Do women talk about politics when men aren't around?
Do women talk about politics when men aren't around?
Yes. Fuck off, mudshit Greek
no, they just agree not to disagree.
we talk about how fucking retarded men are and laugh about it
No woman has ever said anything remotely of value.
If discussing whose turn it is to fuck chad is considered politics, yes
If they are empowered and independent they'll compare their roasties and admire who has grown better beef curtains
not unless they eat pussy
no, they talk about kittens and how much they hate themselves for being whores.
No, they talk about fisting their pussies and gaping their assholes.
here ya go
No lol, they cant reason even on this lol level. They go with the flow, whoever of their close friends is for/against and/or family at best.
Also if they somehow are tricked into thinking about political stuff, they are for the "no war, all happy" agenda all the time.
fuck off snow nigger, the roach is asking valid question.
They do. It's just that men ignore all women who aren't Stacy or don't meet their stereotypes
No, they talk about other bitches, how they need to go to the gym, and other inane, common-tier, trite, tripe.
Holy fuck you guys just ruined a perfectly fine "No, they talk about..." chain. Fuck you motherfuckers.
Then why am I a woman without the social instinct? I grew up in a family where things were calmly discussed all the time.
Well said, bro. This snake motherfucker right here gets it. Read up, lads.
Being a female, you don't understand fundamental concepts like "outliers only prove the rule.". So it is no surprise that you are surprised.
>they are for the "no war, all happy" agenda all the time.
doesn't it say something about how retarded men are that they purposefully seek out conflict and eschew peace and prosperity?
But how is it outliers only if I know others like me in my personal life?
>"Trump is bad, Hillary won!"
>"Abortion is cool"
>"Muh wage inequality"
>"Fat shamming"
>"Gender is a social construction"
Blah blah blah...
Most women do have opinions about politics & talk about it, I've been to several political meetings where I was the only male.
>purposefully seek out conflict and eschew peace and prosperity
wow these made up people that don't actually exist that you made up sure sound like real assholes, i'd be mad at them too
You missed his point... he preceded that statement with the context that women are fickle in their beliefs; thus, that their views are "no war, all happy" is just a testament to their lack of thought-out views. It's something nice and trite that sounds superficially reasonable, and that no one would disagree with.
Jesus Christ I shouldn't need to explain this.
nope. they talk about their partner's cock and bank balance size.
There you go, you are intelligent human being that know how to reason. Most girls/woman dont know how, and if you disagree by any chnace they get angry and/or batshit crazy or just cries. So naturally they avoid such conversations.
Also they avoid this inbetween them, since they will be judged by their peers if they show sign of being lesser than the others in the group, thats why they tend to go with the group wants and needs even if they hate it. Their ego is too big to handle independence and all the risks that comes with it.
All the girls I have talked about pol shit, even if they are Sup Forums they are socialists at best, mostly down left, and the rest are commies that love being told by the big gov what to do and love taking care of.
You know the rules for a bunch of cunts in one photo boys. Another round of...
What do you even mean that you "lack a social instinct"?
this is to marry, not fuck or kill.
in this order; 5 3 4 2 1.
Apart from the military-technical apparatus, the world of the ‘Westerners’ has at its disposal only a limp and shapeless substance – and the cult of the skin, the myth of ‘safety’ and of ‘war on war’, and the ideal of the long, comfortable, guaranteed, ‘democratic’ existence, which is preferred to the ideal of the fulfilment which can be grasped only on the frontiers between life and death in the meeting of the essence of living with the extreme of dange
The fundamental principle underlying all justifications of war, from the point of view of human personality, is ‘heroism’. War, it is said, offers man the opportunity to awaken the hero who sleeps within him. War breaks the routine of comfortable life; by means of its severe ordeals, it offers a transfiguring knowledge of life, life according to death. The moment the individual succeeds in living as a hero, even if it is the final moment of his earthly life, weighs infinitely more on the scale of values than a protracted existence spent consuming monotonously among the trivialities of cities. From a spiritual point of view, these possibilities make up for the negative and destructive tendencies of war, which are one-sidedly and tendentiously highlighted by pacifist materialism. War makes one realise the relativity of human life and therefore also the law of a ‘more-than-life’, and thus war has always an anti-materialist value, a spiritual value.
Those walking tissues aren't going to talk about anything that can spark a braincell
Fuck 4
Marry 5
Kill 1
Rape[for the sake of the post, don’t arrest me asio] 2
Worshipping an author of female erotic fantasy as a political great is a most sure sign of inferiority.
Exactly. And they were never created to do so. None of this would be offensive in the slightest had they not tried to usurp the throne of Man.
>that their views are "no war, all happy" is just a testament to their lack of thought-out views. It's something nice and trite that sounds superficially reasonable, and that no one would disagree with.
What, so if they thought about it more, they would conclude "yes war, wallow in misery"?
r0lling for 2
I bet you she's the kind of woman who says she has no girlfriends because most women are bitches.
Fuck of misogynist.
And btw women do discuss politics. It only doesn't involve screaming and insulting each other like with men.
>pretty much this
They're worse than guys these days
No. They talk about the most mind numbing things imaginable.
Past humans would be so mad.
some do, most dont
fuck off retards
This is a perfectly concise way to put it. Well done.
Id merry 5, dont want to do anything with the others, except if 1 fucks off and I get a 4sm with the rest (except 5, she is waiting home)
Has anyone tried to explain Julius Evola to women?
You can try on me
If they thought about it more then they would realize that, unfortunately, war is part and parcel of a violent, soft-hell of a world; she would realize that all great leaps in art and science were made in the relative safety and quiet afforded to men of genius by the hands of men of war.
But, as snake-user noted in a subsequent post, a big requisite of well-thought views is being able to stand independently and oftentimes at odds with one's fellow man; this is something women cannot do.
Yep... I agree man. Nailed it.
What did she mean by this? Since when did the USSR do any voting. Why does nobody know the difference between socialism and social policies?
She is a pseudo intellectual.
Does this always get reposted when mods aren't around?
>Pic related
>It goes in the Options field
Rallin for 5.
Nah, fuck you. You and the mods have destroyed this place. Trashing and banning great fucking threads. What is more politically incorrect that calling bitches out on their shit?
Again, fuck you.
Marry 2 and 5. Fuck 4. Rape 3. Kill 1.
found the degenerate footfag
t: beta orbiter?
t. Abdul
Would wife 3, 4 and 2, in descending order in terms of availability.
Just fucking stop with this cringe behaviour. You know how insulting this is not only for those in the picture, but also for me and other women. You treat them like objects
You are objects.
You're not a woman
Tits and ass are objects
Have you ever seen women argue? As in, really argue about something they care about? Screaming and insults are the least of it.
Its just that women don't really care about much, most of the time. They "agree to disagree", as the other user said. Because they're too dull and dim-witted to give half a shit about anything. Caring about stuff that isn't mindless, pointless consumerist crap is a social faux-pas with most women.
Marry and impregnate everyone every 9 months, rest of the time used as fleshlight.
Nice try.
Marry 3
Fuck 4
Don't care about the rest
Go ask a woman if she's ever had a serious political or idea driven conversation in a group of her friends.
They will usually get extremely defensive, for they know how fucking inane their conversations are but hate being reminded of it.
>literally a shitty repost
>1 post by OP
>"great threads"
footfetish is redpilled desu
Then men are also objects
I don't care if you believe me, my post is still true. Fuck you, asshole
That's stupid. One cunthole should be available for dick sliding at all times.
>retarded roastie that doesn't know a fucking thing about deterrence, territorialism or the world of conflict
Women grow up being coddled and everywhere they go they're presented with "friends" (people who wanna fuck you) doing you favours and telling you your shit doesn't stink. It's no wonder you don't know a fucking thing about survival of the strongest.
Well said. A mistake a lot of men make is going to look for something that isn't actually there in women. Women are mostly void.
Many such cases. Sad.
You can't even post properly, so I'm inclined to believe you are now.
>Then men are also objects
Not untrue, but women are also property too.
I'm sorry sage-brah. I'm just a bitter old wizard that keeps getting his threads deleted. Mayhap I spoke to hastily when I forged you into my target. I still stand by the general thrust of my post, though. Mods and boring motherfuckers have ruined a lot of great conversation here.
5, 3, 4, 2
Hello, have you met Ivanka?
>It's no wonder you don't know a fucking thing about survival of the strongest.
To be fair, modern man also knows very little of it. Even those who seem most aware are mostly LARPing.
Women chide each other with thinly veiled, passive aggression until one of them leaves to take a piss or change her tampon, and then the remaining women cut into her like she's the biggest bitch in the world.
And you know what?
She is.
Because you're ugly, hence on pol
Communism is a utopian meme that's used to sell socialism. Literally the same as christian heaven only for atheists.
No, which is why I struggle holding friendships with other women generally.
They think with their uteruses and fleeting emotions like a hostile hivemind that will turn on you for thinking otherwise, female hormones are a doozy naturally, which is why I stopped taking any form of birth control 5 years ago and went with different forms of contraception. I crave death and isolate hard when I get moody for no fucking reason, knowing it's for no fucking reason, so I don't burden people knowing I'm anxious and bitchy simply because of hormones, and because I generally try to be coolheaded and rational. Other women ride that tide as an excuse to be cunts to everyone else whenever they want, and feelings are justification for irrationally lashing out for them.
We get what we pay for I guess.
>ywn suffocate under her noxious thigh jowls as she drunkenly gorges herself on handfuls of fish n chips
No worries. You're not wrong about the mods. They keep deleting interesting and amusing threads while leaving up niggerdick slide threads. I do what I can though.
No they are part of human beings so therefore they are not.
I have argued with many friends. I cared so I got angry just like I'm now with your smug misogynistic replies.
You can't own a woman, asshole. Go live somewhere where you still can. Note that there were also cultures where women could own men
Not usually, they tend to talk about makeup, guys, how everyone else is shitty, and how their family sucks.
ayn rand should be wiped out of history
open bob bitch lasagna
Nice false flag, you pathetic nerd.
Stop trying to portray women like irrational children. You must have some serious issues btw.
>Note that there were also cultures where women could own men
You're hysterical. Typical.
Nice onion.
>acts like an irrational child
>accuses other, more rational female of acting like an irrational child
Thanks for understanding, man. Thanks for giving a fuck about the state of things.
Rape 3, marry kill 2, fuck 4, marry 5