So why does no one on Sup Forums talk about this?
Releases are behind, but the one yesterday had insane reveals
The King led Helck and Vamirio into a facility where they found out that this whole story is taking place in the future
The ancients were regular humans
The ancients are the common ancestor of humans and demons
Human civilization advanced a ton, and some sort of disaster began. People began turning into New World monsters.
>insane reveals
It's not that much of an original twist, I got already burned out on that one with Etrian Odyssey.
I like this manga a lot though.
So when do we start having dogfaced people and pointy ears?
I miss rello.
Helck is great. People don't talk about it because there's no anime for it.
Because that's not a huge reveal? It's just shitty / lazy writing.
It was talked about a lot when it was getting first translated. There's an occasional thread -- like this -- every so often with the general agreement that it's good. And Sup Forums doesn't talk that much about things everyone likes, so that's why the conversation's sparse.
Not too fussed about the twist, desu. Seen it enough before -- and had guessed at it coming for a while now -- that it doesn't have much impact anymore. I just want Helck to get his waifu back.
He's in a better place
>the prototype is more powerful than the final version
Threads used to be alot bigger, but I guess people kind of lost interest.
To be honest, I haven't been keep up either. I'll probably catch up soon.
Do we know who the king is yet and what motivations he has?
Because it's better than One Meme Man
What's wrong with that? Ever heard of cutting costs?
I need to catch up with this one. It was pretty good as far as messing with fantasy tropes.
It is more or less fantasy OPM.
No, it's OPM done right.
Translations died with rello so discussion did as well.
rello's death plus Kirei Cake's slow release killed the hype.
i don't know what the hell he's doing waiting to release chapters and doing the omake
shoulda just kept up
muh sick mom
What happened?
ever heard of Quality over Quantity?
most prototypes are superior to mass produced chinese garbage