When you lose massive amounts of weight but your wife still leaves you

When you lose massive amounts of weight but your wife still leaves you...

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Its going to be something retarded. Like he used to not be able to sit in normal chairs or something retarded he is trying to push as dramatic.

Fuck off faggot nobody gives a fuck

He can finally see his penis again.

Quick run down on why people love this fat fuck so much? All he does is be a fat lard draining tax payers money on his healthcare and make umedited 30 min videos on video games. Fucking whenever I said something negative about him his rabid fans goes on full autistic, fucking beta ass faggot using pity to deflect all criticism

Why do you have this saved to your hard drive?


He used to make videos where he pretended to be a fat screaming autist, and people liked that. Then he dropped the screaming part, and now he's one of those "voice of reason" types (kind of like H3H3) but with more crying and showcasing how much of a weakling he is.

Do you not?


Thanks Ameribro his wife prob stayed with him for that long to leech on his Jewtube shekels then left him because ads aren’t showing up anymore. Literally never saw a person be that much of a beta

>she wanted to inherit all his money, but he got healthy

He's gotten thinner, he wants to fuck his wife now, she wants no part of that since she was only with him for his e-celeb bux.
She went on that "trip" to be with the guy she's been fucking on the side the entire time, and now she's ready to leave Boogie.

Will he make it, bros?

A stroke?

hope that cuck kills himself 2bh

People like him? I dunno, my brother showed me a "Francis" video trying to fool me, but I obviously saw it for being fake immediately.... and only watched his sincere videos for the cringe factor. I don't play video games, know nothing about western nerd culture, but I still know about Boogie getting gastric bypass surgery and staying a fat shit because Youtube thinks I care about him. I don't think I've dedicated more than 10 minutes of my life to him in total so whatever.

Other fat people follow him so they can say "Well I'm bad but I'm not as bad as Boogie."

Like how autists follow Chris Chan as a constant reminder that they aren't THAT far gone yet.

Insider-info desu ka?

Yea when you are morbidly obese maybe you can pull chubby chasers but when you are just overweight, getting laid is very difficult. He's about to find out.

No one saw this coming... nope. Not at all. Also Boogies wife's'Twitter has been deleted, so that's a thing. twitter.com/dez2988?lang=en

>b-but he's clearly g-gay r-rite?

lmao his wife must have realised that he was soon abel to have sex and would want some when he could, so she got out of there before she had to perform

Well he met his wife in 2009. Met that is, they may have started dating the following year which makes his bad news her leaving him.

Who'll kill themselves first, Spoony or Boogie?

the time is ripe. she " got him through his worst" and has nothing left to "fix".

in reality she was at least partly responsible for enabling the fat shit the entire time she was leeched to him

go away fat faggot cuck no one cares

that's pretty harsh, /lbgt/

want some cringe? go watch little kuriboh's "We're Still Here" shit he does with his faggy SJW wife.I couldn't even get through the first 5 minutes of the first episode
ugh just the first second makes me roll my eyes

Surely all males desire this.

you may not like it, but this is peak woman


Hahahahaha oh boy

what exactly are we watching here?


Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with a grown man who is less mature than some 8 year olds? No, seriously...

>end of the month
>bills to pay
>all of a sudden drama

It's true. Jim was right all along.

hes afraid because if his enabler divorces him hes actually going to lose weight

True story, so many women want a project instead of a man.

>Diagnosed with depression

Stupid fucking faggot I hate people who say shit like this. Everyone has depression it's a normal healthy mental state because it is your subconscious telling you, that you are a piece of shit and need improvement.

Nice trips.

>Why do you have this saved to your hard drive?

Everyone should have this feat of sheer Aryan physical triumph saved on their hard drive.

>He used to make videos where he pretended to be a fat screaming autist, and people liked that.

His early Francis stuff is legitimately funny.

Numbers confirm

I have it saved too. Bite me.

That's WHY she left him.

He was due to die by his early 40s at the latest because of his fat. She was on the gravy train waiting to inherit his fortune.

is this guy really worth any more than a few hundred thousand?

Imagine all that stuff she went through to try and get his money.
>helped bathe him
>helped dress him
>wiped the shit from his ass
>listened to his crying and bitching
>deal with his explosive temper tantrums calling her a cunt and a whore
>had to endure his smell in close quarters
>changed his colostomy bag hourly

Now she has to settle for half.

That's what triggered me, too. Diagnosed with depression? I'm not trying to be all manly about mental illness... but any guy should feel a bit depressed about the world and their place in it in the 21st century, lol. Treating yourself like a "depression patient" is just embracing that lifestyle and identity. yuck

Spoony is too much of a wuss to do it on purpose. Spoony dies first from drinking.

What happened to Spoony?

>posting a child

You're a predophile


Boogie definitelly
Spoony is too much of a coward, although Miles might "help" him, if he get's too tired babysitting that little shitstain of a brother.


Like you've never played nude ping pong with your guy friends before all going for a swim

How does he have a fortune and said he can't pay for health care? Do the IRS and FBI need to know about this?

Play stupid games get stupid prizes.

fuck that made my asshole pucker

what happened? couldn't watch

We need to see what kind of revenue streams he has. does he have a website? does it have a merch store? youtubers make a FUCK TON of money off merch. you'd be surprised.

Kids nose gets sliced of course.

Kike lost his source of wisdom/power

Oh right. I listened to that too when he was talking about DSP. Damn now I kind of want to watch fattie2965 to find out if this is just to rake in the shekels.

His wife prob stayed with him for his life insurance policy + youtube bux and now it seems he won't be dying anytime soon, leaving her to face the horrible possibility of ten-fifteen more years of a boogie that is able to leave his room and follow her around.

H3H3 has more insightful opinions than him though.

actually I'm attracted to big, hairy men so... you're a bit off.

He makes millions. his videos get millions of views each.

Boogie and his wife

Yeah, okay Spacey.

It would appear he's given up productivity and now just tweets about pro wrestling and DRUMPF.

Don't bully boogie. He surgically rearranged his intestines and stomach just so he could lose a weight and now his wife is leaving him. Give him a break guys.

Pretty sure he had it coming

OUCH that fuckin hurt from my cozy ass bed

lol is that bunty

dont know why he is so surprised, she literally said she was only gonna stay around for the surgery and recovery and split, this happened a long time ago.

I think you misspelled "weak faggot who can not control how much he eats, because he is driven by his animalistic instincts"

I wish boggie would suddenly start to become more fit, lifted until ripped, dropped vidya and then turned his channel into a manual on how to lift and grab pussy on the streets with a new Francis persona while openly mocking his past life.

That'd be a good time line and an incentive for generation to come. A worthy channel to give money.

He didn't even try to hold it high lmao

I ended up googling "spoony" and pretty much saw what I expected... a loser.

What kind of adult hangs a Final Fantasy poster in his house...? or "his room" lol

I fucking hate the west.


Why do they leave when you're making progress? It's so common and I don't get it. Not just weight loss but finishing school, getting a better job, getting over depression.. why do they leave when things are getting better?

No proof that his wife is leaving him.

Amerilard logic bellow 100 kilo equals child


Read this Im 100% sure his wife left, im willing to bet my autism on it

LOL ok I need to know right now is this really fucking Dez!?

The half blackie with his exwife is a fag talks like one too. If she was cheating it was with goodlooking white straight friend she had. The half coon straight up has fag face anybody thats been around gays enough can spot it all male fags have fag face.

Except there is, unless you're stupid.

Clearly because she planned on him dying within 10 years so she could live a comfy life after that. Now that he's increasing his lifespan she's just like "fuck this shit"

It is. She got fat after marrying him.

On the bright side, he is jewish.

Nah it's because he was getting to the point where they were physically capable of sex.

It's blurry as shit, but the hair and glasses look legit

Apparently after 4 years they were already sleeping in different rooms. Marriedfags will defend this

I wish I could tell you


I thought jews were supposed to be good with money? Makes him an even bigger genetic failure LOL dude's not even good at being jewish.


Obviously it couldn't of been the sex part if she's like as fucking HUGE as he is! LOL I don't think she's leaving him now that she's like 400 pounds or some shit. Jesus Christ she's as big as him now.


Been saying it since before he had his surgery, it was obvious what was going on when his wife was taking week long trips without him. Then he mentioned she took off a week for Thanksgiving at her parents without him, Knew she left him:
>Same old middle of the road, scared to offend people boogie because he is afraid of losing his views for youtube money.. his stance: It's bad to cyberbully, but I can understand why some people say they do it.. Dude doesn't have a spine, and is a straight up doormat that everyone saw when Anita was a bitch to him and he took it. He begged his care taker/ home health nurse to marry him, she figured be easy money because he is like 45 years old and 600 pounds, just have to put up with him a couple of years then she gets all them youtube monies and I bet she took a life insurance policy on him as soon as their marriage was legal. Because as soon as he started talking about seriously getting the gastric bypass surgery she threatened to leave him. He admits all the time that Boogie2988 is a character and Stephen Williams is a shitty person. His wife is currently gone a week without him as she does regularly, because she can't stand the thought that there might be a chance he exteneded his life by having this surgery.

If boogie was real, and not playing a character on youtube, I would respect his opinion, even if I don't agree with it. But as it stands, I don't really care about an wanna be actors middle of the road opinions on everything because they are scared to death of losing views. Its pointless for him to speak on anything other than his hobbies/games.
On his twitch streams you really see the true Stephen, he is talking shit about Jontron here, and the dude that is in the center of the Magic The Gathering controversy. Some real shit talk in this video. Fat fuck talking shit is hilarious.

he said months ago on stream that his wife would leave him after the surgery