Is Trump actually a new christened member of the deep state?

What if Trump was the deep state choice all along?

Hillary’s incompetence was well known to the powerful. It was all too easy to make her seem like the shoo in and then let Trump easily walk away with the W.

The media mass misdirection hatred of Trump is almost TOO suspect at this point. There is no way these people are too stupid to not see this coming and/or still let it be going down.

What if we’ve all been taken for a ride? What if you are a useful idiot no matter what side you are on? What if them touting the ‘most unlikely candidate to win ever’ is all an act and {{{THEY}}} planned it all along?

what if OP rapes children?

hey, don't get mad at me for using your same style of reasoning to accuse you of shit you (probably) didn't do

its true and also not true--don't underestimate stupid people, and their need to figure things out slowly and painfully, with limited information, that is most of the world's population, including ourselves

the people with real power and real information had a plan for both victories, we're currently seeing trump being used to stir up war, both intentionally, and unintentionally

hawkishness is completely typical for republicans, because they're easier to trick into approving a violent, reactionary response that isn't actually required, the left is used to erode society, the right is used to conquer and consolidate

This. Trump is still an establishment candidate, don't let yourself be fooled. He's doing a lot of good though. There's no stopping the awakening of people as well.

Now you're learning, doesn't matter which side you cheer for.
The game is always rigged, don't fool yourselves.

They're setting themselves up for failure however.
>(((elect))) Trump
>promise to crack down on corruption and change status quo
>nab a few mid level players
>maybe give some moderate gdp growth
>we're still in the status quo
>nothing really changes
>Trumptrainers realize it's all bullshit and lose complete faith in the establishment, deep state can no longer contain the mementics


this level of shrieking and panic cannot be faked. this is all genuine fear of him

I doubt it. If they were truly afraid they'd stage a financial crash.

bump for normies

>he just figured this out

pic is you

These brainlets keep getting spicier and spicier


They're the new Apu Apustaja

Buy in

I made one of my own in fact

Not enough people are smart enough to see this, sorry, I'll enjoy my Trump meme's

We all tend to forget too, that a lot of the people who fight the real opposition against Joe Schmoe. Are not the elites, a lot of what comprises the "Deep State" are just entrenched bureaucrats. It's just idiot losers who have relied on government expansion to provide them with fake jobs for the past several decades are panicking. Of course at the upper echelons of this are rich Jews and the like - but we still can't forget who their average footman is.

oooo LAWDy someone's almonds are smellin active as helllll

Interesting, but wouldn't you agree there seems to be a campain going against (((media))), (((hollywood))) and (((democrats))) at the moment? What would be the purpose of destroying that which has always been the power base of the deep state?

It really bums me out I'll never be the kind of woke that can be used to shatter someones worldview in a single conversation.

A switch of strategy and face immediately following the "arrests" of mid/low level literal whos.


if voting made any difference it'd be illegal

bump for morning/pol/