Who are some other confirmed autists in animango?

Who are some other confirmed autists in animango?

Am I Jotaro's wife?

I have a similar problem with expression. I mean I don't expect people to know what I'm feeling but it's annoying when I'm told to smile more because I don't think I need to.

Nice blog, me.

Jotaro is pretty much the physical embodiment of Sup Forumsnons. You all look and act like him

Fuck that, I wish I had at least half as much charisma as Jotaro


> look

>6' 5"
>Pure muscle
>Gets attention from women
>Highly intelligent
>Cold, but with a heart of gold

Yeah, Jotaro is nothing like Sup Forums.

>implying people on Sup Forums don't look like this

>Jotaro's ideal type is a typical Japanese woman
>goes and marries an american instead

For what purpose?

Araki confirmed that Jojo's wife is Shoko tan.

You know I've accidentally picked up the habit of saying "yare yare daze..." when something irritating happens and I'm sure nobody else is around, you may be right

...I'm not the only one who does this right?

We sure look like that loli. Afterall, there's only little girls here.

I'm straight but when Jotaro transformed into a shota to beat up Alessi I thought he was so handsome and I want to cuddle him


what happened to that girl again

>"yare yare daze..." when something irritating happens and I'm sure nobody else is around, you may be right

you can't be serious

I like Jotaro a lot...

Just don't say it in public and confuse others. I think silly things like that in my head all the time, I'm sure others do as well. Everyone is a little autistic, what actually matters is how you advertise it.

So about Jotaro's hair.

>any transparent
transparency isn't a color, that fucking autist