Go ahead, Christcucks. Tell me one Historian who says that Jesus and the (brown) ''people'' who wrote the bible are white
Go ahead, Christcucks...
Fuck off stormfag. God is more important than ''muh skin''
Since Christianity is for shitskins, the real religion for white nationalists is Paganism. White nationalism means you want to protect the culture of your own people, not keep some shit culture
>Fuck off stormfag. God is more important than ''muh skin''
No. black Christians commit shitloads more crime than white atheists
Then obviously they aren't true Christians. I'd choose a REAL black Christian over any degenerate atheist cuck any day.
Atheists are filthy sinners. Christians help preserve western culture
>(((scientists))) say that Jesus was black
Pre-1500's European expansion this was accurate
This chart is accurate seeing as most of the "brown" middle eastern people are actually caucasian.
So they found his skull then? cool story!
Christianity as it exists today is a mixture of ideas that gradually came together from Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Palestine, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
Jesus didn't look like the slightly bewildered man in OP's picture.
He must have been reasonably tall, good-looking and physically imposing. Otherwise nobody would have believed he was the Son of God. Additionally, this is a man who marched into the main Synagogue of Ancient Jerusalem and chased the merchants out because they were disrespecting the temple. Think about that. Imagine if you went into a public building and told everyone to get the fuck out because they were committing sacrilege. Everyone would laugh at you. Jesus was actually able to shout at everyone in the temple and they fucking did what he said. That's impressive.
>he doesn't even know about Holger Danske, the pagan viking who fought with Charles Martel at Tours
Real black christian is an oxymoron. Even the Jesuits realized this is the white mans God. Blacks were not ready to receive the word of god, it's the same situation as thrusting technology on their primitive society. We have given a man a fish but we have not taught him how to fish and we are suspicious they could ever learn to fish on their own no matter how much time they are given. That's why there is a broken pump in Tanzania.
historians are brainwashed by (((them))). who cares what any historian says? of course jesus was white. he was an anglo saxon. look it up
it's as much of a meme as "race is just skin color"
>Jesus wasn't white
Um, sweetie, how come you didn't even try to look this up?
Then you are a race traitor assuming you are not a shit skin
I looked at the article
>where Aramaic was the common language of the day. I have also suggested that it’s likely that Jesus spoke Hebrew, which he learned as a Jewish boy in a faithful family.
>which he learned as a Jewish boy in a faithful family.
>He must have been reasonably tall, good-looking and physically imposing.
The bible specifically states There was nothing about jesus appearance that made him stand out. he did not look out of place a all.
That because he started an uprising and had a few knuckle draggers in tow!
He was pretty based though and espoused the view that people were just people..
Remember the story of bar-jesus ? well that might well be your man....But someone flipped it to make it usefull and bury it at the same time ! hmmmmmmm.! I wonder (((who)))
You didn't name a historian who believes jesus was white though
What is this from and when was it written?
The letter of Lentulus
A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His GOLDEN colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.
Most like Jesus is blonde. It is the that he looks the opposite of tawny-which is tanned/light brown. Which only means:
Jesus was an white skin blonde haired man or mixed race of blonde hair and dark skin-which the former is the most likely. But historians said that Lentulus was just a fictional character.
Yet you can't name a single historian who says he's white. When I google this copy pasta, it just comes up with shittily made christcuck websites, it doesn't come up with a single credible historian saying that he believes it's true that Jesus is blonde or white
Publius Lentulus. Primary source. Here's the thing:
>You ask for evidence/historian
>but then you'll just say they aren't credible and there's no way they could know
>so I give you first hand primary source evidence by an unbiased source
>and you literally can't say shit
That's what just happened with this post:Stop being retarded. You literally can't say a God damned thing about this even though you setup your premise by asking for a historian you knew you were just going to claim can't really know. Ask yourself at what point of reasonable evidence would you accept the facts.
where does it state that?
>yes yes goyim remember if its not straight from google or facebook its not legit
I'm asking for a single historian who says your ''evidence'' is credible
You wouldn't be so butthurt about a reasonable request if you knew one
>"waagh I hate when christcux defend their god!"- you
If we give you a historian- you'll just say that they didn't see Jesus irl so it doesn't count. So why are you setting yourself up for a failed exercise? Unless it's on purpose?
I didn't say that. I'm asking if there is any example of an educated person who believes he's white or if it's only inbred christcucks saying so
It's in the Vatican archives so Vatican historians naturally would. Now you'll say they're biased b/c their Christian, but if you honestly believe they're cucked and don't care about skin color, what motive would they have to say he was auburn or blonde haired with grey eyes?
Give me a historian who says he's white. Bonus points if he believes your ''evidence'' is credible and that Jesus had strawberry blonde hair (lol)
If you can do that, i will look into it and perhaps become smarter.
But you're clearly getting butthurt, so it's so fucking obvious you can't name a single historian
Specifically what educated individual says that he's white? I will look into them, see where they graduated, see all their evidence. I'm interested.
Bonus points if he is still living and breathing
Jesus was the king of the jews. Jews are (((white))). He was tanned, and probably some level of brown. Anyone who says jesus was black is a nigger and also retarded though.
>Give me a historian who says he's white
First, you explain what that's going to prove. Because here: Now you can look up any Vatican historian you want to. If you don't, it's because you're trying to be ignorant. We've already cut the middle man and went straight to the primary source-always better than a historian two millennia later no less. So what's going to find a historian going to prove that the primary source doesn't?
Come home, white man.
I just want one single educated individual that actually has real credentials, you know, someone with a PHD
Go to Africa then. More Christians than in Europe. Christianity didn't bring us anything but cuck mentality. At least the Jews in the OT weren't such big pussies as Jesus is.
I thought Jesus was a fish?
Answer the question and stop dodging it.The only conceivable reason you want me to name a name is so you can lambaste that individual. You've been given sufficient evidence to warrant individual inquiry. This isn't rocket science and you really shouldn't need to hunt down someone with a Phd to help you figure this out.
It's going to prove that intelligent people actually believe that he's white and not brainwashed idiots
So please tell me one historian that believes he's white
If you have such a strong opinion on such a fringe belief, you should easily be able to name such educated people I can look into. If you aren't that knowledgeable on the subject, then you're just believing fringe bullshit out of blind faith and that's just embarrassing
>Europe was Christian
>colonized the world
>stopped being Christian
>stopped being of any value
>Africa became Christian
>Africa is colonizing Europe
Really activates the ol' almonds
And being a fucking leaf doesn't make you white either.
Most of you new world degenerates don't even know your ancestry, who the fuck are you to even speak.
>fringe belief
His image if officiated by the original church user. Are you actually this ignorant you don't know the first thing about Christianity? You're actually too stupid to even save.
Here are two: Fomenko and Nosovsky
All christians I know say he's jewish. Stop blaspheming the lord
Jews are based. Apologize to god now
By the way this isn't naming a historian.
Can you name any single historian who thinks these ''paintings'' are credible evidence?
Appeal to authority. Facts only need to be true and there's no proof that Jesus looks like your atheist propaganda in the OP.
Also I'm a Nazi white nationalist.
Odin was a cum-eating faggot my nigga, why do you want to return to THAT?
Can you name one historian who says he's white though?
>Stop blaspheming the lord
>"yeah this claim totally wouldn't work on me but I said it and you're not a heretic are you user? haha hail Odin"
>Jews are based. Apologize to god now
The actual word of God:
>Synagogue of Satan
>sons of the devil
This concerns mainly the Pharisees, aka pre-Rabbi's. Acts 14 is all about how the unbelieving jews turn the gentiles of a city against the brethren and get them executed. Apostles were stoned because of them.
>But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren.
>Acts 14:2
And I'm butthurt because I have to finger fuck this keyboard through a dozen captchas
But go ahead and ignore him. And the fact you need people with degrees help you figure out what the primary evidence says, and what the entire original sect of Christianity says, and what the catholic archives say. You're the fringe here guy. Willingly ignorant
Go to settings and turn on legacy captcha then you newfag. Thanks for proving your kind is from reddit
Still waiting for that one single historian
>name historian
i've read history, that makes me a historian, and now i say to thee: jesus was fucking white. My name is user. Never forget my name.
>comes to Sup Forums
>to talk about reddit
Why? Why do you do this? Did they traumatize you? That's okay hun, you're in your safe space now. Jap gave you two historians. You still haven't explained to this guy why you need an appeal to authority to prove what evidence was already spoon fed to you. You're sounding like a broken record, and there's no logical reason for you to repeat yourself. You're trapped and you know it. You made a dumb thread about a dumb subject that everyone else already knew about.
>Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky or Nosovskiy is a Russian mathematician.
>Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko is a Soviet and Russian mathematician, professor at Moscow State University, well known as a topologist, and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
That's not the same thing as being a historian.
So no, that doesn't count.
I'm curious though, where do they say that Jesus was white? If you can also provide a quote that would be great
Why does it matter? Appeal to authority. You're dismissing people's arguments in this thread because "muh historians" anyone can become a fucking historian if they want to. You don't need a magical piece of paper to prove something.
You're using the same logic Marxist feminists use. Oh you don't have a genders studies degree, oh you're not a scientist, etc.
It's fucking ridiculous.
I think you replied to the wrong person.
>believing Jewish scientists
They aren't even historians though. I googled their names and couldn't find one single thing saying they were historians or anything about jesus not being a shit skin
If I sound like a broken record it is only because you're the one who keeps repeating the same shit and still can't name ONE HISTORIAN
No, I responded to the right guy
I posted the thread to ask for one historian. The fact that you people can't even do that just proves how stupid and uneducated you all are
I guess, it just goes to show, that anyone actually intelligent who actually deeply studied the subject realized he was a shit skin
So you're saying people of jewish ethnicity should not be trusted? Cool story, christcuck
>Get educated
There it is.
>proves how stupid and uneducated you all are
I already gave you 1)iconography established since the beginning of Christianity 2) firsthand account of a non-Christian source. Then you insist you want a single name, and when you're provided with two, you fail to do a complete search after spending all of a minute on google, then blame the names given-exactly like I said you would. Again, you don't need an appeal to authority. You just need evidence, like that provided. You should be arguing the evidence but you're incapable of that because you only want to argue historians instead of the actual subject matter.
This is obvious bait thread. You are just ignoring all valid arguments and dwelling on your ridiculous opinions. sort yourself
What's your religious preference?
I keep seeing people on Sup Forums saying ''no educated historian believes jesus was white''
I guess it's safe to say that's true
Now why could this be?
They literally aren't even historians though. So you're still making yourself look utterly pathetic
No one is providing any sources on anything
It just goes to show how Christcucks only believe in blind faith
I made this thread because I'm always trying to learn more. Apparently christcucks are too stupid to understand such concepts
I'm asking for one single HISTORIAN who says he's white. That's it. No one can do it
Why should I trust the opinion of someone who can't even name a fucking historian who backs their claim?
Because mainstream education is run by Jews who constantly spew misinformation and alternative facts? You'd think a so called white supremacist would know this.
If I have to guess you're a leftypol or sargoy of cuckadd orbiter larping.
I think you're chemically addicted to (yous), because you should've started with this: Or
But instead you wanted names of historians so you could roast them instead of having to argue about actual facts. Iconography and the early church you summed up as "doesn't madda". You haven't argued anything and spent your whole time asking for an appeal to authority, when it's already been established that wouldn't actually solve anything. Argue the points.
Oh, and don't become a Christian. You'll make the rest of us look stupid. I'm not sure you're even save-able.
So everyone who becomes educated becomes brainwashed and stupid? there wasn't one single white red pilled christian who became educated and believes Jesus is white? Only stupid people get educated?
Because it's obvious there's no reason to except for you to attack individuals. If you had any sense, you'd argue the points. Everyone here sees your bullshit.
Checked and sounds right
actual lol
What's your religion?
Because I know for a fact that no historian thinks that is credible evidence
I'm not a historian, so I'm not going to get into it. I'm trying to be humble. I'm just trying to address the phrase that ''no educated historian believes that jesus is white'' that gets thrown around here often
And no one can name a single person
any who knows what they're talking about
Go to school and learn about valid and invalid arguments. or maybe just check the fucking pic in sticky. Like 50 times already told to you, anyone can be historian and no historian is more valid than other. Facts are facts and opinions are always opinions. You have been provided evidence of somebody mentioning jesus' appearance. This is a fact that somebody gave their description of jesus on paper years back. But to hold that general jew image generated on computer, more value... you are just dumb.
You name one historian mentioning jesus looks like that.
''attack the individuals''
Oh is that it? You're protecting them from my mean words?
It's not just that you're too stupid and uneducated to name one single historian?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure anyone with a brain, will know that you are coming up with pathetic excuses for why you can't one single historian
Go ahead prove me wrong.
Depends what they're getting educated on. Some things are objective and you can't teach in an unobjective like programming, robotics, engineering, certain math fields.
History, archaeology, the sciences almost all these have been infiltrated to promote a nihilistic subjective atheistic worldview to make the goyim more easy to control. The people who go into these fields don't have to be nefarious either is the thing they just have to be taught the wrong things and methods as unquestionable fact. Any White Nationalist is also a conspiracist aware of these things. You are a fool.
If anyone can become a historian. You'd be able to name one single person who has an education and still believes he wasn't a shit skin
I have a question for you, if jesus and the israelites/jews weren't white, then what were they exactly? I dont know if you know this, but jews aren't arabs, and arabs didnt show up in the levant in any significant numbers until the islamic invasion.Thats why people there today are arabs, and brown. They weren't in the 1st century though, in the first century they were mediterraneans like greeks and italians. Arabs are from the arabian peninsula
>I'm not a historian, so I'm not going to get into it
So a cop out. You're not qualified to read evidence is what you're saying.
>I'm trying to be humble
Humble to the point of being totally incapable of discerning basic historical evidence for yourself. That's not really humility guy.
Might as well be Jewish, Christianity is the White man’s religion... think about it, it’s the only religion that it’s ok to attack, just as white is the only race it’s ok to attack.
>Yeah, I'm pretty sure anyone with a brain, will know that you are coming up with pathetic excuses for why you can't one single historian
You haven't explained why, really. You know good and well the state of Christianity in the social climate right now. Plenty of red pilled Christians, but the only ones that approach race are non-white Christians. That's partially you're fault for not even attempting to fix it. And paganism? Which kind?
David Irving was a historian who denied the holocaust. Yes, he was demonized for it but at leas I can actually name someone who went against the jewish narrative.
You christcucks are getting BTFO right now
History is subjective,like science used to be
>Christianity is the White man’s religion
Meanwhile the most devout Christians are 50 IQ niggers in the south, catholic spics and fat flip mothers.
Christianity is not indigenous to Europe, how the fuck could it be the white man's religion? It's for low IQ subhumans.
If you have to say someones getting btfo, they're not really getting btfo.
Jesus wasn't a Jew either. At least not in the modern sense. He was a Galilean. The current Jewish Synagogue of Satan are mostly comprised of Ashkenazi Supremacists.
>born of a virgin as a blueprint for other things in the doctrine
>assumes he looks like hit mother or those in the neighbourghood.
Why do you suppose not one single educated historian went against the common consensus and say that Jesus was white? You know once you have your PHD, it's possible to go against the mainstream consensus right?
I dont care if Jesus was a god damn mongolian nigger. He's the literal savior of mankind and my lord.
Christianity was made by brown people, for brown people. The only people who believe that Jesus was in anyway European are fringe religious nuts, all historians know that there were no Europeans any where near where Jesus was supposedly born or when the bible was written (by brown people)
You can't call yourself a white nationalist if you want to throw away your pagan heritage in favour of a middle eastern religion made by brown people
Also there is no proof Jesus even existed, so why gives those Christian scum the benefit of the doubt?
There's a reason why Jews consider Pagan symbols to be hate symbols, and all white nationalist groups glorify pagan symbols.
In the Jew dominated media, such as in movies, Christians are always portrayed as the ideal, normal, good, American goys.
I know Christcucks are too stupid to read between the lines that Hitler was obviously a Pagan, but to deny that he was heavily fascinated with Paganism and Pagan symbols and had a great respect for it, would be absurd
If you really want to rebel against the kikes, and make a true stand for Europe, then worship the Gods of your ancestors
sorry, language barrier.
there is a world that could be translated to 'historian' that mean "person from the time period we are talking"
But why do you need someone with a paper to say he is white? don't you have a brain of your own? Facts don't change even if you have paper, and opinions or hypothesis should never be given much credit anyways. Somebody said his opinion on jesus' appearance and you believed him, and now everybody else is telling you otherwise and you don't believe them, which pretty much makes you a faggot.
Just find some historian yourself. Like said nobody cares to argue with dumbasses. Just check all the people who left valid arguments and you didn't have anything to discredit their arguments so you ignored them and they left your hit thread.
It's pretty clear to say that according to the doctrine jesus wasn't a normal human being. If he had a human mother AND human father you might assume such characteristics. But since that's not the case, since it's a a miracle a) she's impregnated without having sex, b) and since he represents various things. You can't assume any appearance whatsoever?
>You know once you have your PHD, it's possible to go against the mainstream consensus right?
It's possible to argue regardless. Literally the first thing you get taught in college is that appeal to authority is self evidently fallacious.
well said