've seen.
Fuck, at least scale it right and would it be too much to ask if it didn't look like it was written in crayon?
Why don't you yanks just get the army to build it?
You already have like tens of thousands of combat engineers being paid to sit around and do nothing so you don't even have to spend any money you aren't already spending on labor. Just buy some concrete and rebar. Fuck, you probably already have a shitload of that sitting in a warehouse collecting dust too.
You could build this wall without spending a dime you haven't already spent.
how much the contractors get paid is not the end. the wall can affect the budget by cutting into our programs and hurting the taxpayer, which leads to a snowball effect and a massive debt spike that we simply can't afford
Another way would be to build that particular massive project and toss the illegal spics over it.
They don't pay tax on their illegal wages, and so the government is literally losing nothing by removing them.
>wincreche32.exe has stopped responding
>84 billion a year
>64 billion once and maybe a billion for maintenance per year
not a hard concept to grasp.
A border wall is not worthless. It drastically lowers illegal immigration a.k.a. criminal invasion.
that map has to be wrong. the cost is spread evenly over the border states. California wouldn't be paying 21 billion a year with New Mexico only contributing 0.6 billion.
the map also doesn't show all the tax money they pay in
Are you retarded
>checks flag
alright I am done with this thread. I'm not going to get any answers here.
you all confused me more about the budget and taxes but I know a concrete wall isn't the real solution.
this is a 'think outside the box' kind of thing, maybe Sup Forums was the wrong place to come for answers
>This wall will pay for itself in a couple years.
how? the berlin wall didnt pay shit and only cost more german taxpayer money to maintain
The Soviet taxpayer?
You misunderstand where the issues in our budget come from. Large scale projects such as this are when done frivolously are a real concern (keynesian economists would even argue they are necessary), however, this is money well spent. Wages are set via supply and demand (and with minimum wage laws) more people with fewer jobs means employers hold more power over the employee so you get worse pay and benefits than you do in situations where there are more jobs than people to fill those positions (or at least enough to cause a degree of scarcity for employers who are looking to hire, thus resulting where hiring difficulty begins to scale ).
If you wanted to say something like "There are probably places where a physical wall isn't necessary but perhaps could be done with drone surveillance" that is, however, a criticism worth debating.
You think that isn't factored in? Go read the study if you're so sure. I've read it as it seems very reasonably correct. Sorry if you can't handle having been lied to.
Don't forget those entitlement taxes are taken out of every workers check even those they claim don't pay income tax.
in an indirect roundabout way mexico will be made to pay for the wall though.
meanwhile if ti reduces the amount of drugs coming over the border well there you go, that's something. but will it reduce the drugs the government is briinging across the border? i think it will, since with a wall there they'd have a harder time pinning it on the mexicans.
perhaps thats the real reason the establishment is trying to stop the wall, it might cut into their drug profits.
Illegals under represent their taxes to get more money from the government. If you make below a certain threshold the government gives you money and if you have children you get even more. I do tax preparation and see these people every now and then.
I am actually more concerned with how long it will stand before it gets torn down as some symbolic move of 'Freedom' or something.
That, will be quite a waste.
Also, I think it should have anti-graffiti stuff installed so it does not look like the Berlin wall after some time.
Eliminate all forms of welfare, including Social Security and Medicaid, and mandate E-Verify, and I think the immigrant problem would solve itself.
But we'll never pass that, so we just need to keep putting band-aids on the leaky dam.
"Widely regarded to be the safest country in Asia, Singapore has one of the world’s lowest murder rates (0.3 per 100,000), and violent crime is rare there. A report by the Singapore Police Force stated that there were 175 violent crimes committed in the first half of 2015, a decrease from 315 over the same period in 2014. Statistics for drug crimes also are low, as Singapore is known for its notoriously harsh drug laws. There is an increase in online scams and credit-card fraud."
I think the US should have the death penalty for drug trafficking. After all, I'm pretty sure no one wants to die, drug traffickers included.
We can then free up the prisons, lower welfare, and thus have more money for the state as the traffickers will be dead.
Just saying.
Also, doubles.
Lol, mexico would pay for it XD