Hey, you Americans...

Hey, you Americans, How can you defend justice in the rest of the world if you can not even protect this girl in your country?

junkies should be gassed


it will be fixed soon, no more junkies, as soon as I get funding, which will happen in like two months.

then you will all know my name


Sadly, yes:(

But we’re fully awarded so this has to be started .... I believe . We must get it on.

No-one gives a shit about her. I hope she dies like all the other druggos

yes, yes I am batman.
I'm going to fly around and beat up junkies and say "IM BATMAN" all the time.

Stop posting this shitty fucking thread.

protect from what? herself?

Protect her from an inanimate powder? She is safe, the powder cannot move and has no will of its own.


I hope in the next life, you will be born in the DPRK.

Americans only defend their egos and claim they are the authority on addiction and free will because they don't get hooked on their monthly weak piss poppy seed tea.

cause shes white and white people dont matter

She is still a child and has no free will,
You must punish all those who are involved in her bad condition

>no one posts one of these

she knew what she was getting herself into just like every other worthless junkie. Can't play a victim here, the effects of this drug, the addictiveness, before & after pics, all this has been general knowledge to the public for over 30 years. I knew what I was doing when I stayed away from all the oxy fiends 10 years ago, I knew what would happen to them, I preached to them, and now I watch them suffer


We don’t give a shit


will i be on a list for viewing this post?

im confused. who is this and why should i care?

Who is this and why should I care?

Digits decide which one

these breasts are not underage. i know because they look nothing like my 15 year old sisters.

you know... you could just post em all mayte


Eщё дaвaй cкopee, пoкa нac вceх тyт нe пepeбaнили

Oh just post a link with all of them, ffs.

this. bunch of neonewfags

Bce пикчи зaбaнeны пo хэш cyммe, я зaeбycь их мeнять.

You can see the bone pop out of the skin this is spooky stuff. Don't touch H kids stick to weed and the occasional beer.


> filename
Are you sure this isn't a girl in your country?

Who is she?

Post them all cunt

you'd take these drugs too if you were depressed and had friends; most of you guys can't get drugs because you have no friends to get them from

I used to be like you guys, hated drugs, I still hate them, but what can you do really when life is so shitty

Go rig some Krokodil you Mongaloid

Some dumb whore and there's no reason why anyone should care. Also the only working treatment of heroin addiction is living in a monastery.
You either become a nun or sell your pussy, there's no other option.

All :-)

rgho. st/ private / 8pKxT5yXN/ def1ec57ff545414bf129dca787b4b15

West virginia user reporting in.

Kill yourself in a gas chamber full of pesticides specially formulated for the parasitic, profiteering menaces to civilization.



>stick to weed
>not a gateway drug

glass houses ect

Let's see that ferjina.

Also, why can't we let the junkie problem sort itself out? If only the bleeding hearts would quit falling over themselves to save these wastrels, we wouldn't even need Duterte. Free fentanyl for anyone ill enough to want it.

Maybe something wrong with your sisters?

>muh freedom

This is what we will make jews into after the next election

Why did you turn my thread into fap-roulette?

I watched the latest Kingsman recently. The President of the USA laughed when the villain was going to kill all the Junkies in the world.
I thought he was a good president. It's a shame he's a work of fiction. Fucking junkies.

At least Philippines has a good leader.

Doesn't she have a piss video

Is it wrong that I got my ex in crack to stop her from leaving me? Then I dumped her after she went too far.

Junkies are very good for business, when you know they're about to overdose you sell them a tad below the lethal limit.
They get the rush of near death experience, maybe they even get a small palpitation, but they live.
Then they come back and you tell them prices have gone up snce last and because of that amazing high they'll cough up.
Repeat til they die of starvation or shot and find a new customer.
Junkies are good.

>literal pure evil

вaм зaпpeщeнo этo дeйcтвиe, этoт фaйл пpивaтный и вaш ключ нeпpaвильный

America needs some Duterte-tier cleansing. Addicts should be savagely beaten, dealers should be summarily executed.

Worked for me.


got to the page but the file won't download


Of course, it's going to be a Russian user who posts CP. You're fucking disgusting.

The state of Missouri had a dude named Jerry Moran in Congress or Senate. Don't know if that's related or if he's just a cardinals fan.

what the fuck is it seriously

>the slut is a developed roastie

Who is it though and why should I care

This lmao

No idea but a normal heterosexual (read: non-Swede) person wouldn't consider it muh cp.

Sweden YES

Post her feet

She was 14-16 when she took the nudes.

This is CP. Furthermore this is Sup Forums.

you arent fooling anyone. she is clearly russian.
>three stripes on a black longsleeve

Second row, first column

Who the fuck is this, and why the fuck is someone posting what looks like underage nudity here? Delete this shit.

I really should drop out of university and become a drug dealer

now i want chicken wings

>look at flag
Ah i see

The girl is called Eliza, she's an irish heroin addict and /r9k/ poster that the people on /r9k/ idolize because they have a savior complex

Robots should be gassed.

I'd really suggest you make or grow your own produce. Costs go down significantly and you can control the supply yourself to artificially inflate the price when you need to.
Also never sell opioids, they're way easier to track than hydrocarbon based substances since you can synthesize them very easily for transportation.
But if you're just looking to become a runner, there ought to be a ton of people looking for legworkers in germany.

dont get robbed

There is more nude of her but I ain't posting that.

15+ is not really cp though

you're so going to hell, m8

youve clearly never sold drugs in your life lol why do you retarded basement dwellers think youre tough
lmao what the fuck do you mean when you know theyre about to overdose how the fuck can you even tell when someone might overdose when youre selling them the drugs.
>tad below the lethal limit
yeah please stop.

I used meth to control a bitch for a while, also to get her to lose weight, fucking fatty
but no there's nothing wrong with it, women are here to be used and governed,


>He thinks women want to be protected.
They are strong independent wymens who don't need no man.

youre a virgin please stop its just embarassing

Do you still wait for digits?

Post the fucking archive, nigger, I've been trying to find those for years.

t. Eliza, heroin expert

He already posted it you dumb faggots.

>protect this girl
From who?
Yeah that will work

lol im no expert im just not clinically retarded and dont live in a fantasy land where i pretend that i sell drugs and know what drug addiction is like to seem cool on the internet.
who the fuck is eliza anyway

OK so we will report you now before you run around "cleansing" people

Nice! you outed yourself.....dogs are coming for you!

>>i dont deal drugs but let me tell you who is a basementdweller and lives in a fantasy land because that is just not how drug dealing works

anyone with a half a brain that goes outside once in while knows that whatever he was saying is bullshit lol
how the FUCK do you know someone is gonna overdose when you are selling them drugs? unless you purposely put in something that could make them OD
and giving someone slightly below the lethal limit could still make them OD, or not. there isnt a hard and fast rule thats why its called an LD50