The Earth is flat

>the Earth is flat

lol get rekt

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thats fake look how fast the telescope is going around the earth lmfao

lol an astronaut is literally manning the camera right now get rekt noob


Haha, does no-one realize that the pinky slips into his pocket and that's how he pulls him?

lol ahaha that telescope is going to "orbit" the earth in like 15minutes

I'm no plat earth guy, but keep watching it and look what happens when they fly over the dark side of the planet, they loop another video.

The Earth is round, we've never been out of LEO though.

It's also hollow as fuck.

kek and how her hair is just gelled straight uo

Because there isn't fisheye lenses capable of curving the image..
Oh yeah, also I can't see any curvature on the panels and object that should be straight.

Why do they always use a fisheye lens in orbit? It's almost as if they want the Earth to look more curved than it actually is...

two little fingers go into pocket. It's actually kinda gay.
In any case, it's pretty neat that you can do that in 0g. Just swing your legs up to add some angular momentum, swing them down when you want to (try to) stop. do realize that her necklace alone nullifies that this was faked, right?

Actually the earth is flat within a sphere, withing a cube, and within that is a double tetrahedral of the living soul!
The tetrahedral intersects the sphere at 8 points.
8 being the symbol of reincarnation and rebirth.
There is even a similar meaning of 8 within biblical texts!

Now imagine a sphere.
Cut that sphere in half horizontally.
The lower half is land and sea
The upper half is the sky

If you think of the cube, there are 4 pillars so to speak that support this structure!

You can go even further and say that the hollow earth theory works in this model as well.
Simply place a hole which leads into the lower half of the sphere and there you have it!
Flat earth, hollow earth, supported on 4 pillars.
The hypercube!

Living on a ball spinning 1000mph and ball speeding through universe over 2000mph and it gets better!

Newsflash!!! We dont fucking move! Not an inch! We are the center of the universe! Thank you God!


Look again, all fingers grab invisible wire.

good spot


Earth is now turning into the darkside of the planet, and you can see the astronaut moving about

more wire proof

Yes! Now draw a cube around that sphere structure!
And place a the double tetrahedral within that sphere!

Although the Earth is probably not flat, that strange Youtube channel has been streaming loops of video labelled as "LIVE" which werent at all. I lurked it many hours and from time to time there was repeated the exact same stuff; that was a loop.
This is not a joke about doing one Earth's rotation, it was astronauts doing the exact same actions.

spot the astronaut

This the best version i've seen where can repeatedly see the guys pinky snag on his pocket. You'd have to be a retard at this point to still think there are wires that are either not visible or that were edited out.


Yes, however I am in belief that rob skibas diagram is not as accurate as using a perfect cube and perfect sphere.
But yes that is the idea hahaha!

You Fucking Moron.

And now its day, did you see the cut? Its a loop retard

you see what you want to see

Chris Cassidy accidentally tell the truth

The China space walk is golden. Same trick nasa does

>'N-Nooooo goyim, p-please read the science articles! W-what are you doing??? Why don't you believe anymore???'

Interestingly enough if you implement the double tetrahedral within the sphere.
The one that faces upward is the symbol of masculinity or one could say the father
And the one facing down is the symbol of femininity or the earth mother or gaia.
Interestingly enough the elite worship Lillith the Owl lady or mother of horus(anti christ)
However the feminine is not evil!
Neither is the masculine!
But when out of balance both formations within the soul will create a disharmony!
Similar to the disharmony we see today!
For instance we could say that in a hyper masculine society that humanity is more warlike
and in a feminine society humanity is more socially warlike

Why are pictures of earth so radically different? The water is different colors, the continents are different sizes -- THERE IS NO CONSISTENCY!

Its almost as if they had to assemble images of a flat earth on a globe...

Webcam footage, sun distance seen 3:30

Pay attention to the lack of curvature shown had extreme height, also see the small and local hotspot below the sun.

IF the sun is 93million miles away and GIGANTIC, why is this hotspot so SMALL???

but but, when the earth is a sphere i feel little and insignificant. I want there to be ayy lmaos!
haha just kidding. See my above postings to know where I stand.


The image of a disc with water falling off is psyop propaganda to throw off the scent.

The uncomfortable possible reality is that we live on a infinite plane where the sun carved a pool of water from ice. You dont fall off the edge, the image of a disc is propaganda.

Anywhere you go south, you reach the southpole -- because its a sun-carved ice ring that surrounds us on a flat plane

However so it the image of the ice surrounding in that fashion.
The sphere is placed within a cube.

How are these astronots still ALIVE??? Didn't they die in the 86' challenger explosion? They never were ON-BOARD! Don't believe me? Heres proof.

Same facial features, same names.

How is this an argument? The proposed model (the reality) is that the earth is fucking round. Of course it "loops" around the earth. Keep watching it for a few loops and you'll see the position of the shadow of the Earth moves. Wait and see as it matches up with the reality of the sunset/rise where you are

well i find the double tetrahedral a bit offending since its in a shape of the hexagram (star of "david" its not the star of david)

we cant say for sure

it was the star of remphan old pagan symbol

when you think about the underworld (hollow places) and combine it now with new swabia and the nazis

where did the nazis really land when they wandered to "inner earth"?

Yes however, there are many corrupted symbols that have been stolen by this "elite"

>Admiral Richard Byrd (first man to transverse north AND south pole) said theres more land to be discovered outside of south pole
>Byrd says antartica (south pole) is full of uranium and mountains of coal that could "generate enough energy for the entire earth for centuries"
>Byrd says theres a continent as big as america beyond the south pole from south america

"... Strangely enough theres left in the world today: an area as big as the U.S. thats never been seen by a human being, and thats beyond the pole on the other side of the southpole from middle america - and I think its quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored." Admiral Richard Byrd

Why can't we see the ice wall?


Its all about perspective. Its not the earth rotating, its the small, local sun leaving perspective as a light source circling above us

Because the Ice Wall is not that enormous.

>ayy lmaos

what are demons?
who are they gods which came from above all ancient civil. talked about? (fallen angels)

thats right but its indeed a symbol for 666



Dear God stop making us look bad. 23,000 meters is not very fucking high when you are talking in terms of PLANETARY DIMENSIONS. And if that were a "hot spot" (and not the reflection of the sun on water) would those under the spot not be fucking incinerated?


Depends on your classifications.


check this footage

what happened to the idiot b tard who was going to launch himself in a home made rocket to take pics of earth and prove its a disc? did he pussy out?


>How many times has the distance of the sun changed?

NASA's astronomical figures always sound perfectly precise, but heliocentrists have historically been notorious for regularly and drastically changing them to suit their various models. For instance, in his time Nicolas Copernicus calculated the Sun’s distance from Earth to be 3,391,200 miles. The next century Johannes Kepler decided it was actually 12,376,800 miles away. Issac Newton once said, “It matters not whether we reckon it 28 or 54 million miles distant for either would do just as well!” How scientific!? Benjamin Martin calculated between 81 and 82 million miles, Thomas Dilworth claimed 93,726,900 miles, John Hind stated positively 95,298,260 miles, Benjamin Gould said more than 96 million miles, and Christian Mayer thought it was more than 104 million! Nowadays they have settled around 93 million for the time-being.

A double tetrahedral has 8 points.

What about the space?
Other planets, galaxies, stars, black holes, etc. Where do those fit in.


The fact that people are KNOWINGLY using fisheye lens and spending tons on CGI to procure an artificial curve on the earth speaks volumes.

If the earth has the correct curvature we're told, why give flat earthers any ammo by using a fisheye lens or cgi replica AT ALL??

The easiest way to end this argument is to have a REAL UNEDITED pic of earth!

>NIKON P900 (83x optical zoom)
>most redpilled camera


If the Earth is so flat, how come when the sun is (perceived to be) close to the horizon, at sunrise or sunset, it's able to light up the underside of clouds? That would mean that it's possible for the sun to be below the clouds at noon, which NEVER HAPPENS

This is because the earth is round you idiots, and the sun is millions of miles away.

Ah shit I just googled for a picture to illustrate this and flat earthers saying they actually think this proves them right was in the results. They're fucking retards.

dear anglo

watch this

Did anybody catch that? That guy was full space suit but didn't have gloves on outside in space

That's fucking nuts. Here, have one taken from ORBIT

You fucking flat earthers are ruining this board.

Its all about perspective. Its not the earth rotating, its the small, local sun leaving perspective as a light source circling above us

When light of any kind shines through a dense medium it appears larger, or rather gives a greater glare, at a given distance than when it is seen through a lighter medium. This is more remarkable when the medium holds aqueous particles or vapor in solution, as in a damp or foggy atmosphere. You can see this by standing within a few yards of a street lamp, and noticing the size of the light; on going away to many times the distance, the light upon the atmosphere will appear considerably larger. This phenomenon may be noticed, to a greater or less degree, at all times; but when the air is moist and vapory it is more intense. It is evident that at sunrise, and at sunset, the sun's light must shine through a greater length of atmospheric air than at mid-day; besides which, the air near the earth is both more dense, and holds more watery particles in solution, than the higher strata through which the sun shines at noonday; and hence the light must be dilated or magnified, as well as modified in color. So the Sun as it sets towards the horizon, from a viewer's perspective on Earth, simultaneously gets bigger due to the reason given above, AND smaller due to the law of perspective. The net result is what you see.

Did anybody record that? He spun the camera around to show himself in space with no gloves on

What are they even supposed to be doing up there? Why is it always day time? I thought this was supposed to be live or is it just a made up video for low attention span normies?

The are in 0G of course things look weird.

Heres some more examples

if earth is flat then that would dictate the moon is flat too and if the moon was flat then it'd become easilly apparent because the moon orbits and rotates

smell ya later

what's stopping you from going to the wall and climbing it you faggot?

good point, glad you brought that up

nah its the ignorance of ignorant stupid people which still believe the jewish lie of the globe





If you're going to collage/composite, then COMPOSITE! Don't fucking copy/paste, thats FAKING AN IMAGE!

If you copy and paste, thats now an artistic rendition, not a composite.

>t-they do change!
>changes every 20,000 years
>no watchdog every 20k years to verify changes

OOOOOOOooooook sure....

I'm not part of the (((club)))

The moon always show same face towards earth..


What stop you from taking a boat? What stop you to put a camera on a meteo balloon and check by yourself? Why boat disappear on the horizon?

1. Take a boat to the wall
2. Leave earth without a spacecraft
3. ????

bump for an answer.


fisheye lense


Maybe because they fall from above?

Black holes aren't even proven.

All we know for sure is what you can see in a telescope. When you stop believing NASA's bullshit, you quickly realize all this shit is just a new religion

this has always perplexed me, /sci/bros pls help

>the small, local sun leaving perspective
You have no fucking idea how perspective works. Conspiracy theories always seem to rely on a complete ignorance of perspective, the moon landing conspiracies are exactly the fucking same.

Things can't "leave perspective", they get smaller, they get bigger, or they get obscured by things. The sun gets dimmer towards the horizon because its obscured by the thicker atmosphere. Then it disappears because it's OBSCURED BY THE EARTH. It's directly observable if you're able to get up a tall building fast enough. If you get to the top, how can you still see it? The distance to it hasn't dramatically changed, it hasn't "left perspective"

You're gonna talk about hills or other shit obviously obscuring it on the ground or something, but the Burj Khalifa for example is the prime place to do this

what a ((coincidence)) all countrys working together this time on this subject

These countries had established over 50 Antarctic stations for the IGY. The treaty was a diplomatic expression of the operational and scientific cooperation that had been achieved "on the ice".

Aticles of the Antarctic Treaty

Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes;
Article 6 – Includes under the treaty all land and ice shelves but not the surrounding waters south of 60 degrees 00 minutes south;
Article 7 – Treaty-state observers have free access, including aerial observation, to any area and may inspect all stations, installations, and equipment; advance notice of all activities and of the introduction of military personnel must be given;
Article 8 – Allows for good jurisdiction over observers and scientists by their own states;
Article 9 – Frequent consultative meetings take place among member nations;
Article 10 – All treaty states will discourage activities by any country in Antarctica that are contrary to the treaty;
Article 11 – All disputes to be settled peacefully by the parties concerned or, ultimately, by the International Court of Justice;
Articles 12, 13, 14 – Deal with upholding, interpreting, and amending the treaty among involved nations.

But it spins at perfectly the same spin as the gorgilion miles per octopus that the Earth spins.

They wont save you, they'll just spout off more rehearsed lies

Flat earth is a litmus test for retardation in cognitive ability

It's so obvious, nullschool has (had to?) removef the AE map from their site.

earth isn't flat, retard.

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